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  • Meditação e Breathwork

    Na procura da paz interior e pelo equilíbrio pessoal, práticas ancestrais como a meditação e o breathwork assumem um papel de destaque. Estas técnicas não só oferecem um refúgio de serenidade neste mundo frenético, mas também têm demonstrado impactos profundos e transformadores na saúde física, mental e espiritual. Este artigo explora os princípios fundamentais da meditação e do breathwork, destacando suas aplicações contemporâneas e benefícios cientificamente comprovados, incluindo o inspirador exemplo de Wim Hof. Meditação: Conectando-se com a Essência Interior A meditação é uma prática que nos convida a mergulhar profundamente na nossa própria consciência. Por meio de técnicas como mindfulness, meditação transcendental e meditação guiada, cultivamos um estado de atenção plena que nos ajuda a transcender o tumulto mental e a encontrar paz interior. Esta prática não apenas acalma a mente, mas também fortalece a resiliência emocional e promove um sentido mais profundo de conexão consigo mesmo e com o universo. Benefícios Científicos da Meditação: Redução do Stresse e Ansiedade: Os estudos mostram que a meditação pode reduzir os níveis de cortisol e o hormónio do stresse, proporcionando um estado de relaxamento profundo e duradouro. Melhoria da Saúde Mental: As pesquisas indicam que a meditação pode ser eficaz no tratamento de transtornos como ansiedade, depressão e PTSD (transtorno de stresse pós-traumático), além de aumentar a resiliência emocional. Benefícios Cognitivos: Praticar meditação regularmente pode melhorar a concentração, a memória e a função executiva do cérebro, promovendo uma maior clareza mental e tomada de decisões mais consciente. Breathwork: A Arte da Respiração Consciente O breathwork, ou trabalho de respiração, é uma prática que utiliza técnicas respiratórias específicas para promover saúde e bem-estar. Exemplos incluem respiração diafragmática, respiração rítmica e a técnica de Wim Hof, que combina respiração profunda com exposição ao frio para fortalecer o corpo e a mente. Wim Hof, também conhecido como "Homem de Gelo", popularizou uma técnica de respiração que não só aumenta a oxigenação do corpo, mas também fortalece o sistema imunológico e reduz a inflamação. Os seus métodos têm sido estudados cientificamente e demonstraram a capacidade de influenciar o sistema nervoso auónomo, permitindo um controlo consciente sobre funções fisiológicas antes consideradas involuntárias. Benefícios do Breathwork: Aumento da Energia e Vitalidade: As práticas de breathwork melhoram a circulação sanguínea e aumentam os níveis de energia, proporcionando uma sensação renovada de vitalidade e bem-estar. Redução do Estresse Físico e Emocional: As técnicas de respiração consciente ajudam a reduzir os sintomas de stresse físico e emocional, promovendo um estado de calma e equilíbrio. Melhoria da Saúde Respiratória: O breathwork fortalece os músculos respiratórios e melhora a capacidade pulmonar, beneficiando não apenas a saúde física, mas também o funcionamento geral do organismo. Ambas as práticas, meditação e breathwork, têm sido objeto de extensas pesquisas científicas. Estudos com imagens cerebrais mostraram que a meditação pode alterar a estrutura do cérebro, fortalecendo áreas associadas à regulação emocional e ao processamento cognitivo. Da mesma forma, as técnicas de breathwork têm demonstrado impactos positivos na função cardiovascular, na redução da inflamação e na promoção do bem-estar geral. A meditação e o breathwork não são apenas técnicas contemporâneas para o bem-estar, mas também são fundamentos de tradições espirituais antigas, como o budismo e o hinduísmo, que reconhecem a profunda conexão entre corpo, mente e espírito. No budismo, a meditação é vista como um caminho para alcançar a iluminação e a libertação do sofrimento, através da prática da atenção plena e da compaixão. Da mesma forma, no hinduísmo, técnicas meditativas são utilizadas para transcender a dualidade e realizar a unidade com o divino. O breathwork, por sua vez, é frequentemente associado às práticas de pranayama yoga, onde o controlo consciente da respiração é visto como uma forma de equilibrar as energias prana do corpo e atingir estados expandidos de consciência. Essas tradições antigas não apenas validam a eficácia dessas práticas ao longo dos séculos, mas também inspiram sua aplicação moderna como ferramentas poderosas para promover saúde, paz interior e realização espiritual no mundo contemporâneo. Num mundo onde a procura pela saúde física e mental é cada vez mais crucial, a meditação e o breathwork oferecem ferramentas poderosas para cultivar um estado de bem-estar integral. Inspirados por figuras como Wim Hof, que desafiam os limites do corpo e da mente através da respiração consciente, podemos explorar novas fronteiras de autodescoberta e autoaperfeiçoamento. Incorporar essas práticas na nossa rotina diária não só melhora nossa qualidade de vida, mas também conecta-nos com a nossa essência mais profunda e com a sabedoria ancestral que transcende o tempo. Que possamos todos encontrar paz, saúde e harmonia através da jornada interior que a meditação e o breathwork nos proporcionam. Bernardo Decq Mota, 2024

  • Poderemos estar atualmente enganados quanto à nossa realidade?

    Poderemos estar atualmente enganados quanto à nossa realidade? Será que o que sempre acreditamos está errado, ou necessita de uma nova abordagem? Estas são questões fundamentais para a compreensão de quem realmente somos, presentes desde a nossa queda à 3ª Dimensão. A "queda", dita desta maneira, simboliza a descida da Consciência 5D para 3D, o que resultou em uma "cegueira" da nossa verdadeira essência. Passamos de uma priorização espiritual, da partilha, da compaixão, do amor incondicional e da valorização dos instintos, para uma priorização da materialidade, do ego, do conflito, do confronto e de um amor condicional. Pode não parecer um problema sistémico à primeira vista, mas na realidade, tornou-se uma "infestação" global. Por que se deu essa queda? Como é que os novos conceitos que surgiram nos influenciaram? De facto, essas mudanças a nível de consciência podem ser comparadas a um adulto voltar a ser bebé e ter que aprender tudo novamente. Grandes mudanças foram feitas e influenciaram as gerações seguintes. Um exemplo notável é a de identidade, comportamento e amor que vemos na Bíblia do Velho Testamento. Como passamos a adorar um Deus vingativo, julgador e castigador? Será esta supraconsciência omnipotente sedenta de aprovação e seguidores? Ou poderemos estar completamente errados face ao que acreditamos? Para mim, estamos errados. Este Deus vingativo que precisa da nossa aprovação e seguimento, apresentado no Alcorão, no Velho Testamento e na Torá, não é a Verdade. Não nos podemos esquecer que a palavra de Deus foi apresentada por pessoas. A palavra de Deus quanto à humanidade foi apresentada pela humanidade. O que se apresenta pode ser um lapso da passagem dos tempos, como no jogo do telefone, onde a mensagem inicial quando retorna a nós é completamente diferente. Deus não é apenas amor, ele é Amor Incondicional. A diferença torna-se nítida quando entendemos que o amor incondicional não exige nada em troca, não pune, não julga. Ele simplesmente é. A nossa verdadeira essência reside nesse amor incondicional, que é a base da nossa existência e da nossa consciência mais elevada. Ao reconhecer a nossa queda e a nossa "cegueira", podemos começar a despertar para a verdade de quem somos. Podemos redescobrir a nossa conexão com o divino e com o amor incondicional que permeia tudo. Esta redescoberta é um processo de relembrar, de voltar a conectar com a nossa essência espiritual e de transcender as limitações impostas pela materialidade. O caminho para esta redescoberta passa pelo autoconhecimento, pela prática do amor incondicional e pela procura da verdade interior. Precisamos de questionar as crenças e os dogmas que nos foram impostos, e abrir-nos a novas perspectivas que ressoem com a nossa essência mais profunda. A verdadeira espiritualidade não é encontrada em textos sagrados interpretados de forma rígida, mas na experiência direta do divino dentro de nós e em tudo ao nosso redor. Ao reconectar com a nossa essência divina, podemos começar a curar as divisões e os conflitos que surgiram da nossa "queda". Podemos criar um mundo baseado na compaixão, na partilha, na valorização dos instintos e no amor incondicional. Este é o verdadeiro propósito da nossa existência: redescobrir e manifestar a nossa divindade inata, vivendo em harmonia com nós mesmos, com os outros e com o universo. A transformação começa dentro de cada um de nós. Ao despertar para a nossa verdadeira essência e ao viver de acordo com os princípios do amor incondicional, podemos inspirar os outros a fazer o mesmo. Juntos, podemos elevar a consciência coletiva e reverter os efeitos da nossa "queda", criando uma nova realidade baseada na verdade, no amor e na unidade. Haverá alguma esperança? Não seremos mais do que uma espécie de seres descontrolados, lançando bombas? Permitimos que seiscentas e cinquenta e três crianças morram de fome por hora, enquanto defendemos uma economia global que beneficia uma elite reduzida. Estaremos tão reduzidos da mente coletiva que acreditamos que a solução para a violência é andar armados? Estamos tão distantes da moral coletiva que não conseguimos alterar as condições que promovem crises de refugiados, criando milhões de sem-abrigo e pedidos de asilo a outros países. Será que nos tornamos em tiranos intimidadores, com punho erguido, língua afiada e queixo levantado, prontos a desafiar qualquer um que defenda a gentileza, a paz e - Deus nos perdoe - o amor? Se nem conseguimos concordar sobre como discordar, será que podemos ao menos concordar sobre como podemos concordar? Podemos nos tornar Divinamente inspirados, Divinamente motivados, Divinamente ativos, Divinamente manifestados e Divinamente realizados? Sim. Sim, podemos. A esperança reside em nossa capacidade de reconhecer a interconexão de todas as coisas. Devemos transcender a visão limitada e abraçar uma perspectiva mais ampla, onde a compaixão e o amor incondicional sejam as forças orientadoras. É imperativo que cada um de nós comece a agir a partir de um lugar de entendimento profundo e empatia. Bernardo Decq Mota, 2024

  • Spiritual Awakening

    Spiritual Awakening is a journey of self-discovery and transformation, guided by the three fundamental principles: Light, Love, and Energy. This divine trinity permeates the entire universe and serves as a gateway to our Higher Selves. These three elements are inextricably linked, and only when all three are active can we achieve our true potential. The Path to Awakening Spiritual Awakening represents an individual's capacity to embark on an endless quest to liberate themselves from the barriers that hinder their true potential. I often associate Awakening with the Tarot card "The Fool," who is not a fool at all but rather a focused individual. This card symbolically depicts a person walking beneath the Sun towards a mountain precipice, exuding courage and bravery. The Fool is unconcerned with the potential fall because they are aware of the accompanying Light and understand the necessity of confronting the precipice to shape themselves for the journey ahead. In this Tarot card, the traveler is often accompanied by a dog, representing the divine spark within us. This dog manifests as our guardian angel, protecting us, guiding our path, and assisting us as long as we demonstrate our genuine commitment to this path. The Hebrew Letter Aleph and the Divine Spark The Fool card is associated with the Hebrew letter Aleph, the number 1, symbolizing the beginning of the journey, initiated by the awakening awareness that everything reveals the exemplary unity constituting the divine. As the Fool approaches the abyss, they perceive the divine presence within the apparent void, transforming the "fall" into an ascending bridge connecting the material world to the seemingly distant spiritual realm. The divine and material realms are merely a duality that conceals the supreme Unity. The Dog as Companion and Guide The dog is the faithful "companion" and "guide" who follows and often precedes us on this quest. Being an Angel is merely a phase, as immense manifestations of Divinity lie above. They are often referred to as Seraphim. The Hebrew word Saraf means "to burn" or "to set on fire," perhaps an allusion to biblical traditions where God is compared to a "fire" or even a "consuming fire." It also highlights the symbolic meaning of the alchemical fire, an accelerator and motivator of transmutation, driven by its divine nature of fire that does not burn but rather imparts or motivates the transformation generated by the proximity and sharing of divinity as a blessing of love. Awakening Through Curiosity and Divine Focus This learning process must be fueled by a deep motivation rather than mere curiosity or a desire for ostentation. Regardless, this simple curiosity will not go unnoticed, as certain synchronicities will manifest to test its depth and motivate, or not, the emergence of a "companion" or guide on the path ahead. Ultimately, this is the role of the ascending Seraph, whether symbolic or not. Spiritual Awakening consists precisely of this journey because it seeks one thing: Truth. Truth is the purpose of embarking on this journey, and if accompanied by our focus on the Divine, it will manifest with its help. When a person exhibits curiosity, they manifest to the Universe what they want to attract, and the Universe responds to this signal and puts them to the test. It may start by showing books that may be essential, or numerical synchronicity. It is as if a download from the net improves day by day and activates the divine portion within us that grows because we focus our consciousness on it, and the Universe responds and activates. Focusing on the Divine and Expanding Our Capacity What sparks Awakening is the focus of our existence. If we focus on the trivial, we have a destiny, but if we start focusing on higher vibrations, we begin to develop the Divine. At the same time, this focus adjusts our support, as we gradually become able to withstand more energy as we discharge more and evolve further. As the downloads increase and our evolution progresses, these "guides" or companions who assist our path guide us to paths that will be opened to us so that we can focus more and show more aspects of the Whole of the Divine. Awakening: A Universal Journey This journey is not for the chosen or desired, but for all, as this intense focus can be done by anyone with a deep interest in the Divine. As they blaze a trail like Ganesha is symbolically associated with, they will open up more, and for the adventurer, the mission will be to focus on the Divine aspects that will emerge, which will lead to more "downloads" that will allow the individual to know more and more about the Divine. Indeed, Spiritual Awakening is happening more commonly around the world, with the instant sharing of information on social media, there is greater access to countless content related to Spiritual Awakening. This sharing in a way also helps in the Awakening of the person who does it because they are always Reminding while sharing.

  • Love is the Answer

    Hello my friends, For thousands of years, Humanity has been trying to find happiness and harmony endlessly. Despite the efforts the closer we get, the more violent we become. I'm not only talking about 2000 years ago but still nowadays. In the 2nd century BC the Romans would throw people to the lions in the Coliseum and called entertainment; today we brought that to the screens and make movies about how violent humans can get and call that entertainment. In 2022 the World Health Organization made a statement saying that chemicals in food are the biggest cause of viruses and diseases the topic "Food Safety", but we still prefer to eat the aliments that contain the most amount of chemicals and call that "I'm eating like a King!". In reality, the food we eat will in less than 20 years destroy our bodies completely, yet we still do it. In the USA its easier to buy a weapon than to get certain prescriptions for 13 years old children, but people prefer to call that "safety" despite Albert Einstein once wisely remarking, "You cannot solve a problem with the same energy that created it", but we still do it. We started pursuing Nuclear Energy to free ourselves from Fossil Fuels and today we threaten other nations to do "our" way saying we have a "red button" on the desk. Everything we try to pursue to give us freedom and happiness get us closer to death. This is explained by our self-destructive traits. Humanity is a self-destructive species. We are trying for thousands of years to solve our problems with the same energy that created them, and we get always the same answer: destruction. To break free from this cycle, we must transcend the energy that fuels it. Love, in its purest form, embodies a transformative power that can heal wounds, dissolve barriers, and cultivate compassion. It goes beyond mere sentimentality and becomes a guiding force, a profound understanding that we are interconnected beings sharing a collective journey. Love is all there is. In the book "Conversations with God" by Neale Donald Walsch, Love is described as the root of all our actions, even the ones we would call "bad". The problem with us is that we don't understand how to express Love in the purest form. At the heart of our struggles lies the illusion of separation. We perceive ourselves as isolated individuals, disconnected from one another and from the world around us. This illusion gives rise to fear, competition, and the desire to dominate. However, the spiritual truth reveals that we are all interconnected, part of a vast cosmic tapestry woven by the divine, We Are All One. Love, as the antidote to separation, awakens us to this inherent unity. It teaches us to see beyond superficial differences and recognize the essential divinity within every being. By embracing love as our guiding principle, we dissolve the boundaries that divide us, fostering understanding, empathy, and compassion. The transformative power of love extends not only to our relationships with others but also to our selves. Love invites us to transcend self-destructive behaviours and embrace self-care, honouring the sacred vessel that houses our divine essence. Through self-love and acceptance, we embark on a journey of healing and wholeness, empowering us to radiate love outwards. Love acts as a catalyst for profound personal and societal transformation. When we approach conflicts with love, we seek resolutions that prioritize understanding, reconciliation, and forgiveness. Love empowers us to communicate empathetically, finding common ground even amidst differences. It encourages us to replace judgment with acceptance and replace aggression with kindness. Though the resolution to humanity's struggles may seem intricate, the solution is surprisingly straightforward: Love. It necessitates a deliberate decision and a dedication to embody love in every aspect of our thoughts, speech, and deeds. By embracing love, we liberate ourselves from the repetitive patterns of the past and forge a fresh existence rooted in unity, peace, and harmony. The path of love presents challenges that cannot be overlooked. It calls for bravery, vulnerability, and readiness to transcend our ego-driven impulses. Yet, the rewards it bestows are profound: a world in which conflicts find resolution through compassion, where violence gives way to understanding, and where humanity moves forward hand in hand, united by the transformative power of love. As we consider the timeless wisdom that encourages us to approach challenges from a fresh perspective, we come to a profound realization: Love is the key. It is the answer we've been seeking throughout history. By wholeheartedly embracing love as our guiding force, we unlock the potential to transcend the recurring cycles of conflict that have plagued humanity for ages. To embark on this transformative journey, we must start by looking within ourselves. It involves introspection and recognizing the self-destructive behaviors that hinder our progress and perpetuate discord. It requires a steadfast commitment to replace these patterns with acts of love, kindness, and compassion. When we cultivate love within ourselves, we lay the foundation for profound personal growth. But the journey toward a more loving world doesn't end with self-reflection alone. We must extend our efforts outward, nurturing love in our relationships, communities, and beyond. It calls for empathetic understanding, active listening, and a willingness to bridge divides. Through our actions, we can create an environment that inspires others to embrace love as well. The impact of love knows no boundaries. It transcends borders, cultures, and ideologies, touching every aspect of our existence. Let us extend love to those who are marginalized or in need, advocating for justice and equality. Let us seek peaceful resolutions to conflicts, replacing hostility with open dialogue and understanding. By infusing love into our societies, we pave the way for a brighter future. In this vast tapestry of life, each of us possesses the power to make a difference. Every act of love, no matter how small, contributes to the collective transformation we yearn for. So, let us stand together, united in love, as we sow the seeds of compassion and harmony. Together, we can shape a world where love reigns supreme, leaving a legacy of peace and fulfillment for future generations. With Love, Bernardo Decq Mota

  • Karaniya Metta Sutta: The Buddha's Words on Loving-Kindness

    Karaniya Metta Sutta: The Buddha's Words on Loving-Kindness translated from the Pali by The Amaravati Sangha This is what should be done By one who is skilled in goodness, And who knows the path of peace: Let them be able and upright, Straightforward and gentle in speech, Humble and not conceited, Contented and easily satisfied, Unburdened with duties and frugal in their ways. Peaceful and calm and wise and skillful, Not proud or demanding in nature. Let them not do the slightest thing That the wise would later reprove. Wishing: In gladness and in safety, May all beings be at ease. Whatever living beings there may be; Whether they are weak or strong, omitting none, The great or the mighty, medium, short or small, The seen and the unseen, Those living near and far away, Those born and to-be-born — May all beings be at ease! Let none deceive another, Or despise any being in any state. Let none through anger or ill-will Wish harm upon another. Even as a mother protects with her life Her child, her only child, So with a boundless heart Should one cherish all living beings; Radiating kindness over the entire world: Spreading upwards to the skies, And downwards to the depths; Outwards and unbounded, Freed from hatred and ill-will. Whether standing or walking, seated or lying down Free from drowsiness, One should sustain this recollection. This is said to be the sublime abiding. By not holding to fixed views, The pure-hearted one, having clarity of vision, Being freed from all sense desires, Is not born again into this world.

  • Positive and negative energy and emotions

    I don't think I've gone over this before but let's talk a bit about negative energy and emotions. Now most people will tell you that negative emotions and energy are like a poison that slowly eats away at you but I speak from personal experience when I tell you they're wrong. Negative emotions and energy are not a poison. They're a drug. Hate will turn you against everyone you care for. Anger will drive you and can be a good motivator but if you have it in excess it can and will destroy you and receive you love. Fear is the absolute worst of the negative emotions. It will stop you from doing everything and will make certain you never do it again. Grief takes its own time to pass and it will if you do not dwell on the negative, the loss itself. There are ways to counter each emotion though. You can fight hate with love, anger with serenity and fear with comfort. As long as you can maintain these positive emotions you will create positive energy and it will help you think more clearly, feel better and be better. If, however, you feel having these positive emotions is not enough then you can use the grounding technique. Place your feet firmly on the ground, straighten your back and face forward. Close your eyes and visualize yourself like a tree. Extend your 'roots' down into the earth as far as you can go. Once you have done this I want you to visualize all your negative emotions and energy within your body, this may appear as a dark red, black, gray or whatever color filling your body. After you visualize it I want you to push it down from your head down through your shoulders, past your torso, through your legs and out the bottom of your feet. Push the energy through your 'roots' and into the earth. Do not fret though. The Earth Mother Terra will take that energy and purify it then use it for her own needs. You do not require this energy anymore. This technique may leave you feeling empty but there is a way to fix that. If you've stuck around long enough you will know who Source is. It created everything and through it the souls are born. It gives off its own light energy and feels euphoric. It is this energy you will take into yourself. You can picture it as a stream of white light coming from the sky and into your head straight through the top where your crown chakra is. This stream will slowly fill you up and repair the damage done to your body from the negative energy you just pushed out. Visualize the stream flowing into you and filling you up starting with your feet. It will fill your body up like a container and it will start purifying and healing your body. This energy will likely leave you feeling high but worry not. There is no ill effect from this energy and it will rejuvenate and refresh you. After you have done this I want you to picture a bubble of this energy expanding and surrounding you. This is an energy shield that will protect you from negative energy and psychic attacks. The grounding meditation helps with grief, but when absorbing energy from Source, also absorb it from the Earth. Terra can sooth grief and help you move through the stages to acceptance and peace.

  • Energy Lesson 3: Energy Gathering.

    Now that you all know how to use energy in a few different ways, I would like to go over energy gathering. What I recommend you do as it is what I do is drop yourself into a meditative state and focus on your energy center, dan tian or whatever you are using to focus energy and then use deep breathing techniques, in through your nose, out through your mouth. While you do that feel your energy condensing into your center and expanding as the energy grows. You can do this with multiple types of energy. While you gather energy you will notice it moving through your body via energy channels. This is normal. Your energy will naturally flow counterclockwise in the same direction as your blood. Keep gathering energy until you feel you are completely full and maintain that fullness. Remember only you know what your limit is, no one else, including myself, can tell you what your limits are. So go as far as you can and keep pushing your limits. You will find one day that you can hold twice as much energy as you do now.

  • Energy Lesson 2

    Barriers. Barriers can come in all shapes and forms from a simple wall barrier to a complex energy reflection barrier. So to start with the barrier you will need to form your energy ball in whichever hand you used during the previous lesson. This time though I want you to flatten it into a disc and expand it out in front of you. This is a standard Circular Shield which will protect you from attacks from the front but anyone worth their salt knows that in battle the enemy isn’t going to hit you in the front. So this barrier is good for a start but once you’ve got it up I recommend refining it. The best way to do this is to make it turn into a sphere around you that way no attack can hit you and any incoming attacks will glance off to the side. This is a basic shield which will do basic defense but isn’t particularly good at defending against specialized things such as elemental attacks. For these you may want something designed to absorb or negate different attacks. For example if you’ve got a fire based attack coming at you you’re going to want a water shield or a fire shield. A water shield will naturally negate the fire attack because water douses fire. A fire shield however will absorb the attack and use it to grow stronger. There are many kinds of attacks out there but what would happen if you were to be attacked with a mental based ability? Your energy shield isn’t going to do much against that and this is why you’ll need to strengthen your mental defenses. To do this you can set up your mindscape in any way you wish to deter attackers. My personal setup is designed to be a psychotic hellscape to anyone who shouldn’t be in there. It drives the attacker insane and turns them into a gibbering lump of flesh. Back to barriers though. In my opinion the strongest barrier in existence is an absorption and reflection barrier that absorbs attacks and either uses the energy to strengthen itself or reflects it back at the attacker. There is a third option with these though. You can store energy within it and use the stored up energy to amplify the reflection thus creating an attack that is at least double the power of the incoming attack. Like the energy ball the barrier is only limited by your own imagination. So experiment with what’s best for you. A word of warning though. Don’t just stick to one barrier type. BE VERSATILE. If you can do this then you’ll be damn near impossible to beat.

  • Golden Chain Meditation

    Alright. So you want to contact your higher self and don't know how. There's a simple method for that. Let's begin with meditation. You'll want to get yourself into a comfortable position that you can stay in for a while. (Cross legged OM shit is not recommended as you could cut off circulation to one or both legs.) Now. Close your eyes and breathe in and out slowly. As you inhale I want you to bring with that breath a peace of mind and calm tranquility. As you exhale I want you to breathe out all stress and tension. Now. Once you complete this and are in a state of peace I want you to visualize yourself and only yourself. Visualize a golden chain coming off of your body at some point. (For me it's the crown chakra.) Follow this golden chain until you encounter another being on your chain. It should feel like you but more. This is your higher self.

  • Faith Mind Poem

    The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no preferences. When love and hate are both absent everything becomes clear and undisguised. Make the smallest distinction, however, and heaven and earth are set infinitely apart. If you wish to see the truth, then hold no opinions for or against anything. To set what you like against what you dislike is the disease of the mind. When the deep meaning of things is not understood the mind’s essential peace is disturbed to no avail. The Way is perfect, like vast space where nothing is lacking and nothing is in excess. Indeed, it is due to our choosing to accept or reject that we do not see the true nature of things. Live neither in the entanglements of outer things, nor in inner feelings of emptiness. Be serene in the oneness of things and such erroneous views will disappear by themselves. When you try to stop activity to achieve passivity, your very effort fills you with activity. As long as you remain in one extreme or the other you will never know Oneness. Those who do not live in the single Way fail in both activity and passivity, assertion and denial. To deny the reality of things is to miss their reality; to assert the emptiness of things is to miss their reality. The more you talk and think about it, the further astray you wander from the truth. Stop talking and thinking, and there is nothing you will not be able to know. To return to the root is to find the meaning, but to pursue appearances is to miss the source. At the moment of inner enlightenment there is a going beyond appearance and emptiness. The changes that appear to occur in the empty world we call real only because of our ignorance. Do not search for the truth; only cease to cherish opinions. Do not remain in the dualistic state; avoid such pursuits carefully. If there is even a trace of this and that, of right and wrong, the Mind-essence will be lost in confusion. Although all dualities come from the One, do not be attached even to this One. When the mind exists undisturbed in the Way, nothing in the world can offend, and when a thing can no longer offend, it ceases to exist in the old way. When no discriminating thoughts arise, the old mind ceases to exist. When thought-objects vanish, the thinking-subject vanishes, as when the mind vanishes, objects vanish. Things are objects because of the subject; the mind is such because of things. Understand the relativity of these two and the basic reality: the unity of emptiness. In this emptiness the two are indistinguishable and each contains in itself the whole world. If you do not discriminate between coarse and fine you will not be tempted to prejudice and opinion. To live in the Great Way is neither easy nor difficult, but those with limited views are fearful and irresolute: the faster they hurry, the slower they go, and clinging cannot be limited; even to be attached to the idea of enlightenment is to go astray. Just let things be in their own way and there will be neither coming nor going. Obey the nature of things, and you will walk freely and undisturbed. When thought is in bondage the truth is hidden, for everything is murky and unclear, and the burdensome practice of judging brings annoyance and weariness. What benefit can be derived from distinctions and separations? If you wish to move in the One Way, do not dislike even the world of senses and ideas. Indeed, to accept them fully is identical with true Enlightenment. The wise person strives toward no goals but the foolish person fetters themselves. There is one Dharma, not many; distinctions arise from the clinging needs of the ignorant. To seek Mind with the discriminating mind is the greatest of all mistakes. Rest and unrest derive from illusion; with enlightenment there is no liking and disliking. All dualities come from ignorant inference. They are like dreams or flowers in air: foolish to try to grasp them. Gain and loss, right and wrong: such thoughts must finally be abolished at once. If the eye never sleeps, all dreams will naturally cease. If the mind makes no discriminations, the ten thousand things are as they are, of single essence. To understand the mystery of this One-essence is to be released from all entanglements. When all things are seen equally the timeless Self-essence is reached. No comparisons or analogies are possible in this causeless, relationless state. Consider movement stationary and the stationary in motion, both movement and rest disappear. When such dualities cease to exist Oneness itself cannot exist. To this ultimate finality no law or description applies. For the unified mind in accord with the Way all self-centered striving ceases. Doubts and irresolutions vanish and life in true faith is possible. With a single stroke we are freed from bondage; nothing clings to us and we hold to nothing. All is empty, clear, self-illuminating with no exertion of the mind’s power. Here, thought, feeling, knowledge, and imagination are of no value. In this world of Suchness there is neither self nor other-than-self. To come directly into harmony with this reality just simply say when doubt arises, “not two.” In this “not two” nothing is separate, nothing is excluded. No matter when or where, enlightenment means entering this truth. And this truth is beyond extension or diminution in time or space; in it a single thought is ten thousand years. Emptiness here, emptiness there, but the infinite universe stands always before your eyes. Infinitely large and infinitely small; no difference, for definitions have vanished and no boundaries are seen. So too with being and non-being. Don't waste time in doubts and arguments that have nothing to do with this. One thing, all things, move among and intermingle without distinction. To live in this realization is to be without anxiety about non-perfection. To live in this faith is the road to non-duality because the non-dual is one with the trusting mind. Words! The Way is beyond language, for in it there is no yesterday no tomorrow no today. From Liturgy Manual of Zen Mountain Monastery, (c) Dharma Communications

  • Suffering, Tip of the abyss, Rupture

    All normal human feelings, but necessary for their evolution, there is no maturity, nor growth or strength without having to suffer through surprising situations that we never imagined. This was one of the concepts that Siddhartha Gautama preached. How do we free ourselves from suffering? Accepting it, because it is inevitable, there is always a deeper reason for it to happen, everything has a purpose to be. Suffering is part of life, and nothing lasts forever, so we must fully see it as a passing thing that will teach us something and improve us as people in the future. Neutrality, all that is perfection is in the middle, in the neutral, how do we totally defeat human emotions? Living on the basis of neutrality, here is another solution, to look at suffering in another way. If we always live in the middle and in the balance of things, nothing disappoints us until we fall. Something assertive is that after suffering, in this dark and deep tunnel, there is always something that is the deepest and most burning light, and when we become ultra strong human beings, with these stones that we stumble, we ascend from them, we “own ” a phoenix and we rise from the ashes, and we have intense rewards if we deserve it. In the search for any happiness in this life, we will always have suffering, it is decisive that we will find suffering implicit in happiness. In any situation that you may be in, there is always a solution, it always ends up changing, and it passes, and to go faster as I "think fast" I still give you a better solution, surround yourself with people of LOVE, of good, full of energy and positive, love yourself, that will cure you of any kind of petty suffering, as soon as possible. NT (PT) Sofrimento, Ponta do abismo, Rutura Tudo sentimentos normais do ser humanos, mas necessários à sua evolução, não há maturidade, nem há crescimento ou força sem termos que sofrer por situações surpreendentes que jamais imaginamos. Este era um dos conceitos que Siddhartha Gautama pregava. Como é que nos libertamos do sofrimento? Aceitando-o, porque ele é inevitável, há sempre uma razão mais profunda para ele acontecer, tudo tem um propósito de ser. O sofrimento faz parte da vida, e nada dura para sempre, por isso devemos na sua totalidade vê-lo como algo passageiro que ensinará algo e nos melhora como pessoas no futuro. Neutralidade, tudo o que é perfeição está no meio, no neutro, como é que totalmente derrotamos as emoções humanas? Viver na base da neutralidade, aqui está outra solução, para olhar para o sofrimento de outra maneira. Se vivermos sempre no meio e no equilíbrio das coisas, nada nos desilude até cairmos. Algo assertivo, é que depois do sofrimento, nesse túnel escuro e fundo, existe sempre algo que é a luz mais profunda e ardente, e quando nos tornamos em seres humanos ultra fortes, com estas pedras que tropeçamos, nós ascendemos delas, nós “possuímos” uma Phoenix e reascendemos das cinzas, e temos recompensas intensas se merecermos. Na procura de qualquer felicidade nesta vida, vamos ter sempre sofrimento é decisivo que vamos encontrar subentendido na felicidade o sofrimento. Em qualquer situação que se possa estar, à sempre solução, acaba sempre por mudar, e passar, e para passar mais rápido como “penso rápido” ainda vos dou uma solução melhor, rodearem-se de pessoas do AMOR, do bem, cheias de energia e positivas, amarem-se a vós próprios, isso sim vai-vos curar de qualquer tipo de sofrimento reles, o mais breve possível. NT

  • We Are Just One

    More than ever we have to be human beings united, with Compassion, Love, Light and Energy. No friction has ever been won with hate, love wins absolutely any situation in this life, be it love with others or with ourselves. It is necessary to understand that in this modern world, more and more the population has unbalanced hemispheres of the brain, which can gradually make it difficult at times to empathize with others. But the solution, the perfect is a more logical brain than the emotional to have concise and quick solutions to any problem. The emotional sometimes takes us to very dark fields, such as depression, which is nothing more or less than the body asking for an urgent change. In the modern world, it is necessary to have a lot of empathy and compassion for others because we are all interconnected on this planet Earth. In fact, in our daily lives, we never know what the other is going through, both at a family and personal level, so it is unthinkable not to show positive emotions and good energies to everyone, because we don't know their lives. Spiritually, I appeal for energy transfers to humanity, because we need happy and satisfied people, which becomes difficult with access to everything we have today, sometimes we don't value the small or the immaterial. There has to be rediscovery, we have to try to understand the tastes of our soul and our deepest inner being, and make an effort to eliminate these human “defects” such as: lust, materiality, consumerism, etc. Because we as spiritual beings are complete and perfect beings. We are a Utopia of jointly built perfection. The more we are united with our spiritual side, the happier we will be. Because on earth there is nothing that should hold on to us, because as I have already mentioned in other chronicles, nothing is permanent, there is no reason for the maximum possession of something. Our spiritual side shows us where the maximum divine light can take us, to incredible sensations and experiences of pure harmony and happiness. What I advise those who are reading here is to reconnect with their spiritual side, this is the side that saves you, and that brings us all together. In the human world, it is essential to make an effort to ignore what is really unimportant (what I mentioned above), but to have the feeling, for example, of praising someone and seeing an embarrassed and happy smile tearing up, these are sensations that It doesn't have any kind of price but it has all the value. You who are reading this are not alone! We are all on this burning stone walk, where our feet often burn, and we feel like going out and making other types of shortcuts, but the path is not on the left, nor on the right, but ahead, in the middle. And the more we walk, the more we will realize that in reality, it doesn't hurt at all, and it's just a human experience, with the power of the iron mind, nothing is felt, except all that human life has to give. “I have found that the highest degree of inner peace comes from the practice of love and compassion. The more we care about the happiness of our fellow human beings, the greater our own well-being. When we cultivate a deep and caring feeling for others, we automatically move into a state of serenity. This is the main source of happiness.” Dalai Lama NT (PT) Somos Só Um Mais do que nunca temos de ser seres humanos unidos, com Compaixão, Amor, Luz e Energia. Jamais se venceu algum atrito com ódio, o amor vence absolutamente qualquer situação nesta vida, seja amor com os outros, seja connosco próprios. É preciso entender que neste mundo moderno, cada vez mais a população tem os hemisférios do cérebro desequilibrados, o que pode dificultar gradualmente às vezes a empatia por outrem. Porém à solução, o perfeito é um cérebro mais lógico do que o emocional para termos soluções concisas e rápidas para qualquer problema. O emocional às vezes leva-nos para campos bastantes escuros, como por exemplo, a depressão, que é nada mais nada menos do que o corpo a pedir uma urgente mudança. No mundo moderno, é preciso ter muita empatia e compaixão pelo próximo pois estamos todos interligados neste planeta Terra. Aliás no nosso dia-a-dia, nunca sabemos o que o outro está a passar tanto a nível familiar como pessoal, por isso é impensável não demonstrar emoções positivas e boas energias para toda as pessoas, pois não sabemos a vida delas. Espiritualmente, apelo a passagens de energia à humanidade, porque precisamos de pessoas felizes e satisfeitas, que se torna difícil com o acesso a tudo que temos hoje, às vezes passamos a não valorizar o pequeno ou o imaterial. Há que haver redescoberta, há que tentar perceber os gostos da nossa alma e do nosso ser interior mais profundo, e fazer um esforço para eliminar esses “defeitos” humanos como: luxúria, materialidade, consumismo etc. Porque nós como seres espirituais, somos seres completos e perfeitos. Somos uma Utopia de perfeição conjunta edificada. Quanto mais estivermos unidos ao nosso lado espiritual mais feliz seremos. Porque na terra não há nada que nos deva agarrar, porque como já referi em outras crónicas, nada é permanente, não há razão a posse máxima de algo. O nosso lado espiritual mostra-nos onde é que a luz divina máxima nos pode levar, a sensações e a experiências incríveis de pura harmonia e felicidade. O que aconselho a quem aqui está a ler, é a reconectar-se com o seu lado espiritual, este sim, é o lado que vos salva, e que nos junta a todos. No mundo humano é indispensável um esforço para ignorar o que realmente não é importante (o que referi acima), mas sim, ter a sensação por exemplo de elogiar alguém e ver um sorriso envergonhado e feliz a rasgar-se, isso sim são sensações que não tem qualquer tipo de preço mas têm todo o valor. Tu que estás a ler isto, não estás sozinho! Estamos todos nesta caminhada ardente de pedras, em que os pés muitas vezes queimam, e apetece sair e fazer outros tipos de atalhos, mas o caminho não está na esquerda, nem na direita mas sim à frente, no meio. E quanto mais andarmos, mais vamos perceber que na realidade, não doi nada, e é só uma experiência humana, com o poder da mente de ferro, nada se sente, a não ser tudo o que a vida humana tem pra dar de bom. “Descobri que o mais alto grau de paz interior decorre da prática do amor e da compaixão. Quanto mais nos importamos com a felicidade de nossos semelhantes, maior o nosso próprio bem-estar. Ao cultivarmos um sentimento profundo e carinhoso pelos outros, passamos automaticamente para um estado de serenidade. Esta é a principal fonte da felicidade.” Dalai-lama

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