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Golden Chain Meditation

Alright. So you want to contact your higher self and don't know how. There's a simple method for that.

Let's begin with meditation. You'll want to get yourself into a comfortable position that you can stay in for a while. (Cross legged OM shit is not recommended as you could cut off circulation to one or both legs.) Now. Close your eyes and breathe in and out slowly. As you inhale I want you to bring with that breath a peace of mind and calm tranquility. As you exhale I want you to breathe out all stress and tension.

Now. Once you complete this and are in a state of peace I want you to visualize yourself and only yourself. Visualize a golden chain coming off of your body at some point. (For me it's the crown chakra.) Follow this golden chain until you encounter another being on your chain. It should feel like you but more. This is your higher self.

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