I don't think I've gone over this before but let's talk a bit about negative energy and emotions.
Now most people will tell you that negative emotions and energy are like a poison that slowly eats away at you but I speak from personal experience when I tell you they're wrong. Negative emotions and energy are not a poison. They're a drug. Hate will turn you against everyone you care for. Anger will drive you and can be a good motivator but if you have it in excess it can and will destroy you and receive you love. Fear is the absolute worst of the negative emotions. It will stop you from doing everything and will make certain you never do it again. Grief takes its own time to pass and it will if you do not dwell on the negative, the loss itself.
There are ways to counter each emotion though. You can fight hate with love, anger with serenity and fear with comfort. As long as you can maintain these positive emotions you will create positive energy and it will help you think more clearly, feel better and be better. If, however, you feel having these positive emotions is not enough then you can use the grounding technique.
Place your feet firmly on the ground, straighten your back and face forward. Close your eyes and visualize yourself like a tree. Extend your 'roots' down into the earth as far as you can go. Once you have done this I want you to visualize all your negative emotions and energy within your body, this may appear as a dark red, black, gray or whatever color filling your body. After you visualize it I want you to push it down from your head down through your shoulders, past your torso, through your legs and out the bottom of your feet. Push the energy through your 'roots' and into the earth. Do not fret though. The Earth Mother Terra will take that energy and purify it then use it for her own needs. You do not require this energy anymore.
This technique may leave you feeling empty but there is a way to fix that. If you've stuck around long enough you will know who Source is. It created everything and through it the souls are born. It gives off its own light energy and feels euphoric. It is this energy you will take into yourself. You can picture it as a stream of white light coming from the sky and into your head straight through the top where your crown chakra is. This stream will slowly fill you up and repair the damage done to your body from the negative energy you just pushed out. Visualize the stream flowing into you and filling you up starting with your feet. It will fill your body up like a container and it will start purifying and healing your body. This energy will likely leave you feeling high but worry not. There is no ill effect from this energy and it will rejuvenate and refresh you.
After you have done this I want you to picture a bubble of this energy expanding and surrounding you. This is an energy shield that will protect you from negative energy and psychic attacks.
The grounding meditation helps with grief, but when absorbing energy from Source, also absorb it from the Earth. Terra can sooth grief and help you move through the stages to acceptance and peace.