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  • The Tree Of Life

    The Tree of Life is a sacred symbol of creation, fecundity and immortality. The leaves grow towards the sky towards the divine father and the roots towards the underworld towards mother earth. The Tree of Life is associated with Ishtar, goddess of fertility (the most important deity in Mesopotamia). The mythological sacrifices offered to the World Tree were intended to feed and give strength to a female element which in turn was the creative force of all existence. The tree of life therefore represents the connection that exists between the material and spiritual worlds. As one of the first creations, the tree of life carries a significant meaning of fruitfulness. Relating to the idea of ​​being able to fertilize, create life, the tree of life also appears related to the idea of ​​immortality. In some cultures the tree of life is linked to the enlightenment of beings, for a life of constant development. It is important to understand that there is a connection between everything we were, are and can be, favoring the search for constant spiritual development. The tree of life is also shown to represent something that is strong and stable, just as one wants to become. For me it has a very important symbology, because if we use a metaphor as I use it, we understand it well. Now a tree endures, summer with fruits, spring blooming with flowers, it becomes beautiful and healthy, but then winter comes as part of a cycle and it is shattered with just branches, however it returns to its shape soon after and I like to use this analogy for myself, because all of us spiritual beings living this human journey are like trees, we go through winters, but we always have our spring, because nothing in this life is permanent. Deep down, we are all trees of life, full of layers, and each wave has helped us to become stronger and more resilient for any winter that may come. The tree also has very strong and grounded roots, and these roots are the roots of our personal and inner growth. There is a right time for everything, so it is necessary to let each root develop slowly, and to take advantage of what life gives us. Because after the root comes the branch, from the branch the leaves and from the leaves, the flowers. Note: The use of a flower of life necklace or accessory will bring protection and good energies; NT (PT) A árvore da vida A Árvore da Vida é um símbolo sagrado da criação, fecundidade e imortalidade. As folhas crescem em direção ao céu ao pai divino e as raízes ao submundo relação à mãe terra. A Árvore da Vida está associada à Ishtar, deusa da fertilidade (a divindade mais importante da Mesopotâmia). Os sacrifícios mitológicos oferecidos à Árvore do Mundo tinham o objetivo de alimentar e dar força a um elemento feminino que por sua vez era a força criadora de toda a existência. A árvore da vida representa, portanto, a conexão que existe entre o mundo material e o espiritual. Sendo uma das primeiras criações, a árvore da vida traz um significante significado de fecundidade. Relacionando-se à ideia de poder fecundar, criar vida, a árvore da vida também surge relacionada com a ideia da imortalidade. Em algumas culturas a árvore da vida está ligada a iluminação dos seres, para uma vida de constante desenvolvimento. É de importância entender que há uma conexão entre tudo que fomos, somos e podemos ser, favorecendo a busca por desenvolvimento espiritual constante. A árvore da vida também se mostra ao representar algo que é forte e estável, assim como se deseja tornar-se. Para mim tem uma simbologia bastante importante, porque se usarmos uma metáfora como eu uso, compreendemos bem. Ora uma árvore aguenta, verão com frutos, a primavera o desabrochar com flores, fica bela e saudável, mas depois vem o inverno como parte de um ciclo e ela fica despedaçada só com galhos, no entanto volta à sua forma logo depois e gosto de usar esta analogia para mim mesma, pois todos nós seres espirituais a viver esta caminhada humana, somos como árvores, passamos por invernos, mas temos sempre a nossa primavera, porque nada nesta vida é permanente. No fundo, somos todos árvores da vida, cheios de camadas, e cada uma levas ajudou-nos a tornarmo-nos mais fortes e mais resistentes para qualquer Inverno que possa vir. A árvore também tem raízes bem fortes e assentes no chão, e essas raízes são as raízes do nosso crescimento pessoal e interior. Há um tempo certo para tudo, por isso é preciso deixar cada raiz ir-se formando devagarinho, e ir aproveitando o que a vida nos dá. Porque depois da raiz, vem o galho, do galho as folhas e das folhas, as flores. Nota: O uso de algum colar, ou acessório da flor da vida, trará proteção e boas energias; NT

  • Egypt’s Osirian Revolution: The World’s First Revolution

    Ancient Egypt’s Osirian (Ausarian) Revolution which resulted in the rise of the Ausarian Religion is the first Revolution in world History. The Osirian Revolution occurred towards the end of Egypt’s First Golden Pyramid Age also referred to as the Old Kingdom. Origins and Causes Of The Osirian (Ausarian) Revolution The origins and causes of the world’s first Revolution were rooted in the fact that from the days of Pre-Dynastic Egypt and into the Old Kingdom (1st– 6th Dynasties), only Kings in Egypt were regarded as Divine with the afterlife being the exclusive right of Kings to which Commoners were not entitled. In this regard, The Pyramids Texts were clear when they stated that the Pharaoh: “You enter the gates of heaven – That people are not allowed”. However, the seeds of the Osirian Revolution that would lead to the world’s first revolt were sown in the year 4241 BC when the Sirius star rose at the same time as the Sun symbolised by the Egyptian Neter Deity, RA. This observation led to a more accurate Solar Calendar which now included the previously absent Quarter of a day in the Solar year which allowed the Ancient Egyptians to time the flooding of the Nile River more accurately than they did when they relied on a Lunar Calendar. As a result, the Cult and Priests of RA were highly elevated and the figure of Osiris who was one of the original Deities of the RA Cult also began to spread in popularity. Political & Economic Challenges During Egypt’s Old Kingdom & The Osirian Revolution The turning point that would lead to the rise of Osiris (Ausar) and the Osirian Revolution would be the widespread Commoner revolt that occurred because of the deterioration in Administrative standards causing widespread inequality and poverty amongst the Egyptian population. According to Chiekh Anta Diop in Civilization Or Barbarism, the main reason for this state of affairs was Ancient Egypt’s Economy which was organised along a classical Ancient World system of Economic Organization which Karl Marx called The Asiatic Mode Of Production (AMP). This model would lead to the outbreak of the world’s first Revolution in Ancient Egypt’s Osirian (Ausarian) Revolution because the Kings owned all the land with most people being dependant on the State for their Provisions, Defence and Survival in exchange for their Labour. Diop contends that this is why Ancient Egypt was able to produce such a large surplus and have the labour to conduct massive building projects such as the Pyramids because although Egypt was not a Slave State, the Asiatic Mode Of Production ensured that there was a massive pool of labour available at very little cost. Eventually this system would reach its limits as internal strife amongst the Priest Cults was coupled with complaints of corruption, deprivation and tirrany from the Commoners. As a result, the people of Ancient Egypt initiated the Osirian Revolt which heightened to become the world’s first Revolution from the 4th to the 6th Dynasties of the Old Kingdom. During the period of the Osirian Revolution, Osiris (Ausar) evolved as a symbolic Messianic figure who sympathised with the suffering of Commoners in the spirit of resisting the tyranny of the Kings and the Nobles of Ancient Egypt. The outcome of this Osirian Rebellion is that the Ausarian Religion was elevated and the Divine Council of Gods was changed from 5 to 9 Deities in Theological Texts like the Ennead and Metu Neter Oracle in order to accomodate the new status of Ausar (Osiris) as custodian of the authentic Spirit of the Pre-Dynastic people that created Ancient Egypt’s First Dynasty. As a result, Commoners through Ausar (Osiris) could now also partake in the afterlife like the Kings, and Coffin Texts such as The Egyptian Book Of The Dead were published then placed in the coffins of Commoners to assist them in their journey to the afterlife, thereby replacing the Old Kingdom Pyramid Texts which guided only the Pharaohs to the afterlife. Conclusion In the aftermath of the Ausarian Revolution, the priviledge of Funerary Afterlife Texts intially reserved for the Pharaohs at Tombs like Saqqara were extended through the Ausarian Religion to the ordinary people who also gained the right to the Afterlife when the Pharaohnic Tomb Funerary Texts were converted to Coffin Texts such as the Egyptian Book of the Dead and placed in coffins of ordinary Egyptian Citizens who could now also access the Afterlife like the Pharaohs. The Ausarian (Osirian) Revolution therefore represents the first Mass Movement Rebellion in world History against any Central authority in the fight for what can best be described as ‘Spiritual Democracy’ because of the importance of Spirituality to the Social Paradigm of the Ancient Egyptians. PDF Download: Osirian Revolution

  • The Anunnaki In The Book Of Enoch

    The Book of Enoch is which tells the story of the Fallen Angels called the Nephilim or the Anunnaki is attributed to Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah. It is divided into 5 Parts which deal with the evil deeds of the Fallen Angels or Nephilim also known as ‘the Watchers’ with Earthlings. The Parables which explain the Judgment of The Fallen Angel Watchers and the Great deluge as punishment for the evil works of The Fallen Angels, the Book Of Luminaries which contains accurate Astronomical data on the motions of the Sun, Moon and Stars including the calculation of the lunar year of 364 days and why an additional year must be added after 4 years, the Book of Visions on the past and future of Human destiny under the oppressive system of Divine Kings and lastly, a final Apocalypse in which the righteous will be delivered from the wicked by the Son of Man or Messiah in the era after the Flood. It has been suggested that the Book Of Enoch’s account of the Fallen Angels is about the activities of The Anunnaki Alien Gods told in the Hebrew Bible’s account in Genesis. At first sight, the Book Of Enoch appears to be a confusing outlandish Text, but perhaps it can be better understood if we interpret it in light of Human History as recorded in the Mesoptamian Texts detailing the activities of the Anunnaki Fallen angels combined with the larger Historical context of the Agricultural Revolution or ‘Civilization’ initiated in Sumer, and its impact on Humans in the Ancient world. On this approach, the Book Of Enoch is either a rejection of the Anunnaki Fallen Angels themselves as evil entities who corrupted the Earth with Civilization, alternatively, it is a rejection of the institution of Divine Kingship which based its legitimacy real or imagined on the will of the Anunnaki Fallen Angels over men. Whether the Kings were really appointed by the Fallen Angels or if the Anunnaki Fallen Angel Gods were simply propaganda to shore up the power of the Human Kings is debatable. Nevertheless, wherever the truth lies, the Book of Enoch is a rejection of the world order introduced either by the Anunnaki Fallen Angels themselves or the Kings in the name of the Anunnaki Fallen Angels with the arrival of Civilization and the Agricultural Revolution. In order to legitimise its narrative for the overthrow of the Order of the Anunnaki Fallen Angels and their Kings, The 5 Books Of Enoch set out: i) The origins of the Anunnaki Fallen Angels World Order of Kings; ii) Its negative corrupting impact on human beings; iii) The resolution and actions of the Most High against The Watchers or Fallen Angels to address the evil by causing the Great Deluge and providing a means by which the Righteous can be saved from the Great Deluge by The Son Of Man, Messiah or The Elect One before the final last judgment to come in future after the re-establishment of Civilization in the era following the Great Deluge; iv) The Majesty, power and knowledge Enoch received from the Most High in the form of accurate Astronomical data; v) The final Prophecy and visions on the past and future trials and tribulations of Man, and how Mankind will be finally delivered by the Most High through the Messiah or Son Of Man, and final Judgment will be passed on the wicked world order to be replaced by a new era of eternal peace and justice in which the weak and righteous will rejoice and receive the reward for their loyalty to the Most High. From this perspective, the Book of Enoch can possibly be interpreted as a Radical Revolutionary Anarchist Text promising a new World Order that will be more peaceful and satisfying than that of the Anunnaki Fallen Angels. What follows is a possible interpretation of the Book of Enoch based on selected quotes against the Historical background and Sumerian Texts. Origins Of Civilization and Anunnaki Fallen Angels World Order In The Book Of Enoch Book Of Enoch 1: The Judgment Against The Fallen Angel Watchers “And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: ‘Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children.’ And Semjâzâ, who was their leader, said unto them: ‘I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.’ And they all answered him and said: ‘Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.’ Then swere they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And these are the names of their leaders: Samîazâz, their leader, Arâkîba, Râmêêl, Kôkabîêl, Tâmîêl, Râmîêl, Dânêl, Êzêqêêl, Barâqîjâl, Asâêl, Armârôs, Batârêl, Anânêl, Zaqîêl, Samsâpêêl, Satarêl, Tûrêl, Jômjâêl, Sariêl. These are their chiefs of tens. And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants. And they became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: Who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another’s flesh, and drink the blood. Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones. And Azâzêl taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures. And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjâzâ taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, ‘Armârôs the resolving of enchantments, Barâqîjâl (taught) astrology, Kôkabêl the constellations, Êzêqêêl the knowledge of the clouds, Araqiêl the signs of the earth, Shamsiêl the signs of the sun, and Sariêl the course of the moon. And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven…” Its clear from The Book Of Watchers that Enoch attributes Civilization and its corrupting influence to the Fallen Angels who came down from Heaven and bore children with the daughters of Men i.e. The Nephilim. According to Enoch, the era of the Fallen Nephilim Angels was the beginning of Culture as we know it today from the Magic Arts, Cosmetics, Writing, Kingship and War. This is against the teachings of the Ancient Sumerian Texts like Babylon’s Enuma Elish and The Epic Of Gilgamesh which portray the Arts of Civilization as benevolent gifts from the Anunnaki who from Heaven came. It can therefore be concluded that the Book Of Watchers is a condemnation of the Anunnaki Project of Civilization on Earth which Enoch views as a sinister project of wayward Fallen Angel Spiritual entities unsanctioned by the Most High. The Coming Judgment Of The Fallen Angels & The Wicked Kings As Well As The Redemption Of The Righteous By The Son Of Man Book Of Enoch 2: The Parables Of Enoch “And he (i.e. the angel) came to me and greeted me with His voice, and said unto me ‘ This is the Son of Man who born unto righteousness, And righteousness abides over him, And the righteousness of the Head of Days forsakes him not.’ And he said unto me: He proclaims unto thee peace in the name of the world to come; For from hence has proceeded peace since the creation of the world,And so shall it be unto thee for ever and for ever and ever. And all shall walk in his ways since righteousness never forsaketh him: With him will be their dwelling-places, and with him their heritage, And they shall not be separated from him for ever and ever and ever. And so there shall be length of days with that Son of Man, And the righteous shall have peace and an upright way In the name of the Lord of Spirits for ever and ever.” In the 2nd Book, Enoch explains the destruction of the Earth in the Great Deluge as a Judgment against the Order of The Fallen Angel Anunnaki Watchers and Kings. The weak and righteous are saved by The Son of Man to live in a special place in Heaven in the presence of The Most High and The Son Of Man whilst the wicked Fallen Angels and their Kings are banished to an eternal place of torment. The Secrets Of The Universe & The Power Of The Most High Book Of Enoch 3: The Book Of Luminaries In the Book of Luminaries, the Angel Uriel reveals the Science of Celestial Motions to Enoch in order to demonstrate the power and knowledge of the Most High. To Enoch, this is a sign that his message is truly inspired by the Most High otherwise who else could make and show him these awesome secrets beyond ordinary Human comprehension. Visions Of The Past & Future Destiny Of Mankind Book Of Enoch 4: Book Of Visions In Book 4, Enoch outlines the History and Future of Mankind from the Great Deluge, the re-establishment of Civilization and the corruption that will follow once again necessitating the need for a final deliverance by The Son Of Man. Interesting to note is how the Prophecy mirrors the Exodus story of the deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt including the Read Sea incident. In Enoch however, this deliverance is not reserved for a specific Tribe or Nation called Israel but its for all Mankind suffering under the yoke of the Anunnaki Fallen Angels World Order of Kings. Book Of Enoch 5: The Final Apocalypse The Messiah or Son Of Man appears once again during the Post-flood corrupt Civilization to execute a final Judgment on the Wicked and deliver the Righteous who will reside in eternal bliss in the presence of The Son Of Man and The Most High. Conclusion Agriculture introduced an oppressive system of Population Management and Control for the extraction of Agricultural surplus in the form of Taxes by the Ruling Elites or Kings leading to undesirable Social conditions and the rise of inequality amongst people in the Ancient world. This may ultimately explain why The Book Of Enoch was written and addressed to the weak and vulnerable lower classes in this Social Order who felt no respite against the relentless and cruel power of the Anunnaki appointed Kings. It has also been proposed that the visions of Enoch were in-fact the result of repeated Alien abductions which could explain the fantastical nature of the visions delivered by means of a Hologram using symbolism a Human being could understand. In that case, the Book Of Enoch may possibly be a message to Mankind from a Higher Order Entity than the Nephilim Fallen Angels. The ideas in Enoch have infiltrated the Torah and Biblical literature with echoes of Enoch being found in the Old and New Testament right up to the Book Of Revelation. Here comes some videos explaining in a more interactive and entertaining way.

  • Forbidden History: Earth’s Timeline According To The Anunnaki

    Based on numerous archaeological discoveries: artifacts, records and monuments found in the past by experts, it is believed that the Anunnaki (Sumerian: those who came down from the heavens), an extremely advanced civilization from an elusive planet in our solar system, came to Earth, landing in the Persian Gulf some 432,000 years ago. In the last couple of decades, numerous controversial discoveries have been made which challenge mainstream researchers and their views on history and human evolution. Every time we write about the Ancient Anunnaki, we come across much discomfort from various sides of readers. While there are those who firmly believe the existence of the Anunnaki, and their arrival to Earth can explain many accounts which mainstream scholars cannot, there are those who believe that the ancient Anunnaki never existed and that extremely advanced civilizations never existed on Earth. However, in the last couple of years, a lot of researchers are changing their methodology and starting to think open-mindedly. The ancient alien astronaut theory presupposes that thousands of years ago even before recorded history our planet was visited by astronauts from another world, intelligent beings with technology beyond our own today. Many archeologists around the world consider modern day Iraq as the “cradle of civilization.” Between 3500 and 1900 BC the Tigris and Euphrates river were the home of the Sumerian people who prospered in this region. Today when we read or seek information about the Sumer and the Anunnaki or the people that inhabited that part of the world we come across controversial author Zecharia Sitchin. In 1976, author Sitchin published his personal translations of the Sumerian texts in a series of books called "The Earth Chronicles" According to Sitchin, the clay tablets describe an alien race known as the Anunnaki, who came to Earth to mine gold. Sitchin practically suggests that extraterrestrial visited earth in the past because their home-planet needed gold to survive. Approximately some 250,000 years ago, according to Sitchin, the ancient Anunnaki merged their Alien genes with that of Homo Erectus and created a species known as Homo Sapiens, obtaining, as a result, a genetically bicameral species. However, humans were a hybrid species and could not procreate. Since the demand for humans as workers became greater, the ancient Anunnaki once again manipulated ancient mankind so they could reproduce on their own. Based on The Cosmic Code, the sixth book of The Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin, this is the real historical timeline of our planet: Events Before The Deluge 450,000 years ago, On Nibiru, a distant member of our solar system, life faces slow extinction as the planet’s atmosphere erodes. Deposed by Anu, the ruler Alalu escapes in a spaceship and finds refuge on Earth. He discovers that Earth has gold that can be used to protect Nibiru’s atmosphere. 445,000 Led by Enki, a son of Anu, the Anunnaki land on Earth, establish Eridu -Earth Station I – for extracting gold from the waters of the Persian Gulf. 430,000 Earth’s climate mellows. More Anunnaki arrive on Earth, among them Enki’s half-sister Ninhursag, Chief Medical Officer. 416,000 As gold production falters, Anu arrives on Earth with Enlil, the heir apparent. It is decided to obtain the vital gold by mining it in southern Africa. Drawing lots, Enlil wins command of Earth Mission; Enki is relegated to Africa. On departing Earth, Anu is challenged by Alalu’s grandson. 400,000 Seven functional settlements in southern Mesopotamia include a Spaceport (Sippar), Mission Control Center (Nippur), a metallurgical center (Shuruppak). The ores arrive by ships from Africa; the refined metal is sent aloft to orbiters manned by Igigi, then transferred to spaceships arriving periodically from Nibiru. 380,000 Gaining the support of the Igigi, Alalu’s grandson attempts to seize mastery over Earth. The Enlilites win the War of the Olden Gods. 300,000 The Anunnaki toiling in the gold mines mutiny. Enki and Ninhursag create Primitive Workers through genetic manipulation of Ape woman; they take over the manual chores of the Anunnaki. Enlil raids the mines, brings the Primitive Workers to the Edin in Mesopotamia. Given the ability to procreate, Homo Sapiens begins to multiply. 200,000 Life on Earth regresses during a new glacial period. 100,000 Climate warms again. The Anunnaki (the biblical Nefilim), to Enlil’s growing annoyance, marry the daughters of Man. 75,000 The “accursation of Earth” – a new Ice Age-begins. Regressive types of Man roam the Earth. Cro-Magnon man survives. 49,000 Enki and Ninhursag elevate humans of Anunnaki parentage to rule in Shuruppak. Enlil enraged. Plots Mankind’s demise. 13,000 Realizing that the passage of Nibiru in Earth’s proximity will trigger an immense tidal wave, Enlil makes the Anunnaki swear to keep the impending calamity a secret from Mankind. Also read: The 10th Sumerian Tablet: The Anunnaki Built The Pyramids Events After The Deluge 11,000 B.C. Enki breaks the oath, instructs Ziusudra/Noah to build a submersible ship. The Deluge sweeps over the Earth; the Anunnaki witness the destruction from their orbiting spacecraft. Enlil agrees to grant the remnants of Mankind implements and seeds; agriculture begins in the highlands. Enki domesticates animals. 10,500 B.C. The descendants of Noah are allotted three regions. Ninurta, Enlil’s foremost son, dams the mountains and drains the rivers to make Mesopotamia habitable; Enki reclaims the Nile valley. The Sinai peninsula is retained by the Anunnaki for a post-Diluvial spaceport; a control center is established on Mount Moriah (the future Jerusalem). 9,780 B.C. Ra/Marduk, Enki’s firstborn son, divides dominion over Egypt between Osiris and Seth. 9,330 B.C. Seth seizes and dismembers Osiris, assumes sole rule over the Nile Valley. 8,970 B.C. Horus avenges his father Osiris by launching the First Pyramid War. Seth escapes to Asia, seizes the Sinai peninsula and Canaan. 8,670 B.C. Opposed to the resulting control of all the space facilities by Enki’s descendants, the Enlilites launch the Second Pyramid War. The victorious Ninurta empties the Great Pyramid of its equipment. Ninhursag, the half-sister of Enki and Enlil, convenes a peace conference. The division of Earth is reaffirmed. Rule over Egypt transferred from the Ra/Marduk dynasty to that of Thoth. Heliopolis built as a substitute Beacon City. 8,500 B.C. The Anunnaki establish outposts at the gateway to the space facilities; Jericho is one of them. 7,400 B.C. As the era of peace continues, the Anunnaki grant Mankind new advances; the Neolithic period begins. Demi-gods rule over Egypt. 3,800 B.C. Urban civilization begins in Sumer as the Anunnaki reestablish there the Olden Cities, beginning with Eridu and Nippur. Anu comes to Earth for a pageantful visit. A new city, Uruk (Erech), is built in his honor; he makes its temple the abode of his beloved granddaughter Inanna/lshtar. Kingship On Earth 3,760 Mankind granted kingship. Kish is first capital under the aegis of Ninurta. The alendar began at Nippur. Civilization blossoms out in Sumer (the First Region). 3,450 Primacy in Sumer transferred to Nannar/Sin. Marduk proclaims Babylon “Gateway of the Gods.” The “Tower of Babel” incident. The Anunnaki confuse Mankind’s languages. His coup frustrated, Marduk/Ra returns to Egypt, deposes Thoth, seizes his younger brother Dumuzi who had betrothed Inanna. Dumuzi accidentally killed; Marduk imprisoned alive in the Great Pyramid. Freed through an emergency shaft, he goes into exile. 3,100-3, 350 Years of chaos end with installation of first Egyptian Pharaoh in Memphis. Civilization comes to the Second Region. 2,900 Kingship in Sumer transferred to Erech. Inanna given dominion over the Third Region; the Indus Valley Civilization begins. 2,650 Sumer’s royal capital shifts about. Kingship deteriorates. Enlil loses patience with the unruly human multitudes. 2,371 Inanna falls in love with Sharru-Kin (Sargon). He establishes new capital city. Agade (Akkad). Akkadian empire launched. 2,316 Aiming to rule the four regions, Sargon removes sacred soil from Babylon. The Marduk-Inanna conflict flares up again. It ends when Nergal, Marduk’s brother, journeys from South Africa to Babylon and persuades Marduk to leave Mesopotamia. 2,291 Naram-Sin ascends the throne of Akkad. Directed by the warlike Inanna, he penetrates the Sinai peninsula, invades Egypt. 2,255 Inanna usurps the power in Mesopotamia; Naram-Sin defies Nippur. The Great Anunnaki obliterate Agade. Inanna escapes. Sumer and Akkad occupied by foreign troops loyal to Enlil and Ninurta. 2,220 Sumerian civilization rises to new heights under enlightened rulers of Lagash. Thoth helps its king Gudea build a ziggurat-temple for Ninurta. 2,193 Terah, Abraham’s father, born in Nippur into a priestly-royal family. 2,180 Egypt divided; followers of Ra/Marduk retain the south; Pharaohs opposed to him gain the throne of lower Egypt. 2,130 As Enlil and Ninurta are increasingly away, central authority also deteriorates in Mesopotamia. Inanna’s attempts to regain the kingship for Erech does not last. Reference:

  • The Stargate Simulacrum:Ancient Egypt, Ancient Aliens, and Postmodern Dynamics of Occulture

    Work done by Frederic Krueger Free University of Berlin. 1. Introduction The film Stargate (1994, directed by Roland Emmerich) forms the basis of a successful science-fiction franchise spanning four television series with 380 episodes and two direct-to-DVD films. Its premise is an incredible archaeological discovery in Egypt: In 1928, a mysterious artifact is unearthed near the pyramids of Giza - a giant ring, fifteen feet in diameter, inscribed with strange characters, and made of a metal which does not occur naturally on Earth - the eponymous ‘Stargate,’ so-called by accompanying hieroglyphic inscriptions. For more than sixty years, no one is able to decipher the unknown symbols that presumably hold the key to its function, until the arrival of wunderkind Egyptologist Dr. Daniel Jackson, recruited because the artifact’s apparent non- terrestrial origin and immense age lend credence to his unorthodox theories. When we first encounter him, Jackson is giving a passionate lecture arguing for a much greater antiquity of the pyramids and the Sphinx than conventional Egyptology will allow. Stubborn, elitist professors in the audience pillory him without mercy, asking whether he thought men from Atlantis built the pyramids - “or Martians perhaps!” Not Martians, but close. Jackson divines the purpose of the giant ring by recognizing the strange symbols as stylized star constellations: as the name implies, the Stargate is a threshold to the universe. If one enters the correct ‘address’ of seven of the thirty-nine symbols engraved on its surface, the gate opens a conduit between itself and an identical counterpart on another planet, much as one telephone dials another. Once Jackson and a team of soldiers step through this artificial ‘wormhole,’2 they are hurled across the universe within seconds and, emerging from the Stargate on the other side, find themselves on the desert planet Abydos, inside an Egyptian temple near a virtual duplicate of the Great Pyramid of Giza - total vindication of Jackson’s theories. The American explorers soon discover that the planet Abydos is inhabited by the descendants of Ancient Egyptians who were enslaved millennia ago by an alien tyrant who, having chanced upon Earth and primitive humans, created Egyptian civilization, assumed the persona of the sun god Ra, and took thousands of slaves through the Stargate to Abydos to work in the planet’s mines, harvesting the precious metal from which the Stargates are made and which serves as the foundation of Ra’s technological might. With impeccable timing, Ra himself soon appears in his ominous pyramid-shaped spaceship and lands on the pyramid near the gate. The Americans take up the fight against the god-king and his legions of warriors, who wield high-tech laser weapons and conceal their faces behind frightful helmets resembling the head of a falcon - the ‘Horus guards’ - while their captain Anubis wears the likeness of a jackal’s head. After the Americans are able to convince the Abydonians to rebel, Ra is eventually vanquished after a fierce battle at the pyramid, the symbol of his despotism. In the television series Stargate SG-1, the ‘Stargate Command’ battles many more (usually Egyptian or otherwise ‘Oriental’) false gods like Ra and liberates planet after planet from their despotic grasp. From a critical standpoint, Stargate gives the initial impression of a very confused pop-cultural salad, randomly tossed together out of the vegetable bins of sci-fi, American military triumphalism, and a lot of Orientalizing Egyptomania. Yet the film was a lasting hit that developed into a franchise, complete with television spinoffs (four serials, from 1997 to 2011), merchandising, and even Stargate- inspired conspiracy-theories. Meanwhile, other films such as Mission to Mars (2000), Alien vs. Predator (2004), or Prometheus (2012) also proved commercially successful ventures in exploring the theme of extraterrestrial races interfering in Earth’s past, as have ‘non-fiction’ series such as Ancient Aliens (eleven seasons and counting). What is the cultural resonance of a story like that of Stargate, and where does such a story come from? The present contribution seeks to address these questions by way of a multi- faceted analysis addressing questions of reception of antiquity and Egypt, as well as sociology of religion. Following general methodological remarks about reception-theory which are indebted primarily to the literary theory of reception aesthetics as well as a mnemohistorical approach in the vein of Jan Assmann, I proceed to identify the traditional images of Egypt that the film harnesses, and how they are embedded in the appropriation of contemporary discourses. One of these is the focus of my essay - the so-called Ancient Astronaut discourse (henceforth: AAD or just AA for other attributive instances of ‘Ancient Astronaut’), or Preastronautics, popularized above all by Erich von Däniken, who claimed that ancient mythologies commemorate extraterrestrial visits in Earth’s distant past. I proceed to examine the centrality of Ancient Egypt in the AAD, starting with narratives about ancient Oriental and Egyptian wisdom that have been contested since late antiquity until they were discredited around the eighteenth century and pushed to the cultural fringe, thus becoming open to appropriation by new religious currents. I illustrate how esoteric currents, particularly Theosophy, as well as popular culture and an increasing belief in extraterrestrials, all paved the way for the birth of today’s AAD. I will then focus on the ‘Egyptian front’ of this discourse, showing that Stargate responds above all to the theories of Zecharia Sitchin and Robert Bauval. A close look at key works of the genre creates a strong impression that (the) Stargate was in a way ‘prepared’ by an increasingly technological language applied to the Great Pyramid as a literal ‘Stairway to Heaven.’ Post-1994, the AAD exhibits a stunning development as the fictional origins of the Stargate device are silently dropped or explained away by conspiracy theories. I try to account for this phenomenon by adapting, in the vein of recent studies of fiction-based religions, Jean Braudillard’s theory of postmodernity. I argue that we are dealing with a ‘simulacrum,’ something that has become ‘hyper-real,’ supporting Carole Cusack’s assertion that “it is necessary to posit a definition of ‘religion’ that can harmonize with fiction and invention.” The AAD, we will observe, resembles in several facets a religious discourse to be located within the fringe realm of ‘occulture’ as defined by Christopher Partridge, particularly in its deep entanglement with popular culture. It serves as a neo-mythology able to re- enchant the world, to present an attractive anti-authoritarian option for identity formation and yet functionally equivalent to religion (according to traditional modern definitions) in its creationist tenets. In summary, the aims of this contribution are essentially twofold: One, to showcase the emergence of the AAD out of religious discourse as well as its continued religious functions despite all differences and pretensions to the contrary, and second, to sketch a concise literary history of this emergence itself, as well as the continuous mutual influence between the AAD and popular culture, exemplified via the rather spectacular case of Stargate. Throughout these observations, we will encounter an imaginary Egypt as providing both the primary building blocks and the general backdrop of ancient mystery from and upon which the AAD’s flying pyramids are built. 2. Reception Theory, Cultural Memory, and the Mnemohistorical Approach In the late 1960s, German literary theorists, beginning with Hans-Robert Jauß, developed the reception theory of reader-response criticism, or Rezeptionsästhetik.4 Its defining characteristic is the focus on the reader not as a passive recipient of preexisting authorial meaning, but as the active producer of meaning that may or may not conform to the meaning originally intended by the author.5 When the Ancient Egyptians gave expression to their worldview through their art, literature, architecture, etc., they too were encoding ‘authorial meaning’ which Egyptologists attempt to recover through reconstruction of the original cultural context of Egyptian texts and artefacts. In Gunter Grimm’s terms, these are “interpretations [...] assessed in terms of their adequacy (Adäquanz) in reflecting authorial intentions”6 - something that only became possible in 1822 with the decipherment of the hieroglyphic script and the birth of Egyptology. Preceding this paradigm shift, and since then accompanying and fighting it, lies a long history of Ägyptenrezeption - a web of passionate constructions of Egypt whose primary threads go back to ancient Greece, Rome, and Israel. These cultures incorporated ideas of Egypt into founding narratives that were of central importance for what I call, following Jan and Aleida Assmann, their respective ‘cultural memory’ - the memory (as opposed to Egyptology’s domain: factual knowledge) of Egypt in the West.7 The basic theory, laid out extensively by J. Assmann in 1992’s Das kulturelle Gedächtnis (published in English only in 2011), sets out to accomplish what Assmann’s most important predecessor, Maurice Halbwachs, had not considered: “expanding his theory of memory into the realm of a theory of culture.”8 His most brilliant case studies (most notably 1997’s Moses the Egyptian) emerged where Assmann qui Egyptologist applied to his main area of expertise (i.e., pharaonic Egypt) the notion that culture is, for all intents and purposes, the sum of its ‘memories’ (i.e., cultural constructions imagined as such, be they true or not) of founding myths that are shared by and thus consolidate a community of people. Important groundwork for this endeavor was laid in the concluding chapter of 1996’s Ägypten. Eine Sinngeschichte, where Assmann turns from the ancient Egyptians’ conceptions of self and world to the outside perspective - the history of the memory of Egypt that survives to this day, “enshrined in the cultural memory of western civilization.”9 Assmann emphasizes that identity-forming discourses of both Greco-Roman culture as well as Judeo-Christian religiosity - the two main ‘pillars’ on which Western cultural identity rests - look back to Ancient Egypt as their mythical place of origin. With respect to the overarching theme of this volume, these are the two most basic ‘master narratives’ of Western conceptions of Egypt: For the Greeks, it served as the glorified vault of mysteries and arcane wisdom from which civilization and knowledge of the gods itself reached Hellas; for Judaism (and then Christianity), it served as the abhorred prototype of false religion and the house of slavery - something to be resisted and overcome, instead of admired.10 As we will see, both images inform the representation of Egypt in Stargate. In adopting the premises of reception aesthetics and mnemohistory, I will consequently focus not on the veracity, but on the history and cultural relevance of the ideas that we will encounter. 3. Stargate as an Ancient Astronaut narrative Stargate feels a bit like two movies shoehorned into one. The approximate first third covers the mythical story of Daniel Jackson’s vindication: An orphan, outcast, and misunderstood genius finds new meaning in life as he cracks an ancient mystery and is finally led to a portal to another world, where he finds himself before a giant pyramid and says blissfully, “I knew it.” At this point, his journey of (self-)discovery is essentially over, and Stargate switches gears as the American soldiers take it upon themselves to liberate the helpless and clueless ‘orientals’ from their evil God-king - a demonizing, biblical vision of Egypt as a ‘house of slavery’ that fuels a neocolonialist narrative negotiating legitimizing strategies about American military intervention in the Middle East shortly after the First Gulf War.11 Jackson’s solving of the Stargate mystery, however, is bound up with the so-called Ancient Astronaut theory (also called ‘Pre- astronautics,’ and, increasingly ‘Paleo-SETI’ [Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence]) which constitutes a popular discourse in Western industrialized societies and particularly the German-speaking countries.12 Its (in)famous founding father is, of course, Erich von Däniken, whose 1968 bestseller Chariots of the Gods? is the prototypical incarnation of the entire genre, as both his specific points and rhetorical tactics are retreaded to this day. As the ‘Bible’ of this discourse was written in German, its organized adherents are found predominantly in the germanophone sphere, and most in-depth scholarship on the subject is written in German as well (a significant exception being the work of Jason Colavito).13 In Chariots, von Däniken famously professed the idea that the gods of ancient mythology were really extraterrestrial visitors who were mistaken for deities by primitive humans, and that ancient writings and various (alleged) anomalies in the archaeological record attest to the visits and the technology of these visitors. Von Däniken’s theory has been described by Andreas Grünschloß as a ‘ufological’ or ‘pre-astronautic Euhemerism,’ as it resembles a belief held by the philosopher Euhemerus (fl. 300 CE) that the gods were really great kings of yore who had over time been deified due to their remarkable innovations and achievements.14 As will be shown, the AAD was at the peak of its popularity in the mid-1990s when it was used as the premise for Stargate. Although it may seem that its popularity has diminished somewhat since then, the AAD is still very much alive and influential - in fact, I suspect that it is less conspicuous today because it has become normalized as an element of popular culture and lost some of its original shock value. The ‘gods’ are here to stay, and they continue to inspire ‘worship’. 4. The Road to von Däniken: Ancient Wisdom through the Ages We have seen above that the mystification of Egypt originates with the ancient Greeks. One may specifically point to the transformation of Middle- and Neoplatonic philosophical speculation into religious narratives (such as the various incarnations of Gnosticism, Hermeticism, etc.) in late antiquity, sharing as a common legitimizing strategy the reference to a primordial wisdom possessed by the ‘barbarians’ of the Orient, including the Jews, Brahmans, Magi, and, of course, the Egyptians, usually represented by the god of wisdom Thoth, known to the Hellenistic world as Hermes Trismegistus. It was debated whether Platonic wisdom was really wisdom derived from the ancient Orient, hence the moniker ‘Platonic Orientalism.’15 In these narratives, Egypt was one of the key players: “(N)ot only was Greek philosophy seen as derived from oriental sources, but the Egyptians in particular could even claim to be the true founders of philosophy as such.”16 This controversy of how Greeks (and later, Christians) should evaluate the ‘wisdom of the pagans’ was picked up again when the sources became known in Europe during the Renaissance. While the verdict of the church fathers was overwhelmingly negative,17 the Renaissance witnessed a new apologism for ‘Oriental pagan wisdom,’ whose Egyptian chapter was largely defined by a platonizing misunderstanding of the hieroglyphic script that long obstructed its actual decipherment and that remains influential to this day.18 A crucial early figure in this resurgence of Platonic Orientalism is Marsilio Ficino (1433–1499), who “stands at the origin of a non-institutional current of religious speculation, the development of which can be traced in European culture through the sixteenth and into the seventeenth century, and where ‘Plato’ stands as a generic label for a much wider complex of practices and speculations largely inherited, as we know today, from the Hellenistic culture of late antiquity.”19 This label went on to assimilate over time all those “traditional bodies of spiritual, theurgical, magical, arithmological, astrological, and alchemical lore” attributed to ancient sages such as Hermes Trismegistus, thus accumulating the collective ‘referential corpus’ sometimes referred to today as ‘Western esotericism,’ which in this essay is to be understood as a typological umbrella term for such currents.20 This spectrum was eventually exiled into the ‘occultural’ fringe where we find it today, in large part due to new methods of philological criticism that began to view the narrative of ancient wisdom “as an inherently a-historical approach to historical questions.”21 The emerging historiographical disciplines - such as Egyptology - distanced themselves sharply from what was perceived as embarrassing and unscientific fantasy. This ‘other’ history was appropriated by new religious movements like Theosophy, founded by Helena Blavatsky (1831– 1891). She and other influential esotericists “absorbed diverse culturally available elements, interpreted this material through a hermeneutic framework of their own and presented the result as a coherent doctrine.”22 For our purposes, this means that conceptions of Egypt were embedded in a larger narrative that strings together various ‘wisdom-bearing’ cultures.23 Another important feature of many esoteric traditions that survives into the AAD is the minor significance or absence of a supreme deity.24 Instead, the focus is on contact with intermediary beings such as angels that populate the heavens, sometimes understood to be extraterrestrials.25 Blavatsky focuses on intermediary figures in a particular, salvific-historical framework crucial to the development of AAD.26 According to Blavatsky, human development had arrived at a crucial turning point: she and other theosophical leaders were in spiritual contact (via ‘channeling’) with benevolent ascended masters, “living persons who had fully evolved through many reincarnations, had acquired and become the custodians of ‘ancient wisdom,’ and now sought to impart that wisdom to humanity in order to lead it into a new age of peace, spirituality, and global community.”27 While Blavatsky’s first major work Isis Unveiled (1877) - with its “plea for the recognition of the Hermetic philosophy, the anciently universal Wisdom- Religion”28 - carried strong Egyptian connotations, her Theosophical Society soon shifted its focus permanently towards India, where Blavatsky claimed to have been initiated.29 Among the second generation of Theosophists, Edgar Cayce (1877–1945) can be said in many ways to bridge the gap between the tradition of Theosophy and the beginning of the New Age movement of the 60s and 70s;30 furthermore, the messages he claimed to receive have had a lasting impact on ‘alternative Egypts.’31 Cayce believed, as did many Theosophists, that ancient Egypt had preserved the primordial wisdom of the lost civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis. He claimed to have experienced past lives in Ancient Egypt, around 10,500 BCE - long before Egyptian civilization even existed, according to orthodox Egyptology - and he prophesized that, beneath the Sphinx, the fabled ‘Hall of Thoth’ would be discovered. We will reencounter this dating and this prophecy as cornerstones of ‘alternative Egyptology’ and the AAD.32 While Cayce (who identified firmly as Christian) was very influential in the United States, Alice Bailey (1880–1949), who channeled messages from extraterrestrials, was the more prominent figurehead of second generation Theosophy and the ‘New Age’ in the United Kingdom and Europe.33 Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925), the father of Anthroposophy, also integrated Egypt into a diffusionist sequence of civilizations, beginning with Atlantis. Steiner approached the ancient texts with a strong literalist tendency, interpreting, e.g., the god Osiris as an extraterrestrial visitor, and his headdress as a spiritual sense organ.34 This way of reading the ancient sources as literally true and declaring the gods extraterrestrials marks an important step towards AA rhetoric. Literalist readings became more widespread in the New Age movement,35 and messages received through channeling increasingly stem from extraterrestrials. Already in Neo-Theosophy, represented among others by Charles Webster Leadbeater (1847–1934), extraterrestrial explanations had begun to displace spiritual ones - Sanskrit, for Blavatsky the language of the gods, was declared by Leadbeater to be an extraterrestrial language, and Nirvana a sort of space station.36 While Blavatsky and other early Theosophists still considered the intermediaries angelic beings who lived on an ‘etheric plane,’ later authors like A. E. Powell already show them steering physical spaceships toward Earth.37 The ‘60s and ‘70s saw a veritable explosion of counter-culture,38 leading to the pop-cultural entanglement of the AAD, analogous to the interdependency that informs the development of UFO religions.39 Since 1947, when an alien spacecraft is alleged to have crash landed in Roswell, New Mexico, UFOs have remained something of a national obsession in the United States. This phenomenon lent further immediacy to the increased Theosophical emphasis on extraterrestrials outlined above, rooted it deeply in popular culture, and it did much to further what Christopher Partridge has called “the sacralization of the extraterrestrial.”40 Following in the tradition of the Theosophists’ ‘channeling’ of messages from ascended masters, the teachers were now extraterrestrial beings - Theosophical mythology thus began to merge with the UFO phenomenon, a synthesis that Mikael Rothstein dubs “a case of mythological modernization or updating, example of Theosophical adaptability.”41 Already in 1934, Guy Ballard, who founded the I AM Activity, had claimed to be in contact with Venusian masters.42 Like in the New Age movement, UFO religions feature prominently a millennialist expectation that a new age and a transformation of humanity are upon us.43 The extraterrestrials wish to help us through this crisis, often specifically connected to the threat posed by the atomic bomb.44 Indeed, UFO religions and the AAD alike share a desire to establish a unified worldview where science and religion are no longer separate - a ‘re-enchanted’ world.45 Important early UFO contactees such as George Adamski (1891–1965) described the Venusian masters of Blavatskian myth as extraterrestrial visitors who brought civilization to earth and were remembered as gods - preparing the central belief of the later AAD.46 Recalling the extreme literalism brought to Ancient Egyptian texts by Rudolf Steiner, we encounter across the spectrum of UFO religions “the physical interpretation of scriptures and ancient mythologies” that is the basis of AA theorists’ interpretations. Those, notes Partridge, are in turn “sacralised and replicated” in religious movements: “this physicalism is explicit in the writings of all the principle [sic] individuals and groups, from Adamski to von Däniken and from the Raëlian Church to Heaven’s Gate.”47 The AAD therefore serves as an integral origin myth in various religious movements. A crucial transformation was achieved by the veritable ‘godfather’ of AA theories, Charles Fort (1874–1932), who, with a righteous gesture of unveiling uncomfortable secrets that had been guarded jealously by conspirational orthodox historians, offered as the answer to all kinds of perceived ancient anomalies the intervention of extraterrestrial visitors in Earth’s distant past.48 Instead of spiritual enlightenment, Fort’s project was that of an alternative historiography, an agenda that was popularized in France by Louis Pauwles and Jaques Bergier, whose major work, Le matin des magiciens (1960), “is little remembered now, but it has the distinction of launching a revival of interest in the occult in the 1960s and 1970s that would culminate in the ancient-astronaut craze of the 1970s.”49 Pauwles and Bergier were both influenced by H. P. Lovecraft (1890–1937),50 whose most famous cosmic horror stories comprising the ‘Cthulhu Mythos’ are based around monstrous extraterrestrial beings that were worshiped by primitive humans. While Colavito’s The Cult of Alien Gods certainly overstates Lovecraft’s influence on the AAD as a whole, it is nevertheless significant to note that these stories impacted the authors of Le matin des magiciens. Much of its content, as well as the works of another representative of this largely forgotten French chapter of the history of Preastronautics, Robert Charroux, were later borrowed - mostly without credit51 - by Erich von Däniken when he wrote the ‘Bible’ of the AAD, Chariots of the Gods? 5. The Egyptian Front: From Chariots to Stargates While sidelined in the Theosophical ancient wisdom narrative, Egypt rules supreme in the AAD. Chapter seven of Chariots deals with the pyramids of Giza as “Space Travel Centers,” and several of von Däniken’s claims here would become ever-repeated tropes: First, he asserts that “ancient Egypt appears suddenly and without transition with a fantastic ready-made civilization. Great cities and enormous temples, colossal statues...splendid streets...perfect drainage systems, luxurious tombs...pyramids of overwhelming size - these and many other wonderful things shot out of the ground, so to speak. Genuine miracles in a country that is suddenly capable of such achievements without recognizable prehistory! As the prehistorian Herbert Kühn noted, “nothing is more false than this. The prehistory of Egypt is known particularly well, and a great number of books documents it. Däniken knows nothing of them. The notion that Egyptian civilization simply “shot out of the ground” as von Däniken puts it, or rather, “fell from the sky,” is repeated to this day, and it is representative of the anti-evolutionist overtones of AA narratives. Further important claims are the implication that the barque of the sun god Ra is actually a spaceship,54 as well as the notion that the extraterrestrials had some part in the building of the pyramids55 - both points are of course present in Stargate. Two further aspects are particularly significant for the AAD’s quasi-religious properties. First, von Däniken suggests that it may be humanity’s destiny to follow in the footsteps of the ‘gods,’ and that we too may one day be greeted as gods by the primitive inhabitants of other worlds (which happens repeatedly in Stargate and the television series Stargate SG-1).56 Second, von Däniken assures the reader that “(d)rawings and sagas actually indicated that the ‘gods’ promised to return from the stars.”57 This vague reference to “certain legends” that allegedly tell of the gods coming from the stars to earth and leaving again with a promise to return, is one of the most typical clichés of AA narratives. Which specific legend that is, and on which temple wall or papyrus one may read it, is never stated - which in the case of Egypt may be explained by the fact that no such myth exists. Von Däniken’s influence hit America in the early 1970s, mainly to the credit of Rod Serling and Alan Landsburg, respectively the host and producer of the popular science-fiction series The Twilight Zone (who, like von Däniken’s forgotten French precursors, were also fans of H. P. Lovecraft whose stories influenced several episodes of their show). Inspired by Chariots, they cooperated on a television documentary titled In Search of Ancient Astronauts that aired on NBC in 1973, presenting von Däniken’s main claims with impressive images. The program was a huge hit, and in its wake, Chariots became a massive success in the US as well, spawning many sequels, imitators, and further television events.58 The second most influential figure in the AAD after von Däniken is Zecharia Sitchin (1920–2010). Between 1976 and 2007, Sitchin published the seven books comprising The Earth Chronicles, beginning with The Twelfth Planet (1976), where he explains that Sumerian culture, like von Däniken’s Egypt, mysteriously appeared out of nowhere. “A mysterious hand once more picked Man out of his decline and raised him to an even higher level of culture, knowledge, and civilization.”59 We learn that Sumerian civilization and the human race itself were created by extraterrestrials from Nibiru, another planet in our solar system. Those aliens, the Annunaki, were considered gods by the Sumerians, and Sitchin insists that the mythology of ancient Mesopotamia (of which all others are deemed derivative) preserves actual historical records of their activities. Sitchin’s most significant contribution to the Egyptian ‘front’ of the AAD is the second volume, The Stairway to Heaven (1980). Here we are told that, according to the usual unspecified “Egyptian traditions,” “in times immemorial ‘Gods of Heaven’ came to Earth from the Celestial Disk”60 - the latter is illustrated by the symbol of the winged sun disk (which is actually a form of the god Horus, not a dwelling- place for the gods). This misinterpretation of the ‘winged disk’ as either the planet or the spaceship of the aliens is repeated in Preastronautic literature to this day.61 Furthermore, Stitchin’s entire book is framed by a narrative concerning humanity’s eternal quest for immortality, a prevalent theme in Stargate as well: Ra takes a human body as a host “to cheat death,” and he possesses a machine in the shape of a sarcophagus in which he perpetually recharges his life forces and is potentially immortal - reminiscent of Sitchin’s assertion that “Ra...managed to live forever because he kept rejuvenating himself.”62 While Stargate’s Ra found and enslaved humanity and Sitchin’s aliens genetically engineered humans, both do so for the specific purpose of mining a precious metal: The Annunaki made Homo Sapiens as a slave race that could mine the Earth’s gold resources.63 In Stargate, Ra takes thousands of slaves through the Stargate to Abydos in order to mine the alien metal that is the basis of his technology. The entire part, the aliens as oppressors who enslave humans and abuse their status as ‘gods’ for evil, is rather atypical of the AAD, making it all the more likely that Emmerich was inspired by Sitchin. Meanwhile, Stargate’s Daniel Jackson argues in his lecture at the beginning of the film that the only inscription inside the pyramid that gives the name of king Khufu - the main basis for Egyptologists’ ascribing the pyramid to this Pharaoh - is a forgery, at which point the room begins to empty, accompanied by laughter and jokes about Martians and Atlantis. Jackson’s argument here is that the discovery of the hieroglyphs made by Col. Richard Vyse, “was a fraud.” Sitchin was the first to make this accusation,64 and argued that, as Jackson concludes, “the Pharaohs of the Fourth Dynasty did not build the great pyramids.” For Sitchin, the pyramids of Giza were built by the Annunaki as guiding beacons for their starships during landing on Earth, and all other Egyptian pyramids are just inferior imitations.65 In Stargate, Ra’s starship is seen landing on top of a pyramid as a kind of alien airport (cf. Sitchin: “the Celestial Boat of Ra was depicted as sitting atop a mountain”),66 and even the fact that Ra’s ship is itself pyramid- shaped seems lifted from Stairway, for Sitchin explains that an Egyptian funerary pyramidion, showing the deceased in adoration of the sun god (this is literally what the accompanying hieroglyphs say), actually represents the sun god who “landed on Earth” in his “Celestial Chamber.” According to Sitchin, just as the Pharaohs could only build inferior imitations of the great “mountains” built by the “gods,” so the journey of the deceased described in Egyptian funerary literature constitutes an emulation of actual journeys to the stars actually undertaken by the “gods” long ago. This section of his book is dominated by imagery of “doors,” “portals,” and “gates” - due to the fact that, for instance, the Book of the Dead is full of portals that the deceased needs to pass through. The Egyptian gods “open for the king a path and a gateway,” and Sitchin states that “the gods assume more technical aspects.” In light of all the other close correspondences, it seems very likely that this technologized ‘gate’-language inspired Emmerich to give a concrete form to one such “gate of the star gods.” Another of Emmerich’s inspirations may have been the work of Peter Krassa and Reinhard Habeck who popularized certain depictions in the temple of Dendera which supposedly (not really) show lightbulbs. After earlier treatments, it was in their Das Licht der Pharaonen (1992) where the “Dendera lightbulbs” are embedded in a larger Preastronautic narrative. Krassa and Habeck were in turn von Däniken’s source when he presented the same case. Since then, the Dendera lightbulbs have become recurring stars. Much emphasis is furthermore put in Das Licht der Pharaonen on the wars, weaponry, and starships used by the Egyptian “gods” - obviously inspired by Sitchin’s Mesopotamian scenarios - Krassa and Habeck even reprint (their fig. 17), and they are not the last to do so, Sitchin’s absurd illustration implying that Egyptian funerary pyramidia represent starships. So here we have pyramid- shaped starships, Egyptian gods as aliens with horrifying weapons, and as the formidable pilot of the “winged sun-disk” spaceship we meet the falcon-headed god Horus. And just two years later, Ra’s soldiers in Stargate wear falcon helmets and fly fighter jets with stylized wings. The name of Emmerich’s Egyptian planet, Abydos, may be derived from early 90s AA literature as well. In 1990, a group from the AA Society took pictures of some hieroglyphs in the funerary temple of Seti I. in Abydos that appear to depict technological contraptions, including what looks deceptively like a helicopter. First published in 1991, the (long debunked) Abydos “technoglyphs” have joined the ranks of Aegyptiaca technologica in the ever-repeated canon of Preastronautic literature. In 1976, the same year that saw Sitchin’s Twelfth Planet, Robert Temple claimed in The Sirius Mystery that the tribe of the Dogon in Mali possessed astronomical knowledge that they could only have inherited from the ancient Egyptians, who had it from extraterrestrials.77 This book in turn inspired Robert Bauval to construct a complex archaeoastronomical theory, published first in two articles in Discussions in Egyptology in 1989 and 1990, and most famously and comprehensively together with Adrian Gilbert in The Orion Mystery (1994), holding that the three great pyramids of Giza were all planned in advance and aligned with the three stars of the ‘belt’ of Orion, representing the god of the dead Osiris. While this alone was not outside the realm of what most Egyptologists would consider possible, the notion that the foundations for this entire monumental landscape were laid around 10,500 BCE certainly was (Cayce’s year again). The so-called ‘Orion Correlation Theory’ was popular in the 1990s, coinciding with exciting new explorations of the great pyramid of Khufu in 1993, as the UPUAUT 2 robot crawled along narrow shafts and ran into a sealed door, quickly prompting wild speculations and conspiracy theories about hidden chambers. It is this media hype around the pyramids of Giza - supposedly linked to the stars and thousands of years older than orthodox Egyptology would allow - which clearly forms the most immediate ‘occultural’ context for Stargate, released in the same year as Bauval’s and Gilbert’s Orion Mystery,78 although the simultaneous release means that Stargate could hardly have been inspired by the book, but rather by the previous popularization of its main theory. At any rate, it is surely no coincidence that it is specifically the constellation of Orion that leads Daniel Jackson to realize what the Stargate really is. Remembering Sitchin’s very technical ‘gate’ terminology that seems to have inspired (the) Stargate, it is noteworthy how Bauval and Gilbert opine with a similar tone “that the Grand Gallery looks like part of a machine, whose function is beyond us.”79 They refer to shafts in the King’s Chamber as “channels to the stars”80 and to the whole Giza complex as “the great star-clock of the epochs.” In 1995, one year after Stargate and The Orion Mystery, Graham Hancock made the case for a forgotten civilization that was the real originator of the pyramids and the Sphinx (Fingerprints of the Gods).82 Then, with Robert Bauval, he fused this lost civilization theory with the ‘Orion Correlation Theory’ in 1996’s Keeper of Genesis (in the US: Message of the Sphinx). Together, they aimed “to align the pyramids with Orion circa 10,500 BCE, which they claim was the date of the lost civilization’s entry into Egypt,” during the astrological Age of Leo, represented by the Sphinx. Their calculations were also meant to demonstrate the existence of a secret chamber beneath the Sphinx - thus proving Cayce’s prophecy.83 Bauval and Hancock adopt Sitchin’s conspiracy theory discrediting the inscriptions with Khufu’s name,84 and their terminology is once more striking: The shaft containing the newly discovered door is literally called a “Stargate,”85 and the pyramid is interpreted as a kind of salvific machine to which New Age millenarian hopes are attached “that the sages of Heliopolis, working at the dawn of history, could somehow have created an archetypal ‘device’, a device designed to trigger off messianic events across the ‘Ages’ – the Pyramid Age...and perhaps even a ‘New Age’ in Aquarius?”86 While these theories did not involve extraterrestrials explicitly, their 1996 articles in the London Daily Mail postulated that the ancient cultures of Earth were actually influenced by an advanced civilization from Mars, due to a renewed interest in NASA images of the red planet, where believers wanted to see the infamous ‘Mars face’ as well as various pyramids. Bauval and Hancock teamed up again, assisted by John Grigsby, to write The Mars Mystery in 1998, where they announced more carefully that aliens may or may not be the originators of the “Martian monuments.”87 A particularly interesting entry is Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince’s The Stargate Conspiracy (1999), because it is unusually critical and self-aware. The authors take several ‘celebrities,’ such as Temple, Bauval, and Hancock to court, expose flaws in their theories and conclude that there is an agenda to construct a new alternative orthodoxy about the pyramids, the Sphinx, the Mars face, and to arrive at all costs at the year 10,500 BCE, prophesized by Cayce. As far as this goes, most orthodox historians and Egyptologists would probably applaud the authors for having seen the light. However, this project of debunking is only the beginning. Picknett and Prince identify as the source of this artificial mythology a shadowy group preparing for a sinister new world order ushered in by the return of the Egyptian gods (or possibly, in the vein of Stargate, evil imposters). These gods are specifically “the Nine,” i.e., the Great Ennead of Heliopolis, the most significant genealogy in the Egyptian pantheon who have been the alleged source of messages received through ‘channeling’ since 1952.88 Picknett and Prince chronicle the activities of various organizations at Giza and relate rumors “that the US government is searching for a physical artefact or ancient device, perhaps even of extraterrestrial origin,” prompting the authors to speculate that “(i)f the Americans are involved with ancient stargate technology, then it would be the most top secret project in history, and the number of people ‘needing to know’ about it would be minimal.”89 This trend of seriously considering the Stargate’s existence is picked up by Andreas von Rétyi’s Die Stargate-Verschwörung (2000). Much of it (starting with the title) is paraphrased, if not plagiarized from Picknett and Prince, and the cover art even features the Stargate in front of a field of stars framing the famous golden mask of Tutankhamun, whose eyes are glowing bright - just like the alien ‘gods’ in Stargate SG-1. Perhaps the best example is Thomas Horn’s Nephilim Stargates. The Year 2012 and the Return of the Watchers (2007). Again we see the cover art dominated by the Stargate, this time glowing ominously behind a Mayan pyramid. While von Däniken was looking for astronauts and their rocketships, in the spirit of the space race of the 1960s, Horn is now looking for Stargates, and since there were as many doors, gates, portals, and openings of all kinds in antiquity as there were ships and chariots, he does not have to look very far: “Egyptians, Greeks, the Hindus, the American Indians, and virtually all other civilizations believed it. Beings of super intelligence sometimes referred to as ‘gods’ have since time immemorial descended through openings of sky, earth, and sea to interact with this planet’s creatures.”90 Similar titles include Erdogan Ercivan’s Das Sternentor der Pyramiden (“The Stargate of the Pyramids”) or Philip Coppens’s The Canopus Revelation. Stargate of the Gods and the Ark of Osiris. William Henry, a regular guest presenter on the aforementioned hit series Ancient Aliens, is particularly fond of evoking the Stargate in his manifold media appearances (while it needs to be stated that his concerns are primarily Christian, and not predominantly Egyptian). His website ( shows him posing in front of a flaming circular disk, blue in the center, encircled by the zodiac (remember that the symbols on the Stargate are the constellations) and plates bearing Roman numerals, all in front of a field of stars - it is not exactly the Stargate, but the allusion is clear. Recently, Henry and his spouse went on a tour titled “Stargate Egypt 2015: Ancient Mysteries, the Key of Life and the Lost Secrets of Ascension,”91 and there are many video recordings of his lectures available on Youtube, in one of which Henry explains that the journey of the sun god Ra across the sky and through the underworld, which in Egyptian iconography is depicted as a journey on a boat over a river, actually represents extraterrestrials traveling through Stargates - the river of course being a wormhole.92 Meanwhile, a sensationalist documentary speculates that the rationale for the Second Iraq War was the attempted recovery of a Stargate hidden in the ancient city of Ur.93 At 2:46, an ‘expert’ explains: “Iraq has long been known as the location of one of the oldest Stargates on planet Earth,” followed by a slick computer animation of a large metal ring - because that is of course what a Stargate must look like, following the occultural authority of the movie and television series. We also find evidence of people believing a ‘Stargate conspiracy’ as formulated by Picknett and Prince may be at work to cover up the existence of the gate, and that the film and television series Stargate may even be complicit in this scheme. If one enters “Is the Stargate” into Google, roughly every second search suggestion based on frequently-asked questions is not related to the movie or television series per se, but to the Stargate’s existence: “Is the Stargate (±program) real”; “Is the Stargate possible.” If we search for the former, already the second result takes us to a discussion in a message board on a website called “Above Top Secret” (ATS) where the following conspiracy is entertained (errors in grammar and spelling in the original): Has it ever occured to any one that the shows Stargate SG1 and Atlantis have been made to coverup the fact that the American military posses a stargate in real life. The show is amazing but it was there so that it takes the scent of whats actually going on in real life. If you tell people that such a device as a stargate exists you get answers like are you insane or you do know thats just a TV programme you know. I know there are already people that beleive the stargate exists on ATS and there is also a few other posts to do with this on ATS. But i am only intrested in peoples views on wheter the show is a coverup or not. 6. The Hyper-Real Dynamics of Occulture Even though both Lovecraft and Emmerich explicitly stated that they were writing fiction, this has not stopped their creations from being taken as fact.95 While Lovecraft’s alien gods have been incorporated into the loose canon of Satanism (note especially their invocation by Kenneth Grant’s Typhonian Ordo Templis Orientis), and occultists seek out copies of the fictional book Necronomicon,96 AA theorists likewise succumb to the allure of the Stargate and have begun convincing themselves and their audience that it actually exists. I believe this puzzling trend can best be accounted for by an approach grounded in recent scholarship on the subject of fiction-based religion by Carole Cusack and especially Adam Possamai’s Religion and Popular Culture (2005). Possamai explains how, according to the great theorist of postmodernity Jean Baudrillard, we live in an economy of symbols and signs that are exchanged for each other and whose reference to a physical reality behind the medial representation has become irrelevant, collapsing the difference between real and unreal, resulting in what Baudrillard calls “hyper-reality.”97 This implosion, Possamai argues, can account for fiction-based religions such as Jediism, based on the spirituality presented in the Star Wars films, asserting that “for these spiritual consumers, the real and the unreal might have imploded and might have created an unclear sense of distinction between them.”98 The Stargate’s intrusion into serious belief can be described as a ‘simulacrum,’ a kind of virtual reality with which something is imbued.99 It is helpful to observe how this term has been employed by Tera Pruitt, who discusses the ‘pyramids’ (which the archaeological community agrees are not pyramids at all but mountain formations) near the Bosnian town of Visoko. The pyramids have been popularized by charismatic media figure and pseudoarchaeologist Semir Osmanagić, becoming a veritable pilgrimage site and tourist attraction with considerable economic impact, as well as a symbol of national identity.100 Pruitt analyzes how “(t)hrough the performance of language, and through media transmission of his material, Osmanagić and his media support are actively creating the pyramids through a media experience.”101 She argues that Osmanagić is producing a hallucinatory effect and creating the ‘virtuality’ of the national pyramid monument that the people want to see,102 and calls this phenomenon a “simulacrum,” something that is “not a copy of the real, but rather something virtual that becomes truth or replaces truth in its own right, something that is ‘hyperreal’.”103 This is precisely what is happening with the assimilation of the Stargate into the AAD: Like the Bosnian pyramids, believers in the AA ‘religion’ are thinking, willing, filming, writing, and reading into virtual existence the Egyptian gateway to the stars. And the simulacrum is growing: In the 2016 film Gods of Egypt, a loose retelling of Egyptian mythology, the god Horus (whose design here is itself clearly influenced by Stargate, and many more examples from this film and from across the spectrum of pop-culture could be cited)104 journeys to the solar barque of Ra through a massive ring erected on the top of a mountain. It looks like a giant gear with nine ‘notches’ pointing outward at regular intervals - obviously an inversion of the design of the Stargate which has nine (two are often concealed) triangular ‘chevrons’ pointing inward (compare fig. 1 and 2). At this point, the simulacrum has left the domain of AA narratives and seems to be naturally at home even in a non-subversive vision of Egypt. 7. An Ancient Astronaut Religion? Von Däniken himself has vehemently denied that his tenets possess religious qualities, because the AAD lacks defining elements such as promises beyond death or a house of worship105 - a defense that relies on a vaguely modern, Christian sense of what constitutes a ‘religion,’ and that cannot satisfy recent standards set by religious studies. In the following, some key elements of the AAD’s ‘religiosity’ will be proposed: The development of the AAD out of Western esotericism, as well as its interdependency with popular culture which I have outlined above demonstrate that the AAD is a child of ‘occulture’ as defined by Christopher Partridge. Max Weber’s theory that the West has reached a near-total state of disenchantment and secularization has been increasingly doubted by scholars;106 Partridge points out that while the institutional forms of the traditional world religions are in decline, new religious movements are on the rise which “emerge from an essentially non-Christian religio-cultural milieu, a milieu that both resources and is resourced by popular culture - the ‘occult milieu,’ what I refer to as ‘occulture.’107 Accordingly, Ingberdt Jüdt has pointed out that, parallel to the results of Horst Stenger’s Soziologie des New Age (1993), the AAD too aims at providing “the establishing of weltanschauliche certitude” as a response to the fracturing of society that followed the Weberian disenchantment of the world. By entering into an esoteric lifestyle, an individual immediately acquires the ability to discover his inner self and the freedom of meaningful action and definition “without the requirement of overcoming cultural obstacles of access (in this case: to the sciences relevant for historical research).”108 One might say that technology itself, rather than its alien carriers, is the principal deity of the AAD. Ingbert Jüdt explains how this desire to find modern technology in antiquity in oder to legitimize it in the present turns AA narratives into a neo-myth (italics in original): With regard to Däniken’s mythical sources, we can say: through this substitution, Preastronautics do not analyze myth, they restitute it. They preserve the plot of the myth, its performances, by retrospectively inscribing into it a new working principle which is compatible with our time, i.e., technology. However, in doing so, they are themselves transformed into a mythical narration which, accordingly, assumes mythical functions for a hi-tech present. This ‘cult’ of technological progress goes hand in hand with a reliance on the ideal of ‘common sense’ that is fundamental for the AAD’s approach to history, as Jüdt has shown.110 It boils down to the notion that ‘any child can see that this alleged god is wearing an astronaut’s helmet,’ simply because it may look like that to someone who is familiar with astronaut helmets from his or her own time and culture (the space race of the 1960s). As a modern myth, Preastronautics aim for an absolute transparency of the ancient sources, and any remaining ‘strangeness’ (Fremdheit, Jüdt’s term) in the sources is abhorred - different cultures are forbidden to be different from us. Jonas Richter dubs this tactic interpretatio technologica,111 while Jüdt speaks of a “Midas touch” that turns everything not into gold, but into a spaceship.112 He summarizes this anti-hermeneutical strategy as “the trap of a historical objectivism which gainsays the historicity of one’s own vantage point.”113 The conflict with orthodox historiography is, with regard to the special place occupied by Egypt in the cultural memory of the West, most archetypal in the case of Egyptology. As Egyptologist Dominic Montserrat remarked, “some of us are engaged in the deconstruction, destabilisation, demythologisation and deideologisation of western-produced knowledge of the past.”114 The AAD seeks to replace both religious dogma and orthodox historiography, presenting instead a unifying myth that re-enchants the world.115 According to Jüdt, these modern myths ‘colonize’ contested space within the cultural memory - in this case, “the growing gap between Egyptomania and Egyptology” - which Jan Assmann appropriately termed “a no man’s land of mutual incomprehension.”116 Within this space, Jüdt diagnoses a project of “re-mythification of history” via “a technocratic ideology rooted in the principle of common sense.”117 He concludes: It seems to me that we can ascribe the success of pre-astronautics to a...widespread culture-historical interest turning back to the worlds existing before and besides our own civilization, which is taking place outside the ‘jurisdiction’ of the relevant scientific institutions...Accordingly, we can perceive in the rise of Paleo-SETI literature a form of subcultural, ‘wild’ colonization of those idle provinces of meaning which have so far not been bindingly appropriated by the cultural memory of Western civilization and which, like its religious and philosophical tradition itself, have been disenchanted by the rise of the modern sciences.118 Finally, the religious dimensions - despite the absence of theistic concerns, per its euhemerism - of the AAD are most evident in its anti-evolutionism. According to von Däniken (and especially Sitchin, whom Colavito calls a “prophet” of a kind of “extraterrestrial genesis” cult following),119 the human race, Egyptian civilization, the pyramids, etc. did not develop through complex processes, but are created by the ‘gods’ - a view scholars have recognized to be a variant of creationism.120 As Carole Cusack has pointed out, the AAD caters to an anthropological constant that is at the heart of all religion: The desire for a monocausal narrative of agency, which by its definition implies meaning: The cognitive science approach has demonstrated that religion is a successful factor in evolutionary biology and that religious explanations (narratives attributing agency) are readily accepted as plausible...Pseudo- scientific theories are perennially popular...because there is a willingness to accept explanations such as “aliens created homo sapiens” (rather than the Darwinian theory of evolution) or “all culture had its origins in ancient Egypt” (rather than complicated theories about independent invention), because these explanations attribute cultural phenomena to specific agents, and are thus functionally equivalent to religious explanations.121 8. Conclusions: Ritual Liminality and Virtual Reality It is no coincidence that the fictional Stargate device has come to lead an existence within AAD independent of the eponymous film franchise. The giant portal from the sands of Egypt, with its wormhole resembling a vertical glowing wall of water which the hero Egyptologist approaches, slowly and awestruck, until he finally immerses (one is tempted: baptizes) himself in the ‘water,’ exudes the liminality of a ritual. The gate is a threshold whose crossing signifies transformation and the end of one life before the beginning of another. (Indeed, the gate demolecularizes a person - a kind of death - hurls them across the universe and reassembles them in an Egyptian temple.) In a way, the Stargate is the twenty-first century equivalent of the ‘portal of the gods’ that adepts crossed in the pseudo-Egyptian rituals of the Freemasons.122 Its eager incorporation into a self-declared scientific discourse, despite its obvious fictional nature, indicates that the gate fulfils a specific need. The gate - at once a mystical ‘portal of the gods’ and technology - is an ideal focal point for the holistic techno-religiosity of the Preastronautic worldview summarized above, and it certainly accommodates twenty-first century notions of astrophysics and space travel better than von Däniken’s and Sitchin’s gods’ awkward dependence on 1960s rocketships and landing strips. Its specific function and intense dramaturgical presentation serve as a powerful visualization of belonging to a select elite, initiated into sacred mysteries about humanity’s origins and destiny, thus gaining religious satisfaction while claiming the status of actual (even ‘superior’) science. All things considered, it appears that, in synthesizing all these aspects in one elegant circle, the Stargate was simply too good to not be true, and that Roland Emmerich suffered the same fate as H. P. Lovecraft, who inadvertently helped inspire the founding fathers of the modern AAD through his sci-fi stories that cynically mimicked the mythology of Theosophy for sheer effect, “did his job too well, and as a result new generations became exposed to Blavatsky’s interplanetary nonsense through the much more convincing versions Lovecraft produced as fiction.”

  • Breve história dos números egípcios

    O Egito foi sem dúvida uma das civilizações mais avançadas da antiguidade. Seu sistema de numeração era muito sofisticado e curioso ao mesmo tempo. Os egípcios já haviam desenvolvido seu método três mil anos antes do nascimento de Cristo. O sistema de numeração egípcia era baseado em 10, isto é, eles contavam de dez em dez. Embora sua influência tenha sido menor que a de outras civilizações, como a romana, os números egípcios também têm certo peso na numerologia atual. Breve história dos números egípcios Os números egípcios são representados por ideogramas e não pelos gráficos que conhecemos. Para representar pequenas quantidades, eles usaram o que era conhecido como “frações de Horus” ou frações unitárias. Apesar da importância e do grande desenvolvimento deste sistema numérico, ele dificilmente foi utilizado nas transações comerciais no cotidiano dos egípcios. Isso ocorre porque a notação hierática foi usada na maioria dos textos que usaram o sistema numeral egípcio. Os sinais usados na notação hierática eram diferentes, sendo um para cada número de um a nove. Apesar de grande dificuldade no momento da compreensão e escrita, esta notação foi utilizada na vida comum. As descobertas dos números egípcios na anotação hierática remontam ao período arcaico. O sistema de números inteiros era o mais simples, já que o número 1 era desenhado com uma linha vertical e as linhas eram adicionadas à medida que eram agregadas. As 2 duas linhas, as 3 três linhas e assim por diante. De acordo com descobertas arqueológicas, os nomes dos inteiros eram conhecidos como: UA-1 Senu-2, 3-jemet Fedu-4, diu-5, 6-seresu, sejef-7, 8-jemenu, pesedyu-9, 10-medyu, dyebati-20, maba-30, JEM-40, diiu-50, seresiu-60, sefejiu-70, jemeniu-80, pesedyiu-90, 100 shet-ha-1000, dyeba- 10.000, jefen-100.000 e jej-1.000.000. Os números egípcios e suas curiosidades Uma das coisas mais impressionantes sobre o sistema numérico no Egito Antigo é que levou mais de um milênio para desenvolver e incorporar o número zero e era usado apenas para a construção de grandes obras arquitetônicas, como as pirâmides. Além disso, os antigos egípcios geralmente trabalhavam com frações, divisões ou multiplicações. Os gregos logo adotaram e admiraram todas essas operações que foram muito úteis e continuaram a serem usadas muitos anos após o desaparecimento do império egípcio.

  • Geometria Sagrada

    Através de estudos dos ensinamentos sagrados de Lemuria, Atlantida e antigo Egito, unificando com conhecimentos e estudos sobre física quântica e geometria sagrada foi possível a descoberta de um poderoso conjunto de técnicas que possibilitam alcançar a ativação completa do corpo e veículo de luz. Juntamente com a abertura do chacra cardíaco e alcance da vibração de amor incondicional, somos capazes de fazer uma limpeza dos canais energéticos e sutis de nossos corpos, ampliando e elevando nossa consciência. Através da geometria sagrada, trazemos à consciência a existência de vários campos magnéticos que circundam nossos corpos (um deles é o campo formado pela estrela tetraédrica – ver figura abaixo), e através da meditação da Merkaba, conseguimos acessar estes campos, acionando nosso veículo de luz e projetando nosso ser para outras dimensões. A conscientização e ativação do veículo Merkaba de luz pode trazer vários benefícios ao ser humano: Acelera consideravelmente o processo de ascenção Possibilita uma ampliação da auto consciência, assim como da consciência das relações com outros seres, planeta e universo, num geral Ativação dos canais energéticos dos corpos físico e sutis Harmonia e integração completa do ser Acelera e aumenta os insights – auto consciência Melhora o desempenho do corpo físico Ativa áreas do cérebro, aumentando o potencial Aumenta o potencial energético geral Aumento de habilidades como telepatia, clarividência, bilocação, multilocação, etc… Possibilita o alcance da imortalidade física A Merkaba é um campo de luz que gira em sentidos contrários e que afeta espírito e corpo simultaneamente. É um veículo que pode levar espírito e corpo (ou a interpretação da realidade de uma pessoa) de um mundo ou dimensão para uma outra. Na verdade, a Merkaba é muito mais do que isso, porque ela pode criar uma realidade tanto quanto se mover entre realidades. Para nossos propósitos, entretanto, nos concentraremos principalmente no seu aspecto como um veículo interdimensional (Mer-Ka-Vah significa carruagem em hebraico) que nos ajudará a voltar ao nosso estado mais elevado de consciência original. Merkabah é uma energia que, segundo nosso entendimento, não tem dono e não pode ser qualificada. Podemos tentar qualificá-la, assim como alguns o fizeram com a Geometria Sagrada, mas só podemos fazê-lo em relação a generalidades, uma vez que se trata de energia e de substância etérica do Deus Criador. Seu propósito aparente é observar as criações divinas e avaliar para o Criador se aquela consciência específica atingiu o nível prescrito, em quantidade e espécie, que lhe permita ascender a um nível mais elevado de consciência ou dimensão. O que é a Merkabah, em sua consistência? Significativamente ela é constituída pelas inteligências combinadas dos 24 Anciãos, aos quais podemos nos referir como os “Deuses das Mudanças”, assim como nove dos Deuses das Mudanças fazem parte do Conselho Crístico. Esses 24 Anciãos não devem ser confundidos com os 24 Anciãos que estão à Mão Direita do Criador e que, por direito, são deuses criadores e podem comandar (assim como o faz o Único Criador) legiões de universos, mas que preferem servir altruisticamente às necessidades do existente Mega-Criador. A Merkabah é destinada a avaliar as formas distintas de consciência e inteligência e, periodicamente, facilitar sua integração ao nível imediatamente superior de consciência, quando for apropriado e aceitável. Este é um processo contínuo em todos os universos, permitindo ao Criador resgatar o que foi criado e que possa ter-se perdido temporariamente. A Merkabah, conforme declarado em vários livros recentemente publicados, pode ser comparada à utilização da Geometria Sagrada, e apesar de seus resultados serem aparentemente exatos e compensadores, envolve um procedimento e uma disciplina muito complicados para as pessoas comuns; portanto, seu objetivo e eficácia podem ser limitados. Presumindo-se que assim seja, o seguinte texto servirá para simplificar o assunto. Como declarado anteriormente, Merkabah é uma energia sagrada, formada e controlada por uma inteligência superior para identificar em qualquer dimensão aqueles elementos de consciência que já estão prontos para a ascensão.

  • Fundamental Teachings Of Buddhism

    The word Buddha means The Awakened One, coming from the Sanskrit root budh – 'to wake'. He is a man who has woken fully, as if from a deep sleep, to discover that suffering, like a dream, is over. The historical Buddha was however a man like any other, but an exceptional one; what he rediscovered was a way that anyone can walk, providing that they are so inclined. The historical Buddha Gautama was not the first Buddha. There had been others who had walked the way before him. He was not a god, a prophet or any kind of supernatural being. He was, as we have seen, one who was born, lived and died a human being. A remarkable human being, who discovered a way of achieving true wisdom, compassion and freedom from suffering. He 'rediscovered an ancient way to an ancient city' that had been covered up and forgotten. Through his own efforts he was able to find the way out of suffering to liberation, and those that have followed him have kept that way open. The Buddha did not teach that a God created the Universe. He pointed to a great Law or Dharma running through everything that exists. It is by living in accordance with this Law that true Wisdom and Compassion and hence freedom from suffering may be achieved. Suffering may only be overcome, however, by being confronted and lived through. In the Buddha's words: 'Suffering I teach and the way out of suffering.' Fundamental Buddhist doctrines include the following: The Chain of Causation / The Twelve linked Chain of Causation This important doctrine teaches the interconnectedness of all things and in particular the law of Karma and the mechanism by which we create a world of suffering for ourselves and others, and the opposite; the way to live that reduces suffering for all, and leads to liberation. The Three Signs of Being (1) Change (2) Suffering (3) no 'I' The first, Change, points out the basic fact that nothing in the world is fixed or permanent. We ourselves are not the same people, either physically, emotionally or mentally, that we were ten years - or even ten minutes ago! Living as we do, then, as shifting beings upon shifting sands, it is not possible for us to find lasting security. As regards the second Sign, we have already seen how it was the experience of Suffering that sent the Buddha off on his great spiritual quest, though suffering is not a very good translation of the original word, dukkha. Dukkha implies the generally unsatisfactory and imperfect nature of life. However, it does not follow that Buddhists believe that life is all suffering. Buddhists do believe that there is happiness in life, but know that it does not last and that even in the most fortunate of lives there is suffering. Happiness is subject to the law of change and impermanence. No-I, the third Sign, is a little more difficult. Buddhists do not believe that there is anything everlasting or unchangeable in human beings, no soul or self in which a stable sense of 'I' might anchor itself. The whole idea of 'I' is in fact a basically false one that tries to set itself up in an unstable and temporary collection of elements. Take the traditional analogy of a cart. A cart may be broken down into its basic components -axle, wheels, shafts, sides, etc. Then the cart is no more; all we have is a pile of components. In the same way 'I' am made up of various elements or aggregates (khandhas): form (rupa-khandha), feeling-sensation (pleasant, unpleasant, neutral), (vedana-khandha), perception (sanna-khandha), volitional mental activities (sankhara-khandha), sense consciousness (vinnana-khandha). The Four Noble Truths (1) The Noble Truth of Suffering (2) The Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering (3) The Noble Truth of Cessation of Suffering (4) The Noble Truth of the Way leading to the Cessation of Suffering: The Noble Eightfold Path. Buddhism begins with the fact of suffering. However, before we can do anything about it, we must know its cause, which is the deeply-rooted sense of 'I' that we all have. Because of this we are always struggling to get things that are pleasurable and avoid things that are painful to find ease and security, and generally to manipulate people and situations to be the way 'I' want them. And because the rest of the world does not necessarily fit in with what I want, we often find ourselves cutting against the general flow of things, and getting hurt and disappointed in the process. Suffering may be therefore brought to an end by transcending this strong sense of 'I' so that we come into greater harmony with things in general. The means of doing this is The Noble Eightfold Path. The Noble Eightfold Path (1) Right View. (2) Right Thought. (3) Right Speech. (4) Right Action. (5) Right Livelihood. (6) Right Effort (7) Right Mindfulness. (8) Right Concentration. The Wheel is the symbol of the Dharma and is shown with eight spokes which represent the Noble Eightfold Path. Right View is important at the start because if we cannot see the truth of the Four Noble Truths then we can't make any sort of beginning. Right Thought follows naturally from this. 'Right' here means in accordance with the facts: with the way things are - which may be different from how I would like them to be. Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood involve moral restraint refraining from lying, stealing, committing violent acts, and earning one's living in a way harmful to others. Moral restraint not only helps bring about general social harmony but also helps us control and diminish the sense of 'I'. Like a greedy child, 'I' grows big and unruly the more we let it have its own way. Next, Right Effort is important because 'I' thrives on idleness and wrong effort; some of the greatest criminals are the most energetic people, so effort must be appropriate to the diminution of I, and in any case if we are not prepared to exert ourselves we cannot hope to achieve anything at all in either the spiritual sense nor in life. The last two steps of the Path, Right Mindfulness or awareness and Right Concentration or absorption, represent the first stage toward liberation from suffering. To be aware and at one with what we are doing is fundamental to proper living, this practice takes many forms but in the West the formal practice is called meditation. In the most basic form of Buddhist meditation, a person sits cross-legged on a cushion on the floor or upright in a chair. He/she quietly watches the rise and fall of the breath. If thoughts, emotions or impulses arise, he/she just observes them come up and go like clouds in a blue sky, without rejecting them on the one hand or being carried away into daydreaming or restlessness on the other. It should be learnt under the guidance of a teacher just as the Buddha too learnt meditation. The Three Fires (1) Desire/Thirst, (2) Anger (3) Delusion 'Your house is on fire, burns with the Three Fires; there is no dwelling in it' - thus spoke the Buddha in his great Fire Sermon. The house he speaks of here is the human body; the three fires that burn it are (1) Desire/Thirst, (2) Anger and (3) Delusion. They are all kinds of energy and are called 'fires' because, untamed, they can rage through us and hurt us and other people too! Properly calmed through spiritual training, however, they can be transformed into the genuine warmth of real humanity. In General 'Not to do any evil; to cultivate good; to purify one's heart - this is the teaching of all the Buddhas.' Although Buddhists value highly such virtues as loving kindness, humanity, patience and giving, perhaps they value wisdom and compassion most of all. The idea of ahimsa or harmlessness is very closely connected with compassion. The compassionate desire to cause no harm to all beings including animals, plants, and the world in general. In all things Buddhism places great stress on self-reliance and the Buddha himself told his followers not to believe without questioning, but to test it for themselves. Buddhism is also a very practical religion and aims at helping people to live their lives peacefully. Buddhists also try to practice the Buddhist virtues actively in their everyday lives. The final goal of all Buddhist practice is to bring about that same awakening that the Buddha himself achieved through an active transformation of the heart and passions and the letting go of I.


    THE BACKGROUND OF BUDDHISM Buddhism, like most of the great religions of the world, is divided into a number of different traditions. However, most traditions share a common set of fundamental beliefs. One central belief of Buddhism is often referred to as reincarnation -- the concept that people are reborn after dying. In fact, most individuals go through many cycles of birth, living, death and rebirth. A practicing Buddhist differentiates between the concepts of rebirth and reincarnation. In reincarnation, the individual may recur repeatedly. In rebirth, a person does not necessarily return to Earth as the same entity ever again. He compares it to a leaf growing on a tree. When the withering leaf falls off, a new leaf will eventually replace it. It is similar to the old leaf, but it is not identical to the original leaf. Buddhism is a philosophy of life expounded by Gautama Buddha ("Buddha" means "enlightened one"), who lived and taught in northern India in the 6th century B.C. The Buddha was not a god and the philosophy of Buddhism does not entail any theistic world view. The teachings of the Buddha are aimed solely at liberating sentient beings from suffering. The Basic Teachings of Buddha which are core to Buddhism are: • The Three Universal Truths; • The Four Noble Truths; and • The Noble Eightfold Path. THE THREE UNIVERSAL TRUTHS 1. Nothing is lost in the universe 2. Everything Changes 3. The Law of Cause and Effect In Buddhism, the law of karma, says "for every event that occurs, there will follow another event whose existence was caused by the first, and this second event will be pleasant or unpleasant according as its cause was skillful or unskillful." Therefore, the law of Karma teaches that the responsibility for unskillful actions is borne by the person who commits them. After his enlightenment, the Buddha went to the Deer Park near the holy city of Benares and shared his new understanding with five holy men. They understood immediately and became his disciples. This marked the beginning of the Buddhist community. For the next forty-five years, the Buddha and his disciples went from place to place in India spreading the Dharma, his teachings. Their compassion knew no bounds; they helped everyone along the way, beggars, kings and slave girls. At night, they would sleep where they were; when hungry they would ask for a little food. Wherever the Buddha went, he won the hearts of the people because he dealt with their true feelings. He advised them not to accept his words on blind faith, but to decide for themselves whether his teachings are right or wrong, then follow them. He encouraged everyone to have compassion for each other and develop their own virtue: "You should do your own work, for I can teach only the way." Once, the Buddha and his disciple Ananda visited a monastery where a monk was suffering from a contagious disease. The poor man lay in a mess with no one looking after him. The Buddha himself washed the sick monk and placed him on a new bed. Afterwards, he admonished the other monks: "Monks, you have neither mother nor father to look after you. If you do not look after each other, who will look after you? Whoever serves the sick and suffering, serves me." After many such cycles, if a person releases their attachment to desire and the self, they can attain Nirvana. This is a state of liberation and freedom from suffering. The three trainings or practices These three consist of: 1. Sila: Virtue, good conduct, morality. This is based on two fundamental principles: The principle of equality: that all living entities are equal. The principle of reciprocity: This is the "Golden Rule" in Christianity - to do unto others as you would wish them to do unto you. It is found in all major religions. 2. Samadhi: Concentration, meditation, mental development. Developing one's mind is the path to wisdom which, in turn, leads to personal freedom. Mental development also strengthens and controls our mind; this helps us maintain good conduct. 3. Prajna: Discernment, insight, wisdom, enlightenment. This is the real heart of Buddhism. Wisdom will emerge if your mind is pure and calm. The first two paths listed in the Eightfold Path, described below, refer to discernment; the last three belong to concentration; the middle three are related to virtue. THE FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS The Buddha's Four Noble Truths explore human suffering. They may be described (somewhat simplistically) as: 1. Dukkha: Suffering exists: Life is suffering. Suffering is real and almost universal. Suffering has many causes: loss, sickness, pain, failure, and the impermanence of pleasure. 2. Samudaya: There is a cause of suffering. Suffering is due to attachment. It is the desire to have and control things. It can take many forms: craving of sensual pleasures; the desire for fame; the desire to avoid unpleasant sensations, like fear, anger or jealousy. 3. Nirodha: There is an end to suffering. Attachment can be overcome. Suffering ceases with the final liberation of Nirvana (Nibbana). The mind experiences complete freedom, liberation and non-attachment. It lets go of any desire or craving. 4. Magga: In order to end suffering, you must follow the Eightfold Path. There is a path for accomplishing this. The five precepts These are rules to live by. They are somewhat analogous to the second half of the Ten Commandments in Judaism and Christianity -- that part of the Decalogue which describes behaviors to avoid. However, they are recommendations, not commandments. Believers are expected to use their own intelligence in deciding exactly how to apply these rules: 1. Do not kill. This is sometimes translated as "not harming" or an absence of violence. 2. Do not steal. This is generally interpreted as including the avoidance of fraud and economic exploitation. 3. Do not lie. This is sometimes interpreted as including name-calling, gossip, etc. 4. Do not misuse sex. For monks and nuns, this means any departure from complete celibacy. For the laity, adultery is forbidden, along with any sexual harassment or exploitation, including that within marriage. The Buddha did not discuss consensual premarital sex within a committed relationship, thus, Buddhist traditions differ on this. Most Buddhists, probably influenced by their local cultures, condemn same-sex sexual activity regardless of the nature of the relationship between the people involved. 5. Do not consume alcohol or other drugs. The main concern here is that intoxicants cloud the mind. Some have included as a drug other methods of divorcing ourselves from reality -- e.g. movies, television, and the Internet. Those preparing for monastic life or who are not within a family are expected to avoid an additional five activities: 6. Taking untimely meals. 7. Dancing, singing, music, watching grotesque mime. 8. Use of garlands, perfumes and personal adornment. 9. Use of high seats. 10. Accepting gold or silver. There is also a series of eight precepts which are composed of the first seven listed above, followed by the eighth and ninth combined as one. "Ordained Theravada monks promise to follow 227 precepts!" THE EIGHTFOLD PATH The Buddha's Eightfold Path consists of: Panna: Discernment, wisdom: 1. Samma ditthi: Right Understanding of the Four Noble Truths. Right View is the true understanding of the four noble truths. 2. Samma sankappa: Right thinking; following the right path in life. Right Aspiration is the true desire to free oneself from attachment, ignorance, and hatefulness. These two are referred to as Prajna, or Wisdom. Sila: Virtue, morality: 3. Samma vaca: Right speech: No lying, criticism, condemning, gossip, harsh language. Right Speech involves abstaining from lying, gossiping, or hurtful talk. 4. Samma kammanta Right conduct or Right Action involves abstaining from hurtful behaviors, such as killing, stealing, and careless sex. These are called the Five Precepts. 5. Samma ajiva: Right livelihood: Support yourself without harming others. Right Livelihood means making your living in such a way as to avoid dishonesty and hurting others, including animals. These three are referred to as Shila, or Morality. Samadhi: Concentration, meditation: 6. Samma vayama: Right Effort: Promote good thoughts; conquer evil thoughts. Right Effort is a matter of exerting oneself in regards to the content of one's mind: Bad qualities should be abandoned and prevented from arising again. Good qualities should be enacted and nurtured. 7. Samma sati: Right Mindfulness: Become aware of your body, mind and feelings. Right Mindfulness is the focusing of one's attention on one's body, feelings, thoughts, and consciousness in such a way as to overcome craving, hatred, and ignorance. 8. Samma samadhi: Right Concentration: Meditate to achieve a higher state of consciousness. Right Concentration is meditating in such a way as to progressively realize a true understanding of imperfection, impermanence, and non-separateness There are, however, many sects of Buddhism and there are different kinds of Buddhist monks all over the world. The life and customs of Buddhist monks are not only different and unique but consist of a spiritual meaning. Their daily life follows a strict schedule that revolves around meditation, study of scriptures, and taking part in ceremonies. There are Buddhist shrines, Buddhist monasteries, where monks live, Gompas and Buddhist Stupas all over the world. Though it originated in northern India, the Emperor Ashoka helped to spread Buddhism into South East Asian countries such as Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand and Indo-China, from where it moved on to influence people in the Himalayan kingdoms of Sikkim, Bhutan, Nepal, Tibet, Mongolia, Central Asia as well as China, Korea, Viet Nam and Japan. Around 95 per cent of the population in Thailand is Buddhist, the highest concentration in the world, with Cambodia, Myanmar, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Tibet, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Viet Nam, Japan, Macao (China) and Taiwan Province of China following close behind. Devotees reaffirm their faith in the five principles called Panchsheel: 1. Do not to take life; 2. Do not to steal; 3. Do not to commit adultery; 4. Do not lie; 5. Do not to consume liquor or other intoxicants.

  • The XII And XIII Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean (Supplementary Too)

    The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean Tablet XII The Law of Cause and Effect and The Key of Prophecy List you, O man, to the words of my wisdom, list to the voice of Thoth, the Atlantean. Conquered have I the Law of time-space. Knowledge have I gained of the future of time. Know I that man in his movement through space-time shall ever be One with the All. Know you, O man, that all of the future is an open book to him who can read. All effect shall bring forth its causes as all effects grew from the first cause. Know you the future is not fixed or Stable but varies as cause brings forth an effect. Look in the cause you shalt bring into being, and surely you shalt see that all is effect. In the great beginning, there grew the First Cause That brought into being all that exists. You, yourself, are the effect of causation And in turn are the cause of yet other effects. So, O man, be sure the effects that you bring forth are ever causes of more perfect effects. Know you the future is never in fixation but follows man's free will as it moves through the movements of time-space toward the goal where a new time begins. Man can only read the future through the causes that bring the effects. Seek you within the causation and surely you shall find the effects. List you, O man, while I speak of the future, speak of the effect that follows the cause. Know you that man in his journey light-ward is ever seeking escape from the night that surrounds him, like the shadows that surround the stars in the sky and like the stars in the sky-space, he, too, shall shine from the shadows of night. Ever his destiny shall lead him onward until he is One with the Light. Yes, though his way lies midst the shadows, ever before him glows the Great Light. Dark though the way be yet shall he conquer the shadows that flow around him like night. Far in the future, I see man as Light-born, free from the darkness that fetters the Soul, living in Light without the bounds of the darkness to cover the Light that is Light of their Soul. Know you, O man, before you attain this that many the dark shadows shall fall on your Light striving to quench with the shadows of darkness the Light of the Soul that strives to be free. Great is the struggle between Light and darkness, age old and yet ever new. Yet, known in a time, far in the future, Light shall be All, and darkness shall fall. List you, O man, to my words of wisdom. Prepare and you shall not bind your Light. Man has risen and man has fallen as ever new waves of consciousness flow from the great abyss below us toward the Sun of their goal. You, my children, have risen from a state that was little above the beast, until now of all men you are greatest. Yet before you were others greater than you. Yet tell I you as before you others have fallen, so also, shall you come to an end. And upon the land where you dwell now, barbarians shall dwell and in turn rise to Light. Forgotten shall be the ancient-wisdom, yet ever shall live though hidden from men. Yes, in the land you call Khem, races shall rise and races shall fall. Forgotten shalt you be of the children of men. Yet you shalt have moved to a star-space beyond this leaving behind this place where you has dwelt. The Soul of man moves ever onward, bound not by any one star. But ever moving to the great goal before him where he is dissolved in the Light of the All. Know you that you shall ever go onward, moved by the Law of cause and effect until in the end both become One. Yes, man, after you have gone, others shall move in the places you lived. Knowledge and wisdom shall all be forgotten, and only a memory of Gods shall survive. As I to you am a God by my knowledge, so, you, too shall be Gods of the future because of your knowledge far above theirs. Yet know you that all through the ages, man shall have access to Law when he will. Ages to come shall see revival of wisdom to those who shall inherit thy place on this star. They shall, in turn, come into wisdom and learn to banish the darkness by Light. Yet greatly must they strive through the ages to bring unto themselves the freedom of Light. Then shall there come unto man the great warfare that shall make the Earth tremble and shake in its course. Yes, then shall the Dark Brothers open the warfare between Light and the night. When man again shall conquer the ocean and fly in the air on wings like the birds; when he has learned to harness the lightning, then shall the time of warfare begin[1]. Great shall the battle betwixt the forces, great the warfare of darkness and Light. Nation shall rise against nation using the dark forces to shatter the Earth. Weapons of force shall wipe out the Earth-man until half of the races of men shall be gone. Then shall come forth the Sons of the Morning and give their edict to the children of men, saying: “O men, cease from your striving against your brother. Only thus can you come to the Light. Cease from your unbelief, O my brother, and follow the path and know you are right.” Then shall men cease from their striving, brother against brother and father against son. Then shall the ancient home of my people rise from its place beneath the dark ocean waves. Then shall the Age of Light be unfolded with all men seeking the Light of the goal. Then shall the Brothers of Light rule the people. Banished shall be the darkness of night. Yes, the children of men shall progress onward and upward to the great goal. Children of Light shall they become. Flame of the flame shall their Souls ever be. Knowledge and wisdom shall be man's in the great age for he shall approach the eternal flame, the Source of all wisdom, the place of beginning, that is yet One with the end of all things. Yes, in a time that is yet unborn, all shall be One and One shall be All. Man, a perfect flame of this Cosmos, shall move forward to a place in the stars. Yes, shall move even from out of this space-time into another beyond the stars. Long have you listened to me, O my children, long have you listened to the wisdom of Thoth. Now I depart from you into darkness. Now go I to the Halls of Amenti, there to dwell in the future [when] Light shall come again to man. Yet, know you, my Spirit shall ever be with you, guiding your feet in the pathway of Light. Guard you the secrets I leave with you, and surely my spirit will guard you through life. Keep your eyes ever on the pathway to wisdom. Keep the Light as your goal evermore. Fetter not your Soul in bondage of darkness; free let it wing in its flight to the stars. Now I depart you to dwell in Amenti. Be you my children in this life and the next. The time will come when you, too, shall be deathless, living from age to age a Light among men. Guard you the entrance to the Halls of Amenti. Guard you the secrets I have hidden among you. Let not the wisdom be cast to barbarians. Secret shall you keep it for those who seek Light. Now depart I. Receive you my blessing. Take you my way and follow the Light. Blend you your Soul in the Great Essence. One, with the Great Light let your consciousness be. Call you on me when you do need me. Use my name three times in a row: CHEQUETET, ARELICH, VOLMALITES. [1] This Time is our present Time. Man has now these technologies, including the power of light, laser technologies. Emerald Tablet XII (Dr. Doréal interpretation) Thoth has conquered time and therefore has full realization of the Law of cause and effect. He has been able to penetrate to past and effect back to cause and know that nothing happens by chance; and know that the future is not fixed by fate but reached by the Law of effect resulting from cause set up. From the first cause to the farthermost extension, all things must move according to this Law. Knowing this, man should be careful of the causes he sets up. Thot begins to speak of the future according to causes he sets up. Man’s destiny is the final blending with Light even though he moves through darkness during material incarnations. When he speaks of the future Lightborn, he is speaking of the seventh cycle. And he also tells of the chaos that must come first, though in the end Light will conquer the darkness. Man has risen high in development in past ages and passed on closer to the Sun state. What has happened before will happen again. The ones to whom Thoth spoke would overcome and pass on, their place to be taken by another wave of consciousness from a lower planet. The ancient race would in time be forgotten, and the rulers would become gods to those who came after; of such were Osiris, Horus and Isis. Man’s soul only remains on this planet until he receives the first degree of illumination, then passes to Venus, from there to Mercury and finally to the Sun where it becomes one with the Cosmic Consciousness. After they are gone, the knowledge they have will be forgotten by man, excepting those who are appointed custodians. The age-old struggle will go on: Man constantly striving to regain that which he lost. Some there are who are so greatly in disorder that they will strive to hold others back, but Light must conquer darkness, Order banish disorder, though the Earth trembles from the combat. According to the prophecy, the time is now when this shall come to pass. The prophecy on this page is so plain, no comment is needed, save to say that we are now entering on the period spoken of. In the end, Light will reign, and man becomes One with all-pervading consciousness and shall pass as One into the higher cosmic cycle. Toth prepared to leave the outer Earth and return to Amenti, placing his body beneath the Fire of Life, while his soul goes elsewhere. When man again rises to Light, he promises that he will come forth again. He adjures them to guard the secrets he has given them and especially the entrance to the Halls of Amenti. How well they kept their trust is shown by the fact that it is still guarded by their descendants. The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean Tablet XIII The Keys of Life and Death List you, O man, hear you the wisdom. Hear you the Word that shall fill you with Life. Hear you the Word that shall banish the darkness. Hear you the voice that shall banish the night. Mystery and wisdom have I brought to my children; knowledge and power descended from old. Know you not that all shall be opened when you shall find the oneness of all? One shall you be with the Masters of Mystery, Conquerors of Death and Masters of Life. Yes, you shall learn of the flower of Amenti the blossom of life that shines in the Halls. In Spirit shall you reach that Halls of Amenti and bring back the wisdom that lived in Light. Know you the gateway to power is secret. Know you the gateway to life is through death. Yes, through death but not as you know death, but a death that is life and is fire and is Light. Desired you to know the deep, hidden secret? Look in thy heart where the knowledge is bound. Know that in you the secret is hidden, the source of all life and the source of all death. List you, O man, while I tell the secret, reveal unto you the secret of old. Deep in Earth's heart lies the flower, the source of the Spirit that binds all in its form. For know you that the Earth is living in body as you are alive in your own formed form. The flower of life is as your own place of Spirit and streams through the Earth as your flows through your form; giving of life to the Earth and its children, renewing the Spirit from form unto form. This is the Spirit that is form of your body, shaping and moldings into its form. Know you, O man, that your form is dual, balanced in polarity while formed in its form. Know that when fast on you Death approaches, it is only because your balance is shaken. It is only because one pole has been lost. Know that your body when in perfect balance May never be touched by the finger of DEATH. Yes, even accident may only approach When the balance is gone. When you are in a balanced equilibrium You shall live on in time and not taste of Death. Know that you are the balanced completion, existing because of your balance of poles. As, in you, one pole is drawn downward, Fast from you goes the balance of life. Then unto you cold Death approaches, And change must come to your unbalanced life. Know that the secret of life in Amenti is the secret of restoring the balance of poles[1]. All that exists has form and is living because of the Spirit of life in its poles. See you not that in Earth's heart is the balance of all things that exist and have being on its face? The source of your Spirit is drawn from Earth's heart, for in your form you are one with the Earth. When you hast learned to hold your own balance, then shalt you draw on the balance of Earth. Exist then shalt you while Earth is existing, changing in form, only when Earth, too, shalt change: Tasting not of death, but one with this planet, holding thy form till all pass away. List you, O man, whilst I give the secret so that you, too, shalt taste not of change. One hour each day shalt you lie with your head pointed to the place of the positive pole (north). One hour each day shalt your head be pointed to the place of the negative pole (south). Whilst your head is placed to the northward, hold you your consciousness from the chest to the head. And when your head is placed southward, hold you your thought from chest to the feet. Hold you in balance once in each seven, and your balance will retain the whole of its strength. Yes, if you be old, your body will freshen and your strength will become as a youth's. This is the secret known to the Masters by which they hold off the fingers of Death. Neglect not to follow the path I have shown, for when you have passed beyond years to a hundred to neglect it will mean the coming of Death. Hear you, my words, and follow the pathway. Keep you your balance and live on in life. Hear you, O man, and list to my voice. List to the wisdom that gives you of Death. When at the end of your work appointed, you may desire to pass from this life, pass to the plane where the Suns of the Morning live and have being as Children of Light. Pass without pain and pass without sorrow into the plane where is eternal Light. First lie at rest with your head to the eastward. Fold you your hands at the Source of your life (solar plexus). Place you your consciousness in the life seat. Whirl it and divide to north and to south. Send you the one out toward the northward. Send you the other out to the south. Relax you their hold upon your being. Forth from they form will thy silver spark fly, upward and onward to the Sun of the morning, blending with Light, at one with its source. There it shall flame till desire shall be created. Then shall return to a place in a form. Know you, O men, that thus pass the great Souls, changing at will from life unto life. Thus, ever passes the Avatar, willing his Death as he wills his own life. The key to the placing of consciousness at the time of death so that memory may be carried from one incarnation to another[1]] List you, O man, drink of my wisdom. Learn you the secret that is Master of Time. Learn you how those you call Masters are able to remember the lives of the past. Great is the secret yet easy to master, giving to you the mastery of time. When upon you death fast approaches, fear not but know you are master of Death. Relax your body, resist not with tension. Place in your heart the flame of your Soul. Swiftly then sweep it to the seat of the triangle. Hold for a moment, then move to the goal. This, your goal, is the place between your eyebrows, the place where the memory of life must hold sway. Hold you your flame here in your brain-seat until the fingers of Death grasp your Soul. Then as you pass through the state of transition, surely the memories of life shall pass, too. Then shalt the past be as one with the present. Then shall the memory of all be retained. Free shalt you be from all retrogression. The things of the past shall live in today. Man, you have heard the voice of my wisdom. Follow and you shall live through the ages as I. [1] Death is the loss of the continuity of memory. When you can carry on your memories on your passing moments you don’t experience death but only a change in your body, a change in your vehicle of soul that brings you further potentialities of knowing and expressing life. [1] Justice, the accordance with the Law, is the secret of balance, revealed by Harmony. The justified one is the embodying of the compliance of consciousness with the divine law. Emerald Tablet XIII (Dr. Doréal interpretation) Thoth promised to teach the secret of the Flower of Life. And when they attain oneness, they shall go to Amenti. The Flower of Life is the solar plexus of Earth and from it spirit flows holding Earth in form. The same spirit is in man as in Earth, only different in quantity. Man is dual in polarity. And when one pole becomes unbalanced, the equilibrium of the body is shaken, and sickness and death appear. Perfect balancing of the polarities eliminates sickness and disease. The Flower of Life exerts a balancing effect on the polarities of the body, holding them in even equilibrium. The rest of this tablet is so plain, it needs no interpretation, for only definite exercises are given. Supplementary Emerald Tablet XIV Translation Only List you, O Man, to the deep hidden wisdom, lost to the world since the time of the Dwellers, lost and forgotten by men of this age. Know you this Earth is but a portal, guarded by powers unknown to man. Yet, the Dark Lords hide the entrance that leads to the Heaven-born land. Know you, the way to the sphere of Arulu is guarded by barriers opened only to Light-born man. Upon Earth, I am the holder of the keys to the gates of the Sacred Land. Command I, by the powers beyond me, to leave the keys to the world of man. Before I depart, I give you the Secrets of how you may rise from the bondage of darkness, cast off the fetters of flesh that have bound you, rise from the darkness into the Light. Know you, the soul must be cleansed of its darkness, ere [early] you may enter the portals of Light. Thus, I established among you the Mysteries so that the Secrets may always be found. Yes, though man may fall into darkness, always the Light will shine as a guide. Hidden in darkness, veiled in symbols, always the way to the portal will be found. Man in the future will deny the mysteries but always the way the seeker will find. Now I command you to maintain my secrets, giving only to those you have tested, so that the pure may not be corrupted, so that the power of Truth may prevail. List you now to the unveiling of Mystery. List to the symbols of Mystery I give. Make of it a religion for only thus will its essence remain. Regions there are two between this life and the Great One, traveled by the Souls who depart from this Earth; DUAT, the home of the powers of illusion; SEKHET HETSPET, the House of the Gods. Osiris, the symbol of the guard of the portal, who turns back the souls of unworthy men. Beyond lies the sphere of the heaven-born powers, ARULU, the land where the Great Ones have passed. There, when my work among men has been finished, will I join the Great Ones of my Ancient home. SEVEN are the mansions of the house of the Mighty; THREE guards the portal of each house from the darkness; FIFTEEN the ways that lead to Duat. TWELVE are the houses of the Lords of Illusion, facing four ways, each of them different. FORTY and TWO are the great powers, judging the Dead who seek for the portal. FOUR are the Sons of Horus, TWO are the Guards of East and West – ISIS, the mother who pleads for her children, Queen of the Moon, reflecting the Sun. BA is the Essence, living forever. KA is the Shadow that man knows as life. BA come not until Ka is incarnate. These are mysteries to preserve through the ages. Keys are they of life and of Death. Hear you now the mystery of mysteries: learn of the circle beginningless and endless, the form of He who is One and in all. Listen and hear it, go forth and apply it, thus, will you travel the way that I go. Mystery in Mystery, yet clear to the Light-born, the Secret of all I now will reveal. I will declare a secret to the initiated, but let the door be wholly shut against the profane. Three is the mystery, come from the great one. Hear, and Light on you will dawn. In the primeval, dwell three unities. Other than these, none can exist. These are the equilibrium, source of creation: one God, one Truth, one point of freedom. Three come forth from the three of the balance: all life, all good, all power Three are the qualities of God in his Light-home: Infinite power, Infinite Wisdom, Infinite Love. Three are the powers given to the Masters: To transmute evil[1], assist good, use discrimination. Three are the things inevitable for God to perform: Manifest power, wisdom and love. Three are the powers creating all things: Divine Love possessed of perfect knowledge, Divine Wisdom knowing all possible means, Divine Power possessed by the joint will of Divine Love and Wisdom. Three are the circles (states) of existence: The circle of Light where dwells nothing but God, and only God can traverse it; the circle of Chaos where all things by nature arise from death; the Circle of awareness where all things spring from life. All things animate are of three states of existence: chaos or death, liberty in humanity and felicity of Heaven. Three necessities control all things: beginning in the Great Deep, the circle of chaos, plenitude in Heaven. Three are the paths of the Soul: Man, Liberty, Light[2]. Three are the hindrances: lack of endeavor to obtain knowledge; non-attachment to god; attachment to evil. In man, the three are manifest. Three are the Kings of power within. Three are the chambers of the mysteries, found yet not found in the body of man. Hear you now of he who is liberated, freed from the bondage of life into Light. Knowing the source of all worlds shall be open. Yes, even the Gates of Arulu shall not be barred. Yet heed, O man, who would enter heaven. If you be not worthy, better it be to fall into the fire. Know you the Celestials pass through the pure flame. At every revolution of the heavens, they bathe in the fountains of Light. List you, O man, to this mystery: Long in the past before you were man-born, I dwelled in Ancient Atlantis. There in the Temple, I drank of the Wisdom, poured as a fountain of Light from the Dweller. Give the key to ascend to the Presence of Light in the Great world. Stood I before the Holy (One) enthroned in the flower of fire. Veiled was he by the lightnings of darkness, else my Soul by the Glory have been shattered. Forth from the feet of his Throne like the diamond, rolled forth four rivers of flame from his footstool, rolled through the channels of clouds to the Man-world. Filled was the hall with Spirits of Heaven. Wonder of wonders was the Starry palace. Above the sky, like a rainbow of Fire and Sunlight, were formed the spirits. Sang they the glories of the Holy One. Then from the midst of the Fire came a voice: “Behold the Glory[3] of the first Cause.” I beheld that Light, high above all darkness, reflected in my own being. I attained, as it were, to the God of all Gods, the Spirit-Sun, the Sovereign of the Sun spheres. Again, came the Voice: “There is One, Even the First, who has no beginning, who has no end; who has made all things, who govern all, who is good, who is just, who illumines, who sustains.” Then from the throne, there poured a great radiance, surrounding and lifting my soul by its power. Swiftly I moved through the spaces of Heaven, shown was I the mystery of mysteries, shown the Secret heart of the cosmos. Carried was I to the land of Arulu, stood before the Lords in their Houses. Opened they the Doorway so, I might glimpse the primeval chaos. Shuddered my soul to the vision of horror, shrank back my soul from the ocean of darkness. Then saw I the need for the barriers, saw the need for the Lords of Arulu. Only they with their Infinite balance could stand in the way of the inpouring chaos[4]. Only they could guard God's creation. Then did I pass around the circle of eight. Saw all the souls who had conquered the darkness. Saw the splendor of Light where they dwelled. Longed I to take my place in their circle, but longed I also for the way I had chosen, when I stood in the Halls of Amenti and made my choice to the work I would do. Passed I from the Halls of Arulu down to the earth space where my body lay. Arose I from the earth where I rested. Stood I before the Dweller. Gave my pledge to renounce my Great Right until my work on Earth was completed, until the Age of darkness be past. List you, O man, to the words I shall give you. In them shall you find the Essence of Life. Before I return to the Halls of Amenti, taught shall you be the Secrets of Secrets, how you, too, may arise to the Light. Preserve them and guard them, hide them in symbols, so, the profane will laugh and renounce. In every land, form you the mysteries. Make the way hard for the seeker to tread. Thus, will the weak and the wavering be rejected. Thus, will the secrets be hidden and guarded, held till the time when the wheel shall be turned. Through the dark ages, waiting and watching, my Spirit shall remain in the deep hidden land. When one has passed all the trials of the outer, summon you me by the Key that you hold. Then will I, the Initiator, answer, come from the Halls of the Gods in Amenti. Then will I receive the initiate, give him the words of power. Hark you, remember, these words of warning: bring not to me one lacking in wisdom, impure in heart or weak in his purpose. Else I will withdraw from you your power to summon me from the place of my sleeping. Hark you, remember, these words of warning: bring not to me one lacking in wisdom, impure in heart or weak in his purpose. Else I will withdraw from you your power to summon me from the place of my sleeping. Go forth and conquer The element of darkness. Exalt in your nature your essence of Light. Now go you forth and summon thy brothers so that I may impart the wisdom to light your path when my presence is gone. Come to the chamber beneath my temple. Eat not food until three days are past. There will I give you the essence of wisdom so that with power you may shine amongst men. There will I give unto you the secrets so that you, too, may rise to the Heavens – God-men in Truth as in essence you be. Depart now and leave me while I summon those you know of but as yet know not. [1] Change darkness by casting Light. [2] Three are the essence of all things: Light, Love and Life. [3] The Glory is the invincible power of Brightness of the first Cause, the Fire/Light source. [4] The Chaos is just a pre-Order, the absolute potentiality of the Nun/Hek/Kek/Amon. Supplementary Emerald Tablet XV Secret of Secrets (Translation Only) Now you assemble, my children, waiting to hear the Secret of Secrets which shall give you power to unfold the God-man, give you the way to Eternal life. Plainly shall I speak of the Unveiled Mysteries. No dark sayings shall I give unto you. Open your ears now, my children. Hear and obey the words that I give. First I shall speak of the fetters of darkness which bind you in chains to the sphere of the Earth. Darkness and light are both of one nature, different only in seeming, for each arose from the source of all. Darkness is disorder[1]. Light is Order. Darkness transmuted is light of the Light. This, my children, your purpose in being; transmutation of darkness to Light[2]. Hear you now of the mystery of nature, the relations of life to the Earth where it dwells. Know you, you are threefold in nature, physical, astral and mental in one. Three are the qualities of each of the natures; nine in all, as above, so below. In the physical are these channels, the blood which moves in vortical motion, reacting on the heart to continue its beating. Magnetism which moves through the nerve paths, carrier of energies to all cells and tissues. Akasha which flows through channels, subtle yet physical, completing the channels. Each of the three attuned with each other, each affecting the life of the body. Form they the Skeletal framework through which the subtle ether flows. In their mastery lies the Secret of Life in the body. Relinquished only by will of the adept, when his purpose in living is done. Three are the natures of the Astral, mediator is between above and below; not of the physical, not of the Spiritual, but able to move above and below. Three are the natures of Mind, carrier it of the Will of the Great One. Arbitrator of Cause and Effect in your life. Thus, is formed the threefold being, directed from above by the power of four. Above and beyond man's threefold nature lies the realm of the Spiritual Self. Four is it in qualities, shining in each of the planes of existence, but thirteen in one, the mystical number. Based on the qualities of man are the Brothers: each shall direct the unfoldment of being, each shall channels be of the Great One. On Earth, man is in bondage, bound by space and time to the earth plane. Encircling each planet, a wave of vibration, binds him to his plane of unfoldment. Yet within man is the Key to releasement, within man may freedom be found. When you have released the self from the body, rise to the outermost bounds of your earth-plane. Speak you the word DOR-E-UL-LA. Then for a time your Light will be lifted, free may you pass the barriers of space. For a time of half of the sun (six hours), free may you pass the barriers of earth-plane, see and know those who are beyond you. Yes, to the highest worlds may you pass. See your own possible heights of unfoldment, know all earthly futures of Soul. Bound are you in your body[3], but by the power you may be free. This is the Secret whereby bondage shall be replaced by freedom for you. Calm let your mind be. At rest be your body: Conscious only of freedom from flesh. Center your being on the goal of your longing. Think over and over that you would be free. Think of this word LA-UM-I-L-GAN - over and over in your mind let it sound. Drift with the sound to the place of your longing. Free from the bondage of flesh by your will. Hear you while I give the greatest of secrets: how you may enter the Halls of Amenti, enter the place of the immortals as I did, stand before the Lords in their places. Lie you down in rest of thy body. Calm your mind so no thought disturbs you. Pure must you be in mind and in purpose, else only failure will come unto you. Vision Amenti as I have told in my Tablets. Long with fullness of heart to be there. Stand before the Lords in your mind's eye. Pronounce the words of power I give (mentally); MEKUT-EL-SHAB-EL HALE-SUR-BEN-EL-ZABRUT ZIN-EFRIM-QUAR-EL. Relax your mind and your body. Then be sure your soul will be called. Now give I the Key to Shamballa, the place where my Brothers live in the darkness: Darkness but filled with Light of the Sun - Darkness of Earth, but Light of the Spirit, guides for you when my day is done. Leave you your body as I have taught you. Pass to the barriers of the deep, hidden place. Stand before the gates and their guardians. Command your entrance by these words: “I am the Light. In me is no darkness. Free am I of the bondage of night. Open you the way of the Twelve and the One, so, I may pass to the realm of wisdom.” When they refuse thee, as surely they will, command them to open by these words of power: “I am the Light. For me are no barriers. Open, I command, by the Secret of Secrets EDOM-EL-AHIM-SABBERT-ZUR ADOM.” Then if your words have been “Truth” of the highest, open for you the barriers will fall. Now, I leave you, my children. Down, yet up, to the Halls shall I go. Win you the way to me, my children. Truly my brothers shall you become. Thus finish I my writings. Keys let them be to those who come after. But only to those who seek my wisdom, for only for these am I the Key and the Way. [1] Darkness is the loss of continuity that realizes the unity of All and losing it makes this experience unable. The disorder is the natural confusing state of this disruption. [2] The man’s consciousness is an emanation of the Cosmic Consciousness and so it participates in the realization of the Cosmic Creation, supporting it or shredding it. The individual consciousness can assume the perturbing way that assumes a rock in a passing flow of stream waters, not blocking its way but just disturbing it. [3] Bound by the “gravity” power of your earth-body. Credits to Nuno Barbieri for giving us all this information.

  • The VI To XI Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean

    The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean Tablet VI The Key of Magic Hark you, O man, to the wisdom of magic. Hark the knowledge of powers forgotten. Long, ago in the days of the first man, warfare began between darkness and light. Man, then as now, were filled with both darkness and light; and while in some darkness hell sway, in other light filled the soul. Yes, age old in this warfare, the eternal struggle between darkness and light. Fiercely is it fought all through the ages, using strange powers hidden to man. Adepts has there been filled with the blackness, struggling always against the light; but others there are who, filled with brightness, have ever conquered the darkness of night. Where ever you may be in all ages and planes, surely, you shall know of the battle with night. Long ages ago, the SUNS of the Morning[1] descending, found the world filled with night, there in that past, begun the struggle, the age old battle of darkness and Light. Many in the time were so filled with darkness that only feebly flamed the light from the night. Some they were, masters of darkness, who sought to fill all with their darkness: Sought to draw others into their night. Fiercely withstood they, the masters of brightness; fiercely fought they from the darkness of night Sought ever to tighten the fetters, the chains that bind men to the darkness of night. Used they always the dark magic, brought into men by the power of darkness. magic that enshrouded man's soul with darkness. Banded together as in order, BROTHERS OF DARKNESS, they through the ages, antagonist they to the children of men. Walked they always secret and hidden, found, yet not found by the children of man. Forever, they walked and worked in darkness, hiding from the light in the darkness of night. Silently, secretly use they their power, enslaving and binding the soul of men. Unseen they come, and unseen they go. Man, in his ignorance calls THEM from below. Dark is the way of the DARK BROTHERS travel, dark of the darkness not of the night, traveling over Earth they walk through man's dreams. Power they have gained from the darkness around them to call other dwellers from out of their plane, in ways that are dark and unseen by man. Into man's mind-space reach the DARK BROTHERS. Around it, they close the veil of their night. There through its lifetime that soul dwells in bondage, bound by the fetters of the VEIL of the night. Mighty are they in the forbidden knowledge forbidden because it is one with the night. Hark you O man and list to my warning: Hark you O man and list to my warning: be you free from the bondage of night. Surrender not your soul to the BROTHERS OF DARKNESS. Keep your face ever turned towards the Light. Know you not, O man, that your sorrow, only has come through the Veil of the night. Yes, man, heed you my warning: strive ever upward, turn your soul toward the LIGHT. The BROTHERS OF DARKNESS seek for their brothers those who traveled the pathway of LIGHT. For well know they that those who have traveled far towards the Sun in their pathway of LIGHT have great and yet greater power to bind with darkness the children of LIGHT. List you, O man, to he who comes to you. But weigh in the balance if his words be of LIGHT. For many there are who walk in DARK BRIGHTNESS and yet are not the children of LIGHT. Easy it is to follow their pathway, easy to follow the path that they lead. But yet O man, heed you my warning: Light comes only to him who strives. Hard is the pathway that leads to the WISDOM, hard is the pathway that leads to the LIGHT. Many shall you find, the stones in your pathway; many the mountains to climb toward the LIGHT. Yet know you, O man, to him that overcomes, free will he be of the pathway of Light. For you know, O man, in the end light must conquer and darkness and night be banished from Light. Listen, O man, and heed you this wisdom; even as darkness, so is the LIGHT. When darkness is banished and all Veils are rendered, out there shall flash from the darkness, the LIGHT. Even as exist among men the DARK BROTHERS[1], so there exists the BROTHERS OF LIGHT. Antagonists they of the BROTHERS OF DARKNESS, seeking to free men from the night. Powers have they, mighty and potent. Knowing the LAW, the planets obey. Work they ever in harmony and order, freeing the man-soul from its bondage of night. Secret and hidden, walk they also. Known not are they to the children of men. Yet know that ever they walk with you, Showing the WAY to the children of men. Ever have THEY fought the DARK BROTHERS, conquered and conquering time without end. Yet always LIGHT shall in the end be master, driving away the darkness of night. Yes, man, know you this knowing: always beside you walk the Children of Light. Masters they of the SUN power, ever unseen yet the guardians of men. Open to all is their pathway, open to he who will walk in the LIGHT. Free are THEY of DARK AMENTI, free of the HALLS, where LIFE reigns supreme. SUNS are they and LORDS of the morning, Children of Light to shine among men. Like man are they and yet are unlike, Never divided were they in the past. ONE have they been in ONENESS eternal, throughout all space since the beginning of time. Up did they come in Oneness with the ALL ONE, up from the first-space, formed and unformed. Given to man have they secrets that shall guard and protect him from all harm. He who would travel the path of the master, free must he be from the bondage of night. Conquer must he the formless and shapeless, conquer must he the phantom of fear. Knowing, must he gain of all of the secrets, travel the pathway that leads through the darkness, yet ever before him keep the light of his goal. Obstacles great shall he meet in the pathway, yet press on to the LIGHT of the SUN. Hear you, O Man, the SUN is the symbol of the LIGHT that shines at the end of thy road. Now to you give I the secrets: now to meet the dark power, meet and conquer the fear from the night. Only by knowing can you conquer, Only be knowing can you have LIGHT. Now I give unto you the knowledge, known to the MASTERS, the knowing that conquers all the dark fears. Use this, the wisdom I give you. MASTER you shalt be of THE BROTHERS OF NIGHT. When unto you comes a feeling, drawing you nearer to the darker gate, examine thine heart and find if the feeling you have has come from within. If you shalt find the darkness your own thoughts, banish them forth from the place in your mind. Send through your body a wave of vibration, irregular first and regular second, repeating time after time until free. Start the WAVE FORCE in your BRAIN CENTER. Direct it in waves from your head to your foot. But if you find your heart is not darkened, be sure that a force is directed to you. Only by knowing can you overcome it. Only be wisdom can you hope to be free. Knowledge brings wisdom and wisdom is power. Attain and you shall have power over all. Seek you first a place bound by darkness. Place you a circle around about you. Stand erect in the midst of the circle. Use you this formula, and you shalt be free. Raise you your hands to the dark space above you. Close you your eyes and draw in the LIGHT. Call to the SPIRIT OF LIGHT through the Space-Time, using these words and you shalt be free: "Fill you my body, O SPIRIT OF LIFE, fill you my body with SPIRIT OF LIGHT. Come from the FLOWER that shines through the darkness. Come from the HALLS where the Seven Lords rule. Name them by name, I, the Seven: THREE, FOUR, FIVE, and SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT- Nine. By their names I call them to aid me, free me and save me from the darkness of night: UNTANAS, QUERTAS, CHIETAL, and GOYANA, HUERTAL, SEMVETA - ARDAL. By their names I implore you, free me from darkness[1] and fill me with LIGHT.” Know you, O man, that when you have done this, you shall be free from the fetters that bind you, cast off the bondage of the brothers of night. See you not that the names have the power to free by vibration the fetters that bind? Use them at need to free you your brother so that he, too, may come forth from the night. Thou, O man, are thy brother's helper. Let him not lie in the bondage of night. Now unto thee, give I my magic. Take it and dwell on the pathway of LIGHT. LIGHT unto you, LIFE unto you, SUN may you be on the cycle above. [1] Everything has its own Inertia. Darkness must be here understood as the force that tends to keep a determinate state of insufficient Light or a state of corresponding degree of matter. To change it all is needed is more Light, or more spirit power. Light/Spirit is the power of Healing, the Creative Power. [1] In accordance with the unity of the All, the Dark Brothers must be understood as the Brothers of Light not yet sufficiently enlightened, closed to the Light by their own separateness; in order to operate their transformation what is needed is for them to just let down their mental differentiations in order to acquire and receive more transforming Light. [1] The Suns of the Morning or The Suns of Light are the Children of Light that came to Earth in far past. They were Star People with a great knowledge and spiritual power. Were they the Anunnaki and were their language the Anak which has affinities with Phoenician, Sumerian, Egyptian and some Semitic languages like some words of Hebrew and Arabic? Can we say that Atlantis was an Anunnaki colony? Emerald Tablet VI (Dr. Doréal interpretation) In this tablet, Thoth speaks of magic, using the term to denote the usage of developed power in the warfare between forces of Order and disorder. This warfare has continued since the fall of man in the first cycle and will continue until the cosmic consciousness is ready to pass through Suntal (not translated). There are adepts who use the great powers of the cosmos for destruction instead of construction, for Law operates either for good or evil, positive or negative. Those adepts who used cosmic force for destruction were the dark brothers, black magicians who fought against the Children of Light. They attempted to hold and pull back those whom the Children of Light were trying to bring into Light. The Black Brotherhood is the antithesis of the White Brotherhood. One destroys, the other builds. The Black Brotherhood has an organization known today as the Black Dugpas, the adepts having their chelas as the White Adepts have. They pattern their organization after that of the White Lodge and often deceive men into thinking they are of the White Lodge. They help men to gain certain things and powers until they have them in their toils. Then when there is no escape, they clamp down. They have certain specific powers developed such as opening the seven dimension and calling in elementals to fulfill their purposes. They have the power of mind control through thought transference and hypnosis. Through this, they gain control of the mind and lead it into disorder. If one surrenders to the Black Brotherhood and signs his name in their book, he is bound to them during that incarnation. Man’s soul must not be bound if it desires to advance in Light. Surrender to the dark forces entails the shutting off of Light. Only through darkness and disorder is man bound to the flesh. Therefore, he should become Light and ordered. The Black Brotherhood always tries to pull down the person who has gained development along the path of Light, for they have already developed powers. It is for this reason that the person who is highly developed has to withstand more than the person of little or no development. The more one has learned of Light, paradoxically, the more he knows about manipulation of disorder and the more valuable he is to the Black Brotherhood. The development of reason and balance is necessary so that we can separate darkness from Light. Order from disorder, in the words of those who come to us. Only through overcoming obstacles and continual striving will the goal be attained. In opposition to the Black Brotherhood stands the White Lodge striving constantly to free men from disorder and warding off the powers of the Black Brotherhood. If the seeker has his real desire on Light and not power, the White Lodge will stand between him and the Black Brotherhood for they have greater power than the Black Brotherhood. Yet the Blacks are allowed to exist, for they form part of the darkness which man must overcome and rise above. The warfare between the forces of the Black Brotherhood and the White Lodge has continued since the beginning. The Masters and Great Adepts of the White Lodge use the power of the awakened Sun in man to guard and protect. The Children of Light – they who never lost their original oneness – are also guardians of man who is their brother. They are custodians of secrets that push back the darkness, and these are given to the ones who travel the way toward mastership. The one who desires to be a master must learn mastery of the Laws which regulate manifestation. He must conquer fear and walk unafraid on the path of Light. The secrets of Thoth regarding the operation of the Law of protection are offered. Only by knowing, can you conquer. You must use the knowledge given, otherwise it is useless. Many of the vibrations which seem negative are really from within our own self, not from outside conditions. Lack of mind-balance often results in the arousing of such negative thoughts that we really feel as if outside entities or forces were at work on us. Apply the Light of reason to the disturbance and find if it is from within or without. If from within, start a vibration in the pineal and sent it in irregular waves through the body. That is, send the first wave through, count one, send another wave, count three, another wave, then two and so on. After doing this for a while, send it through in regular waves in this manner: send wave, count two, wave, two, and so on. If upon examination, you find that it is an outside force, you should go into a dark room or cave and draw a circle around yourself, not closing the circle until you are within it and follow the formula as given. The formula given is serviceable for others as well as yourself. The power given may be used. The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean Tablet VII The Seven Lords Hark you O man, and list to my Voice. Open your mind-space and drink of my wisdom. Dark is the pathway of LIFE that you travel. Many the pitfalls that lie in your way. Seek you ever to gain greater wisdom. Attain and it shall be light on your way. Open your SOUL, O man, to the Cosmic and let it flow in as one with your SOUL. LIGHT is eternal and darkness is fleeting. Seek you ever, O man, for the LIGHT. Know you that ever as Light fills your being, darkness for you shall soon disappear. Open thy souls to the BROTHERS OF BRIGHTNESS. Let them enter and fill you with LIGHT. Lift up your eyes to the LIGHT of the Cosmos. Keep you ever your face to the goal. Only by gaining the light of all wisdom, art you one with the Infinite goal. Seek you ever the Oneness eternal. Seek ever the Light of the goal. Light is infinite and Light is finite, Separate only by darkness in man. Seek you to rend the Veil of the Darkness. Bring you together the Light into One. Hear you, O man, list to my Voice singing the song of Light and of Life. throughout all space, Light is prevalent, encompassing ALL with its banners if flames. Seek you forever in the veil of the darkness, somewhere you shall surely find Light. Hidden and buried, lost to man's knowledge, deep in the finite the Infinite exists. Lost, but existing, flowing through all things, living in ALL is the INFINITE BRAIN. In all space, there is only ONE wisdom. Through seeming decided, it is ONE in the ONE. All that exists comes forth from the LIGHT, and the LIGHT comes forth from the ALL. Everything created is based upon ORDER: LAW rules the space where the INFINITE dwells. Forth from equilibrium came the great cycles, moving in harmony toward Infinity's end. Know you, O man, that far in the space-time, INFINITY itself shall pass into change. Hear you and list to the Voice of Wisdom: Know that ALL is of ALL evermore. Know that through time you may pursue wisdom and find ever more light on the way. Yes, you shall find that ever receding, your goal shall elude you from day unto day. Long time ago, in the HALLS OF AMENTI, I, Thoth, stood before the LORDS of the cycles. Mighty, THEY in their aspects of power; mighty, THEY in the wisdom unveiled. Led by the Dweller, first did I see them. But afterwards free was I of their presence, free to enter their conclave at will. Often did I journey down the dark pathway unto the HALL where the LIGHT ever glows. Learned I of the Masters of cycles, wisdom brought from the cycles above us, knowledge brought from INFINTY’S All. Many the questions I asked Of the Lords of the Cycles. Great was the wisdom they gave unto me. Now unto you I give of this wisdom, Drawn from the flame of Infinity’s fire. Deep in the DARK HALLS sit the Seven, Units of consciousness from cycles above. Manifest THEY in this cycle as guides of man to the knowledge of ALL. Seven are they, mighty in power, speaking these words through me to men. Time after time, stood I before them listening to words that came not with sound. Once said THEY unto me: “O man, wouldst you gain wisdom? Seek for it in the heart of the flame. Wouldst you gain knowledge of power? Seek you it in the heart of the flame. Wouldst be one with the heart of the flame? Seek then within you own hidden flame.” Many the times spoke THEY to me, teaching me wisdom not of the world; showing me ever new paths to brightness; teaching me wisdom brought from above. Giving knowledge of operation, learning of LAW, the order of ALL. Spoke to me again, the Seven, saying: “From far beyond time are WE, come, O man, Traveled WE from beyond SPACE-TIME, yes, from the place of Infinity's end. When you and all of your brethren were formless, formed forth were WE from the order of ALL. Not as men are WE, though once WE, too, were as men. Out of the Great Void were WE formed forth in order by LAW. For know you that which is formed truly is formless, having form only to your eyes.” And again, unto me spoke the Seven, saying: “Child of the LIGHT, O THOTH, are you, free to travel the bright path upward until at last ALL ONES become ONE.” Forth were WE formed after our order: THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT-NINE. Know you that these are the numbers of cycles that WE descend from unto man. Each having here a duty to fulfill; each having here a force to control. Yet are we ONE with the SOUL of our cycle. Yet are WE, too, seeking a goal. Far beyond man's conception, Infinity extends into a greater than ALL. There, in a time that is yet not a time, we shall ALL become ONE with a greater than ALL. Time and space are moving in circles. Know you their law, and you too, shall be free. Yes, free shall you be to move through the cycles -- pass the guardians that dwell at the door.” Then to me spoke HE of NINE saying: “Aeons and aeons have I existed, knowing not LIFE and tasting not death. For know you, O man, that far in the future, life and death shall be one with the ALL. Each so perfected by balancing the other that neither exists in the Oneness of ALL. In men of this cycle, the life force is rampant, but life in its growth becomes one with them ALL. Here, I manifest in this your cycle, but yet am I there in your future of time. Yet to me, time exists not, for in my world time exists not, for formless are WE. Life have WE not but yet have existence, fuller and greater and freer than you. Man is a flame bound to a mountain, but WE in our cycle shall ever be free. Know you, O man, that when you have progressed into the cycle that lengthen above, life itself will pass to the darkness and only the essence of Soul shall remain. Then to me spoke the LORD of the EIGHT saying: “All that you know is but part of little. Not as yet have you touched on the Great. Far out in space where LIGHT beings supreme, came I into the LIGHT. Formed was I also but not as you are. Body of Light was my formless form formed. Know I not LIFE and know I not DEATH, yet master am I of all that exists. Seek you to find the path through the barriers[1]. Travel the road that leads to the LIGHT.” Spoke again to me the NINE saying: “Seek you to find the path to beyond. Not impossible is it to grow to a consciousness above. For when TWO have become ONE and ONE has become the ALL, know you the barrier has lifted, and you are made free of the road. Grow you from form to the formless. Free may you be of the road.” Thus, through ages I listened, learning the way to the ALL. Now Lift I my thoughts to the ALL-THING. List you and hear when it calls. “O LIGHT, all pervading, One with ALL and ALL with ONE, flow you to me through the channel. Enter you so that I may be free. Make me One with the ALL-SOUL, shining from the blackness of night. Free let me be of all space-time, free from the Veil of the night. I, a child of LIGHT, command: Free from the darkness to be.” Formless am I to the Light-Soul, formless yet shining with light. Know I the bonds of the darkness must shatter and fall before light. Now give I this wisdom. Free may you be, O man, living in light and in brightness. Turn not your face from the Light. Your soul dwells in realms of brightness. Ye are a child of the Light. Turn your thoughts inward not outward. Find you the Light-Soul within[1]. Know that you are the MASTER. All else is brought from within. Grow you to realms of brightness. Hold you your thought on the Light. Know you are one with the Cosmos, a flame and a Child of the Light. Now to you gave I warning: Let not the thought turn away. Know that the brightness flows through your body for yes. Turn not to the DARK-BROTHERS that come from the BROTHERS OF BLACK. But keep thine eyes ever lifted, your soul in tune with the Light. Take you this wisdom and heed it. List to my Voice and obey. Follow the pathway to brightness, and you shall be ONE with the way. [1] The living center of matter is Light-Consciousness. It is this residing power center that builds the outside matter where it leaves apparently hidden from the outside. [1] The illusory and relative bound walls of different vibrational states of existence. Emerald Tablet VII (Dr. Doréal interpretation) This tablet opens with a command to open your mind to the wisdom of Thoth. He says that life is filled with obstacles that must be conquered. The Light of the Cosmic must be allowed to flow into and through the manifestation. The goal of all seeking must be oneness with the Cosmic Consciousness, otherwise there is limitation. Light is both finite and infinite, because God, the Cosmic Consciousness, is Light and all things manifest and unmanifest are a part of God. Therefore, there can be no real separation. Even in the veil of darkness, which we call negative, the essence of Light is hidden ready to spring forth when the veil is sundered. The infinite brain is lost to the comprehension of men who do not realize that everything is only separate manifestations of the one cosmic brain. All aspects of wisdom either in God or man are parts of the one wisdom manifesting through diversified channels. Law and Order are the fundamental rules of all creation, either in God or man. For only in Order is balance or equilibrium found. Thoth is again speaking of the far past time before Atlantis sank. His first introduction was through the Dweller, but afterward he knew the key and was able to enter himself. How different he was from most seekers today – when given a key, he used it. The Lords of The Cycles taught Thoth of cycles beyond so that he had a knowledge of them and their workings even though he could not penetrate through Suntal to the higher cycles. Thoth promises to give of the wisdom he had learned. We are told that the Lords are Guides to man – and this they are – for they teach him of those things which are beyond the scope of this Cosmic Consciousness, and he thereby gains knowledge of extensions of the I. Yod. According to the ancient symbolism, wisdom was found in the flame. Fire – coming from the unmanifest and then disappearing into the unmanifest – became the symbol for consciousness, which comes from the unmanifest, exists for a time in the physical body and then disappears back into the unmanifest. Thus, man is literally told to seek wisdom within his consciousness. The Seven had come from beyond cycle time which is limited, depending as it does upon radiation from the original infinite atom. The Seven were part of the Cosmic Consciousness which came forth from the I. Yod before we did and were therefore formed while we were still part of the disorder. They had developed past the man stage, though when they occupied this cosmic cycle, they were like men. Consciousness in the ultimate is formless and flexible, assuming any form of which it has conception. Thoth is told that now he is free to travel the path until the final cycle is completed and that which was once One again becomes One. The Cosmic Consciousness which occupy the cosmic cycles beyond us were formed in ordered sequence, not all at once. There are Seven of these beyond us, that is farther out in space from the I. Yod. These Lords – through manifesting here – are still connected with their own Cosmic Consciousness. Infinity is but part of the greater space which we call transcendental. When the I. Yods have completed their extension into infinite space, they will join the Torch Bearer in transcendental space. The spirals of time-space must be consciously known to one before he can move in them. When space and time are known, one has developed the power to move backward and forward in space and time. Life and Death exist only as comparative terms. Everything has its opposite; remove one pole and the other ceases to exist. In the plane of consciousness in which the higher Cosmic Consciousness of Nine manifests, death is not known; therefore, life is not known. There is only existence, immortal and eternal without change of focal point of manifestation or loss of conscious consciousness. When man conquers death, he also has mastered life and to him both cease to exist. The Lord of Nine in his own plane is timeless, for time is a result of the existence of materiality, and the ninth Cosmic Consciousness does not manifest a materiality. The soul of man is the flame which is bound to the mountain flesh. When we have become One with the I. Yod in the final completion of the infinite cycle, materiality and life which is one with death will cease to exist. In the eighth cycle also, life and death are one and only eternal existence manifests. The eight cosmic cycle is the cycle of Light, for here the infinite Light is concentrated upon the disorder sent from the ninth cycle, breaking it into divisions of kind which are transmitted to lower cosmic cycles. As disorder changed to Order is the basis of everything. Light is master to all that exists. When the two parts of a unit of consciousness have become one and the other parts have become one with the One thus becoming All, it is possible to go forward into the higher cosmic cycle. Thoth states clearly that all parts of his unit are one when he says that his goal is the all-thing. Thoth uses a prayer to Light but as always ends with a command. To the Light, what we call form is formless. For only in the Light does true reality exist. Thoth gives feely of his wisdom so that others may tread the same path. He commands his followers to ever keep their faces toward the Light, turning their thoughts toward the master within. Thus, shall they avoid the glittering promises of material power promised by the Dark Brothers. The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean Tablet VIII The Key of Mysteries Unto you, O man, have I given my knowledge. Unto you have I given of Light. Hear you now and receive my wisdom brought from space planes above and beyond. Not as man am I for free have I become of dimensions and planes. In each, take I on a new body. In each, I change in my form. Know I now that the formless is all there is of form. Great is the wisdom of the Seven. Mighty are THEY from beyond. Manifest THEY through their power, filled by force from beyond. Hear you these words of wisdom. Hear you and make them your own. Find in them the formless. Mystery is but hidden knowledge. Know and you shall unveil. Find the deep buried wisdom and be master of darkness and Light. Deep are the mysteries around you, hidden the secrets of Old. Search through the KEYS of my WISDOM. Surely shall you find the way. The gateway to power is secret, but he who attains shall receive. Look to the LIGHT![1] O my brother. Open and you shall receive. Press on through the valley of darkness. Overcome the dweller of night. Keep ever your eyes of the LIGHT-PLANE, and you shalt be One with the LIGHT. Man is in process of changing to forms that are not of this world. Grows he is time to the formless, a plane on the cycle above. Know you, you must become formless before you are with the LIGHT. List you, O man, to my voice, telling of pathways to Light, showing the way of attainment when you shall be One with the Light. Search you the mysteries of Earth's heart. Learn of the LAW that exists, holding the stars in their balance by the force of the primordial mist. Seek you the flame of the EARTH'S LIFE. Bathe in the glare of its flame. Follow the three-cornered pathway until you, too, are a flame. Speak you in words without voice to those who dwell down below. Enter the blue-litten temple and bathe in the fire of all life. Know, O man, you are complex, a being of earth and of fire. Let your flame shine out brightly. Be you only the fire. Wisdom is hidden in darkness. When lit by the flame of the Soul, find you the wisdom and be LIGHT-BORN, a Sun of the Light without form. Seek you ever more wisdom. Find it in the heart of the flame. Know that only by striving and Light pour into your brain. Now have I spoken with wisdom. List to my Voice and obey. Tear open the Veils of the darkness. Shine a LIGHT on the WAY. Speak I of Ancient Atlantis, speak of the days of the Kingdom of Shadows, speak of the coming of the children of shadows. Out of the great deep were they called by the wisdom of earth-men, called for the purpose of gaining great power. Far in the past before Atlantis existed, men there were who delved into darkness, using dark magic, calling up beings from the great deep below us. Forth came they into this cycle. Formless were they of another vibration, existing unseen by the children of earth-men. Only through blood could they have formed being. Only through man could they live in the world. In ages past were they conquered by Masters, driven below to the place whence they came. But some there were who remained, hidden in spaces and planes unknown to man. Lived they in Atlantis as shadows, but at times they appeared among men. Yes, when the blood was offered, for they came they to dwell among men. In the form of man, they amongst us, but only to sight were they as are men. Serpent-headed[1] when the glamour was lifted but appearing to man as men among men. Crept they into the Councils, taking forms that were like unto men. Slaying by their arts the chiefs of the kingdoms, taking their form and ruling over man. Only by magic could they be discovered. Only by sound could their faces be seen. Sought they from the Kingdom of shadows to destroy man and rule in his place. But know you, the Masters were mighty in magic, able to lift the Veil from the face of the serpent, able to send him back to his place. Came they to man and taught him the secret, the WORD that only a man can pronounce. Swift then they lifted the Veil from the serpent and cast him forth from the place among men. Yet, beware, the serpent still lived in a place that is open at times to the world. Unseen they walk among you in places where the rites have been said. Again, as time passes onward shall they take the semblance of men. Called may they be by the master who knows the white or the black, but only the white master may control and bind them while in the flesh. Seek not the kingdom of shadows, for evil will surely appear. For only the master of brightness shall conquer the shadow of fear. Know you, O my brother, that fear is an obstacle great. Be master of all in the brightness, the shadow will soon disappear. Hear you and heed my wisdom, the voice of LIGHT is clear. Seek not the valley of shadow, and LIGHT will only appear. List you, O man, to the depth of my wisdom. Speak I of knowledge hidden from man. Far have I been on my journey through SPACE-TIME, even to the end of space of this cycle. Yes, glimpsed the HOUNDS of the Barrier, lying in wait for he who would pass them. In that space where time exists not, faintly I sensed the guardians of cycles. Move they only through angles. Free are they not of the curved dimensions[1]. Strange and terrible are the HOUNDS of the Barrier. Follow they consciousness to the limits of space. Think not to escape by entering your body, for follow they fast the Soul through angles. Only the circle will give you protection, save from the claws of the DWELLERS IN ANGLES. Once, in a time past, I approached the great Barrier, and saw on the shores where time exists not, the formless forms of the HOUNDS of the barrier. Yes, hiding in the midst beyond time I found them; and THEY, scenting me afar off, raised themselves and gave the great bell cry that could be heard from cycle to cycle and moved through space toward my soul. Fled I then fast before them, back from time's unthinkable end. But ever after me pursued they, moving in strange angles not known to man. Yes, on the gray shores of TIME-SPACE'S end found I the HOUNDS of the Barrier, ravening for the Soul who attempts the beyond. Fled I through circles back to my body. Fled, and fast after me they followed. Yes, after me the devourers followed, seeking through angles to devour my Soul. Yes, know you man, that the Soul who dares the Barrier may be held in bondage by the HOUNDS from beyond time, held till this cycle is completed and left behind when the consciousness leaves. Entered I my body. Created the circles that know not angles, created the form that from my form was formed. Made my body into a circle and lost the pursuers in the circles of time. But, even yet, when free from my body, cautious ever must I be not to move through angles, else my soul may never be free. Know you, the HOUNDS of the Barrier move only through angles and never through curves of space. Only by moving through curves can you escape them, for in angles, they will pursue you. O man, heed you my warning; Seek not to break open the gate to beyond. Few there are who have succeeded in passing the Barrier to the greater LIGHT that shines beyond. For know you, ever the dwellers, seek such Souls to hold in their thrall. Listen, O man, and heed you my warning; seek you to move not in angles but curves, And if while free from your body, though hear the sound like the bay of a hound ringing clear and bell-like through your being, flee back to your body through circles, penetrate not the midst mist before. When you have entered the form you have dwelt in, use you the cross and the circle combined. Open your mouth and use you your Voice. Utter the WORD and you shalt be free. Only the one who of LIGHT has the fullest can hope to pass by the guards of the way. And then must he move through strange curves and angles that are formed in direction not known to man. List you, O man, and heed you my warning: attempt not to pass the guards on the way. Rather should you seek to gain of your own Light and make yourself ready to pass on the way. LIGHT is your ultimate end, O my brother. Seek and find ever the Light on the way. [1] There is no rational explanation for this. In geometry the sphere is a more perfect form than anyone of the platonic solids, but this hardly could be an adequate reason. [1] In Egypt the four female counterparts Nunet, Keket, Heket and Amunet, of the male tetrad of the Memphite theology were represented with a human body and with a head of serpent. They figured the female aspect of the Pre-Order, commonly understood as Chaos. [1] “You will be what your eyes come to see.” – Jesus. You always get a link to what you concentrate on your attention. This is the secret of mediation and yoga’s techniques of focusing attention. Focus on Light and Truth and you will be it. Emerald Tablet VIII (Dr. Doréal interpretation) Thot had attained the power of mastership and with it the ability to enter any interlocking world and there take on form and also the ability to enter the inner spaces of the fourth dimension. In symbols, the keys of wisdom are found. Only those who search for the hidden meanings find the way. There is constant change and evolution in man both as material and spiritual. As he develops in consciousness which is formless in the ultimate. Finally, he attains to the cosmic cycle wherein nothing material manifests in form. Thoth commands them to search out the mysteries of the inner Earth and learn of the balance of Earth, the pyramid of force which is composed of the essence of that force which atoms to cast off particles of themselves. Man must find the pyramid and stand either in body or projection before it receiving universal force. He commands them to enter the blue-lighted Temple, which is the greater Hall of Amenti, where the Seven sit. Man is both body and consciousness, but the consciousness, the flame, must absorb the body, earth. Only trough striving can wisdom be found, hidden as it is within darkness. And yet, in that darkness, the essence of flame exists and in this is the true wisdom found. The Kingdom of Shadows was that octave of vibration in which were placed those brought from a lower cosmic cycle when the gateway was opened by man. This was in the Third or Polarian Cycle and the delvers in darkness were men who loved material power rather than to devote their lives to spiritual things. The beings called up were formless, as only the consciousness was brought up and bodies must be formed here. They, like the elementals, being separated from their own cosmic consciousness and its creative powers, were not able to combine with this cycle because they had not developed its primal curves. Only by the will of man and the extracting of spirit from blood could they take form. The masters drove most of them back through the lower gateway, but there were some who remained in the place built for them, coming forth only when the name was called, and the blood sacrifice was offered. They took on the apparent form of man, but their actual appearance was the body of man and woman with a serpent head. They were able to cast a hypnotic glamour around them and appear to assume the features of men. It is this which forms the basis for the belief in the hypnotic powers of the serpent. They assume the forms of leaders who were secretly slain. And gradually, they and the men who called them took over the control of the nations. They had all the appearance of men, but there was one word they were unable to pronounce. This was taught by the masters to man. And it became a law that every man who had office must pronounce this word before the people once each lunar month. If he failed, he was killed. This forced them from place among men and gradually they were forgotten, but some still exist in their own place, unable to enter because man has forgotten the rites which summon them. The word was Kininigen. The master of either white or black magic may summon them, but only a white master may have the power to control them. They rule trough fear. Conquer fear, and you have gained Light. Thoth states that he has been to Suntal and even looked within the sixth Dimension. They moved only through angles and never through curves. The projected consciousness which tries to penetrate the sixth dimension will infallibly be attacked by the Hounds of the Barrier. Only by moving through space in circles can you evade the hounds. Only in the circle is protection. Return to the body is of no avail. However, one does not stumble upon them accidently. Thoth had this experience in the past and it taught him caution. He attempted to pass the gateway, Suntal, and the guardians came at him. He knew the Law of circles and angles and evaded them, returning to his body and completing the protection. The Hounds of the Barrier do not literally devour or destroy the soul but bind it from further manifestation until this cosmic cycle is completed. Then it may combine with the next cosmic consciousness. Even after completing his protection, he must be careful not to approach the sixth dimension in angular movement. Thoth repeats again and again his warning about movement through curves. He also tells them not to attempt to pass Suntal before the time, for few have succeeded. He also tells how to recognize the Guardians. The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean Tablet IX The Key of Freedom of Space List you, O man, hear you my voice, teaching of Wisdom and Light in this cycle; teaching you how to banish the darkness, teaching you how to bring Light in thy life. Seek you, O man, to find the great pathway that leads to eternal LIFE as a SUN. Draw you away from the veil of the darkness. Seek to become a Light in the world. Make of yourself a vessel for Light, a focus for the Sun of this space. Lift you your eyes to the Cosmos. Lift you your eyes to the Light. Speak in the words of the Dweller, the chant that calls down the Light. Sing you the song of freedom. Sing you the song of the Soul. Create the high vibration that will make you One with the Whole. Blend all yourself with the Cosmos. Grow into ONE with the Light. Be you a channel of order, a pathway of LAW to the world. Your LIGHT, O man, is the great LIGHT, shining through the shadow of flesh. Free must you rise from the darkness before you are One with the LIGHT. Shadows of darkness surround you. Life fills you with its flow. But know, O man, you must arise and forth your body go far to the planes that surround you and yet are One with you, too. Look all around you, O man. See your own light reflected. Yes, even in the darkness around you, your own Light pours forth through the veil. Seek you for wisdom always. Let not your body betray. Keep in the path of the Light wave. Shun you the darkened way. Know you that wisdom is lasting. Existing since the ALL-SOUL began, creating harmony from chaos by the Law that exists in the WAY. List you, o man, to the teachings of wisdom. List to the voice that speaks of the past-time. Yes, I shall tell you knowledge forgotten, tell you of wisdom hidden in past-time, lost in the midst of darkness around me. Know you, man, you are the ultimate of all things. Only the knowledge of this is forgotten[1], lost when man was cast into bondage, bound and fettered by the chains of the darkness. Long, long ago, I cast off my body. Wandered I free through the vastness of ether, circled the angles that hold man in bondage. Know you, O man, you are only a spirit. The body is nothing. The Soul is ALL. Let not your body be a fetter. Cast off the darkness and travel in Light. Cast off your body, O man, and be free, truly a Light that is ONE with the Light. When you are free from the fetters of darkness and travel in space as the SUN of the LIGHT, then you shall know that space in not boundless but truly bounded by angles and curves. Know you, O man, that all that exists is only an aspect of greater things yet to come. Matter is fluid and flows like a stream, constantly changing from one thing to another. When you are free from the fetters of darkness and travel in space as the SUN of the LIGHT, then you shall know that space is not boundless but truly bounded by angles and curves. Know you, O man, that all that exists is only an aspect of greater things yet to come. Matter is fluid and flows like a stream, constantly changing from one thing to another. All through the ages has knowledge existed; never been changed, though buried in darkness; never been lost, though forgotten by man. Know you that throughout the space that you dwell in are others as great as your own, interlaced through the heart of your matter yet separate in space of their own. Once in a time long forgotten, I THOTH, opened the doorway, penetrated into other spaces and learned of the secrets concealed. Deep in the essence of matter are many mysteries concealed. Nine are the interlocked dimensions, and Nine are the cycles of space. Nine are the diffusions of consciousness, and Nine are the worlds within worlds. Yes, Nine are the Lords of the cycles that come from above and below. Space is filled with concealed ones, for space is divided by time. Seek you the key to the time-space, and you shall unlock the gate. Know you that throughout the time-space consciousness surely exist. Though from our knowledge it is hidden, yet still forever exists. The key to worlds within you are found only within. For man is the gateway of mystery and the key that is One with the One. Seek you within the circle. Use the WORD I shall give. Open the gateway within you, and surely you, too, shall live. Man, you think that you lived, but know it is life within death. For as sure as you are bound to your body, for you no life exists. Only the Soul is space-free, has life that is really a life. All else is only a bondage, a fetter from which to be free. Think not that man is earth-born, though come from the earth he may be. Man is light-born spirit. But, without knowing, he can never be free. Darkness surrounds the light-born. Darkness fetters the Soul. Only the one who is seeking may ever hope to be free. Shadows around you are falling. Darkness fills all the space Shine forth, O LIGHT of the man-soul. Fill you the darkness of space. Ye are son of the GREAT LIGHT Remember and you shall be free. Stay not you in the shadows. Spring forth from the darkness of night Light, let your Soul be, O SUN-BORN, fill with glory of Light, Freed from the bonds of the darkness, a Soul that is One with the Light. You are the key to all wisdom. Within you is all time and space. Live not in bondage to darkness. Free you, your Light-form from night. “Great Light that fills all the Cosmos, flow you fully to man. Make of his body a light-torch that shall never be quenched among men.” Long in the past, sought I wisdom, knowledge not known to man. Far to the past, I traveled into the space where time began. Sought I ever knew knowledge to add to the wisdom, I knew. Yet only, I found, did the future hold the key to the wisdom I sought. Down, to the HOLES of AMENTI I journeyed, the greater knowledge to seek. Ask of thee, LORDS of the CYCLES, they way to the wisdom I sought. Asked the LORDS this question: “Where is the source of ALL? Answered, in tones that were mighty, the voice of the LORD of the NINE: Free you your soul from your body and come forth with me to the LIGHT.” Forth I came from my body, a glittering flame in the night. Stood I before the LORD, bathed in the fire of LIFE. Seized was I then by a force, great beyond knowledge of man. Cast was I to you Abyss through spaces unknown to man. Saw I the moldings of Order from the chaos and angles of night. Saw I the LIGHT, spring from Order and heard the voice of the Light. Saw I the flame of the Abyss, casting forth Order and Light. Saw Order spring out of chaos. Saw Light giving forth Life. Then heard I the voice. “Hear you and understand. The flame is the source of all things[1], containing all things in potentiality. The Order that sent forth light is the WORD and from the WORD COME LIFE and the existence of all.” And again, spoke the voice saying: “THE LIFE in you is the WORD. Find you the LIFE within you and have powers to use of the WORD.” Long I watched the Light-flame, pouring forth from the Essence of Fire, realizing that LIFE but Order and that man is one with the fire. Back I came to my body stood again with the Nine, listened to the voice of the Cycles, vibrate with powers they spoke: “Know you, O Thoth, that LIFE is but the WORD of the FIRE. The LIFE force you seek before you is but the WORD in the World as a fire. Seek you the path to the WORD and Powers shall surely be yours.” Then asked I of the Nine: “O Lord, show me the path. Give the path to the wisdom. Show me the way to the WORD.” Answered, me then, the LORD OF THE NINE: “Through ORDER, you shall find the way. Saw you that the WORD came from Chaos? Saw you not that LIGHT came from FIRE? Look in your life for this order. Balance and order your life. Quell all the Chaos of the emotions and you shall have order in LIFE. ORDER brought forth from Chaos will bring you the WORD of the SOURCE, will you the power of CYCLES, and make of your Soul a force that freewill extend through the ages, a perfect SUN from the Source.” Listened I to the voice and deep thanked the words in my heart. For ever have I sought for order that I might draw on the WORD. Know you that he who attains it must ever in ORDER be for use of the WORD though this order has never and can never be. Take you these words, O man. As part of your life, let them be. Seek you to conquer this order and One with the WORD you shalt be. Put forth your effort in gaining LIGHT on the pathway of Life. Seek to be One with the SUN-state. Seek to be solely the LIGHT. Hold you your thought on the Oneness of Light with the body of man. Know that all is Order from Chaos born into light. [1] The Flame is the source of Light and the Light is also the source of Flame because they are different aspects of only One Thing. [1] Thoth is the Recorder, the memory keeper. Memory is life; death is the loss of memory continuity. See note 1. Emerald Tablet IX (Dr. Doréal interpretation) The first page consists of commands to seek the Light rather than darkness so that you may realize the Oneness of all things. The command is given to seek for wisdom and not allow the material to hold you back for only wisdom creates harmony. Even in the time in which Thoth wrote, the wisdom of the ancient races was forgotten among the people who were descendants of the barbarian tribes Thoth found after he left Atlantis. Man is part of the essence of consciousness, but that knowledge is forgotten by the mass of mankind. Thoth, through projection of consciousness, realized that consciousness is the ultimate reality and that the body was the fetter which binds man to the physical world. Through experience gained in projection, he learned of curves and angles of space. Thoth begins to state some of the Laws which were as mysterious to the people of his time as they are today. That which seems to be the totality of all things is only one facet, one aspect of the jewel of truth. Matter is fluid insomuch as it is constantly disintegrating to be formed into new combinations. Other spaces spoken of are interlocking worlds, the inner spaces of the fourth dimension and the other dimensions. The frequency of the number Nine is spoken of as including Nine Lords of Cycles, though we are told only of the Seven. The Nine include the Lords of this cosmic cycle and the one below. Time-space is spoken of as being full of concealed ones; the concealment being behind the curves of the space-spiral. As consciousness in some form is present in everything, it follows that it must also be in diffusions of past-time-matter. In and though man alone can the path to other planes be opened. The circle represents completion of the opening of the channel of force passing through the centers of the body. The Word[1] is the vibration which loosens the power. Only through this can life really be realized. Man is not material though seeming to be. He id Light, springing from the eternal source and only appearing as a material being. And even materiality is only so in seeming, for in the ultimate the material becomes Light. Thoth seeks constantly for more wisdom to add to that which he already has. Thoth journeys to the Halls of Amenti to ask the Lords the question “Where is the source?” He is commanded by the Lord of Nine to free himself from the body, for only in the spirit can this be truly answered. Thoth frees himself from the body and is cast into the abyss – literally the great deep – and is there shown the molding of Order from disorder. The Lord of Nine has temporarily harmonized him with the full flow of the Yarkima, and he can see into the I. Yod in the Arech (not translated) and see the creation and forming of a Cosmic Consciousness. We are shown that the true Word is Order, which changes all disorder into its own likeness. The life in man is a manifestation of Order and therefore a key to The Word. If you can realize the full meaning of the passage, you have the key to the Lost Word. Life is an expression of the Order which proceeds forth from the absolute fire of the Torch Bearer. We are thus again shown that The Word is Order and Harmony. The path to The Word lies in ordering your life so that chaos is eliminated from it. Man is lost from The Word because he has allowed disorder and chaos to rule his life. Every effort put forth, every conquest of disorder, brings us closer to The Word. [1] See note 11. The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean Tablet X The Key of Time List you, O Man. Take of my wisdom. Learn of his deep hidden mysteries of space. Learn of the THOUGHT that grew in the abyss, bringing Order and Harmony in space. Know you, O man, that all exists has being only because of the LAW[1]. Know you the LAW and you shall be free, never be bound by the fetters of night. Far, through strange spaces, have I journeyed into the depth of the abyss of time, until in the end all was revealed. Know you that mystery is only mystery when it is knowledge unknown to man. When you have plumbed the heart of all mystery, knowledge and wisdom will surely be yours. Seek you and learn that TIME is the secret whereby you may be free of this space. Long have I, WISDOM, sought wisdom; yes, and shall seek of eternity's end for know that ever before me receding shall move the goal I seek to attain. Even the LORDS of the CYCLES know that not yet have THEY reached the goal, For with all of their wisdom, they know that TRUTH ever grows. Once, in a past time, I spoke to the Dweller. Asked of the mystery of time and space. Asked him the question that surged in my being, saying: “O Master, what is time?” Then to me spoke HE, the Master: “Know you, O Thoth, in the beginning there and VOID and nothingness, a timeless, spaceless, nothingness. And into the nothingness came a thought, purposeful, all-pervading, and It filled the VOID. There existed no matter, only force, a movement, a vortex, or vibration of the purposeful thought that filled the VOID.” And I questioned the Master, saying: “Was this thought eternal?” And answered me the DWELLER, Saying: “In the beginning, there was eternal thought, and for thought to be eternal, time must exist. So, into the all-pervading thought grew the LAW of TIME. Yes, time which exists through all space, floating in a smooth, rhythmic movement that is eternally in a state of fixation. Time changes not, but all things change in time. For time is the force that holds events separate, each in its own proper place. Time is not in motion, but you move through time as your consciousness moves from one event to another. Yes, by time yet exist, all in all, an eternal ONE existence. Know you that even though in the time you are separate, yet still are ONE, in all times existent.” Ceased then the voice of the DWELLER, and departed I to ponder on time. For knew I that in these words lay wisdom and a way to explore the mysteries of time. Often did I ponder the words of the DWELLER. Then sought I to solve the mystery of time. Found I that time moves through strange angles. Yet only by curves could I hope to attain the key that would give me access to the time-space. Found I that only by moving upward and yet again by moving to right-ward could I be free from the time of the movement. Forth I came from out of my body, moved in the movements that changed me in time. Strange were the sights I saw in my journeys, many the mysteries that opened to view. Yes, saw I man's beginning, learned from the past that nothing is new. Seek you, O man, to learn the pathway that leads through the spaces that are formed forth in time. Forget not, O man, with all of your seeking that Light is the goal you shall seek to attain. Search you for the Light on your pathway and ever for you the goal shall endure. Let not your heart turn ever to darkness. light let shine Soul be, a Sun on the way. Know you that eternal brightness, you shall ever find your Soul hid in Light, never fettered by bondage or darkness, ever it shines forth a Sun of the Light. Yes, know, though hidden in darkness, your Soul, a spark of the true flame, exists. Be you One with the greatest of all Lights. Find at the SOURCE, the END of your goal. Light is life, for without the great Light nothing can ever exist. Know you, that in all formed matter, the heart of Light always exists. Aye, even though bound in the darkness, inherent Light always exists. Once I stood in the HALLS OF AMENTI and heard the voice of the LORDS of AMENTI, saying in tones that rang through the silence, words of power, mighty and potent. Chanted they the song of the cycles, the words that open the path to beyond. Yes, I saw the great path opened and looked for the instant into the beyond. Saw I the movements of the cycles, vast as the thought of the SOURCE could convey. Knew I then even Infinity is moving on to some unthinkable end. Saw I that the Cosmos is Order and part of a movement that extends to all space, a party of an Order of Orders, constantly moving in a harmony of space. Saw I the wheeling of cycles like vast circles across the sky. Knew I then that all that has being is growing to meet yet another being in a far-off grouping of space and of time. Knew I then that in Words are power to open the planes that are hidden from man. Yes, that even in Words lies hidden the key that will open above and below. Hark you, now man, this word I leave with you. Use it and you shall find power in its sound. Say you the word: "ZIN-URU"[1] and power you shall find. Yet must you understand that man is of Light and Light is of man. List you, O man, and hear a mystery stranger than all that lies beneath the Sun. Know you, O man, that all space is filled by worlds within worlds; yes, one within the other yet separate by Law. Once in my search for deep buried wisdom, I opened the door that bars THEM from man. Called I from the other planes of being, one who was fairer than the daughters of men. Yes, I called her from out of the spaces, to shine as a Light in the world of men. Used I the drum of the Serpent. Wore I the robe of the purple and gold. Placed on my head, I, the crown of Silver. Around me the circle of cinnabar shone. Raised I my arms and cried the invocation that opens the path to the planes beyond, cried to the LORDS of the SIGNS in their houses: “Lords of the two horizons, watchers of the treble gates, stand you One at the right and One at the left as the STAR rises to his throne and rules over his sign. Yes, you dark prince of ARULU, open the gates of the dim, hidden land and release her whom you keep imprisoned. Hear you, hear you, hear you, dark Lords and Shining Ones, and by their secret names, names which I know and can pronounce, year you and obey my will.” Lit I then with flame my circle and called HER in the space-planes beyond. Daughter of Light return from ARULU. Seven times and seven times have I passed through the fire. Food have I not eaten. Water have I not drunk. I call you from ARULU, from the realms of EKERSHEGAL[1]. I summon you, lady of Light. Then before me rose the dark figures; yes, the figures of the Lords of Arulu. Parted they before me and forth came the Lady of Light[1]. Free was she now from the LORDS of the night, free to live in the Light of the earth Sun, free to live as a child of the Light. Hear you and listen, O my children. Magic is knowledge and only is Law. Be not afraid of the power within you for it follows Law as the stars in the sky. Know you that to be without knowledge, wisdom is magic and not of the Law. But know you that ever you by your knowledge can approach closer to a place in the Sun. List you, my children, follow my teaching. Be you ever seeker of Light. Shine in the world of men all around you, a Light on the path that shall shine among men. Follow you and learn of my magic. Know that all force is your if you wilt. Fear not the path that leads you to knowledge, but rather shun you the dark road. Light is thine, O man, for the taking. Cast off the fetters and you shalt be free. Know you that they Soul is living in bondage fettered by fears that hold you in thrall. Open thy eyes and see the great SUN-LIGHT. Be not afraid for all is your own. Fear[1] is the LORD of the dark ARULU to he who never faced the dark fear. Yes, know that fear has existence created by those who are bound by their fears. Shake off your bondage, O children, and walk in the Light of the glorious day. Never turn they thoughts to the darkness and surely you shall be One with the Light[1]. Man is only what he believes, a brother of darkness or a child of the Light. Come though into the Light my Children. Walk in the pathway that lead to the Sun. Hark you now, and list to the wisdom. Use you the word I have given unto you. Use it and surely though shalt find power and wisdom and Light to walk in the way. Seek you and find the key I have given and ever shalt you be a Child of the Light. [1] You are One with the Light, but you lost this understanding by experiencing the bondage of matter. Our thoughts based on sensing matter give us a wrong perception that builds out our imperfect beliefs. [1] Fear is the forgetfulness of the unity of the One, is the lack of knowledge that been One we have power over everything. [1] Could The Lady of Light been a designation of the goddess Inanna? Inanna was associated with the planet Venus and thereby probably with the Venusian cycle of humanity (see page 11). [1] Ekershegal is here the Sumerian goddess Ereskhigal, goddess of the dark and deep underground land named the Kur, designated here by Arulu? [1] Zin-Uru is a word of power. See notes 11 and 24. [1] The Law is the hidden structure of the Cosmic Creation; this structure is the real framework of reality. The Egyptian concept of Maat stands for Order, Justice and Truth/Reality. Emerald Tablet X (Dr. Doréal interpretation) The thought which grew in the abyss was the first expression of activity and movement. Without Law, which is Order, nothing could exist in form. Time, the great secret, is a key to freedom, for when man conquers time, he has also conquered death. The infinite jewel of truth can never be fully read for truth brings forth extensions of itself; and as one truth is mastered, other truths appear. Thoth questions the Dweller about time and space, and the Dweller tells him of the beginning of all things in the great void. He tells him of thought which sprang into being and is questioned as to thought being eternal. The answer of the Dweller is so plain as to need little amplification to those who have studied the sixth and seventh grades of the Brotherhood College Work. Thoth finds that time is angular in movement yet being within curved walls. And to penetrate into past time, the consciousness must be moved in curves starting in the pineal; the same exercise given earlier. Thoth mastered time and was able to move backward and forward in time seeing strange sights and learning from sight man’s beginning. Thot again exhorts man to seek for Light for only thus can they know their own soul. He also tells that in all matter Light or consciousness exists though not always conscious consciousness. Thoth tells of his wonderful experience in Amenti when the Lords opened the path to their own cycles and allowed him to see with his own eyes that which exists beyond. From this, Thoth learned that progression and Order are the same in all cosmic cycles and that all are working in harmony toward the same end. Thoth was able to see the purpose behind the pushing out into space of cosmic cycles and with the Lord of Nine could feel the drawing together of the extensions of the different I. Yods. He learned that in words, which are examples of vibration, lie the key to the opening of spaces and even cycles. He gives a vibration word which is the Key of Life. He speaks of interlocking worlds and spaces set apart from the one in which we dwell, each of these filled with manifestations of consciousness. He then relates a wonderful experience of calling from within the sixth dimension one who had been imprisoned by the Lords of Arulu (not translated). She was one who, when we occupied the past cosmic cycle, attempted to come into this cosmic cycle and failed and was imprisoned by the Lords of Arulu. Thoth, through his knowledge opens the gateway and calls forth this imprisoned consciousness. He commands the Lords to release her and by their secret names forces obedience. She then again becomes a part of this consciousness of which she once before [was a part]. He states that knowledge is called magic by the ignorant and tells them not to be afraid for all is manifestation of Law. Everyone has the force if he knows how to use it, but few have the knowledge. Those who fear the unknown make that fear a living thing. All fears of mankind have their source in the Dark Lords. Conquer fear and be free. Man makes himself, according to his thought, a being of Light or one of darkness. The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean Tablet XI The Key to Above and Below Hear you and list you, O children of Khem, to the words that I give that shall bring you to the Light. You know, O men, that I knew your fathers, yes, your fathers in a time long ago. Deathless have I been through all the ages, living among you since your knowledge began. Leading you upward to the Light of the Great Soul have I ever striven, drawing you from out of the darkness of night. Know you, O people amongst whom I walk, that I, Thoth, have all of the knowledge and all of the wisdom known to man since the ancient days. Keeper have I been of the secrets of the great race, holder of the key that leads into life. Bringer up have I been to you, O my children, even from the darkness of the Ancient of Days. List you now to the words of my wisdom. List you now to the message I bring. Hear you now the words I give you, and you shall be raised from the darkness to Light. Far in the past, when first I came to you, found I you in caves of rocks. Lifted I you by my power and wisdom until you did shine as men among men. Yes, found I you without any knowing. Only a little were you raised beyond beasts. Fanned I ever the spark of your consciousness until at last you flamed as men. Now shall I speak to you knowledge ancient beyond the thought of your race. Know you that we of the Great Race[1] had and have knowledge that is more than man's. Wisdom we gained from the star-born races, wisdom and knowledge far beyond man. Down to us had descended the masters of wisdom as far beyond us as I am from you. List you now while I give you wisdom. Use it and free you shalt be. Know you that in the pyramid I builded are the Keys that shall show you the Way into life. Yes, draw you a line from the great image I builded, to the apex of the pyramid, built as a gateway. Draw you another opposite in the same angle and direction. Dig you and find that which I have hidden. There shall you find the underground entrance to the secrets hidden before you were men. Tell you I now of the mystery of cycles that move in movements that are strange to the finite, for infinite are they beyond knowledge of man. Know you that there are nine of the cycles; yes, nine above and fourteen below, moving in harmony to the place of joining that shall exist in the future of time. Know you that the Lords of the Cycles are units of consciousness sent from the others to unify This with the All. Highest are They of the consciousness of all the Cycles, working in harmony with the Law. Know They that in time all will be perfected, having none above and none below, but all One in a perfected Infinity, a harmony of all in the Oneness of All. Deep beneath the Earth surface in the Halls of Amenti sit the Seven, the Lords of the Cycles, yes, and another, the Lord from below. Yet know you that in Infinity there is neither above nor below. But ever there is and ever shall be Oneness of All when all is complete. Often have I stood before the Lords of the All. Often at the fount of their wisdom have drunken and filled both my body and Soul with their Light. Spoke they to me and told me of cycles and the Law that gives them the means to exist. Yes, spoke to me the Lord of the Nine saying: “O, Thoth, great are you among Earth children, but mysteries exist of which you know not. You know that you came from a space-time below this and know you shall travel to a space-time beyond[1]. But little you know of the mysteries within them, little you know of the wisdom beyond. Know you that you as a whole in this consciousness are only a cell in the process of growth. The consciousness below you is ever-expanding in different ways from those known to you. Yes, it, though in space-time below you, is ever growing in ways that are different from those that were part of the ways of your own. For know that it grows as a result of your growth but not in the same way that you did grow. The growth that you had and have in the present have brought into being a cause and effect. No consciousness follows the path of those before it, else all would be repetition and vain. Each consciousness in the cycle it exists in follows its own path to the ultimate goal. Each plays its part in the Plan of the Cosmos. Each plays its part in the ultimate end. The farther the cycle, the greater its knowledge and ability to blend the Law of the whole Know you, that you in the cycles below us are working the minor parts of the Law, while we of the cycle that extends to Infinity take of the striving and build greater Law. Each has his own part to play in the cycles. Each has his work to complete in his way. The cycle below you is yet not below you but only formed for a need that exists. For know you that the fountain of wisdom that sends forth the cycles is eternally seeking new powers to gain. You know that knowledge is gained only by practice, and wisdom comes forth only from knowledge, and thus are the cycles created by Law. Means are they for the gaining of knowledge for the Plane of Law that is the Source of the All. The cycle below is not truly below but only different in space and in time. The consciousness there is working and testing lesser things than those you are. And know, just as you are working on greater, so above you are those who are also working as you are on yet other laws. The difference that exists between the cycles is only in ability to work with the Law. We, who have being in cycles beyond you, are those who first came forth from the Source and have in the passage through time-space gained ability to use Laws of the Greater that are far beyond the conception of man. Nothing there is that is really below you but only a different operation of Law. Look you above or look you below, the same shall you find. For all is but part of the Oneness that is at the Source of the Law. The consciousness below you is part your own as we are a part of yours. You, as a child had not the knowledge that came to you when you became a man. Compare you the cycles to man in his journey from birth unto death, and see in the cycle below you the child with the knowledge he has; and see you yourself as the child grown older, advancing in knowledge as time passes on. See you, We, also, the child grown to manhood with the knowledge and wisdom that came with the years. So also, O Thoth, are the cycles of consciousness, children in different stages of growth, yet all from the one Source, the Wisdom, and all to the Wisdom returning again.” Ceased then He from speaking and sat in the silence that comes to the Lords. Then again spoke He unto me, saying: “O Thoth, long have We sat in Amenti, guarding the flame of life in the Halls. Yet know, we are still part of our Cycles with our Vision reaching unto them and beyond. Yes, know we that of all, nothing else matters excepting the growth, we can gain with our Soul. Know we the flesh is fleeting. The things men count great are nothing to us. The things we seek are not of the body but are only the perfected state of the Soul. When you as men can learn that nothing but progress of Soul can count in the end, then truly you are free from all bondage, free to work in a harmony of Law. Know, O man, you should aim at perfection[1], for only thus can you attain to the goal. Though you should know that nothing is perfect, yet it should be your aim and your goal.” Ceased again the voice of the Nine, and into my consciousness the words had sunk. Now, seek I ever more wisdom that I may be perfect in Law with the All. Soon go I down to the Halls of Amenti to live beneath the cold flower of life. You whom I have taught shall nevermore see me. Yet live I forever in the wisdom I taught. All that man is, is because of his wisdom. All that he shall be is the result of his cause. List you, now to my voice and become greater than common man. Lift your eyes upward, let Light fill your being, be you ever Children of Light. Only by effort shall you grow upward to the plane where Light is the All of the All. Be you the master of all that surrounds you. Never be mastered by the effects of your life. Create then ever more perfect causes and in time shalt you be a Sun of the Light Free, let your soul soar ever upward, free from the bondage and fetters of night. Lift your eyes to the Sun in the sky-space. For you, let it be a symbol of life. Know that you are the Greater Light, perfect in your own sphere, when you are free. Look not ever into the blackness. Lift up your eyes to the space above. Free let your Light flame upward and shalt you be a Child of the Light. [1] Perfection is the right adequation to the cosmic structure, the framework of Reality. Existence is always growing and so perfection is always in a state of eternal development and so cannot be attained unless you realized the unity with the All. [1] The Nine Cycles below and the Nine above. In progressing “upward” trough cycles the ability to work with the Law is also improving, motivated by the continuous crescendo of consciousness and wisdom. [1] The Great Race an allusion to the Children of Light the Star People of the Anunnaki? Emerald Tablet XI (Dr. Doréal interpretation) Thoth tells men of his time about the ages they and their ancestors have known him, and this alone should have been enough to make them realize his power. He reminds them that he has been the keeper of the mysteries of past ages and has brought them from savagery to Light. He tells them that he is now going to reveal some of the elder mysteries revealed to him and his ancestors by the Children of Light and the Lords of the Cycles. Thoth tells them how a way may be formed to open the gateway to the Halls of Amenti. Drawing a line in a geometrical angle from the Sphinx, the key to opening the secret chamber beneath the pyramid may be found. The cycles Thoth speaks of are the cosmic cycles from the positive side of this Arech and the negative side of the other Arech toward we are moving. The negative side of this and the positive side of the other each have fourteen cosmic cycles. The Lords of the Cycles are the central All of each Cosmic Consciousness. They know the eventual perfections of all. For the first time, Thoth mentions the Lord from below, i.e., the lower cosmic cycle. Each Cosmic Consciousness thus has its representative in all cosmic cycles. Thoth is told by the Lord of Nine that though he is great and on with the Cosmic Consciousness, there are mysteries of which he as yet does not know. Thoth is told that though he knows much yet hidden within each Cosmic Consciousness are things he will not fully know until all become One. The expansion of each consciousness is different for each is performing a different part in the infinite plan. Each supplements the other so that the growth of each one reacts upon the other. One is just as necessary as the other though some can perform greater tasks. There is no real above or below for these are comparative terms. The Cosmic Consciousness are the means through which the Torch Bearer changes disorder and chaos to Order and Law. Each works in its own space fulfilling necessary functions. And the lower cosmic cycles is just as important in the great plan as the highest. The higher cosmic cycles are merely of greater ability. All Cosmic Consciousness are One in the final analysis, just as all units of soul are One in the Cosmic Consciousness. The difference in ability of the higher and lower Cosmic Consciousness is compared with to the boy and man. Thoth is truly giving an example of the microcosm and Macrocosm: As Above, So Below. The Lords, though manifesting in Amenti, are yet connected with and a part of their own cosmic cycle. Their purpose in manifesting in cosmic cycles other than their own is for the purpose of aiding certain growths in the soul of man and transmitting the results to their own Cosmic Consciousness, thus laying the foundation for the quality of the disorder allowed to flow to each cosmic cycle. Perfection would be the goal, though we should always realize that perfection is receding in direct proportion to our own growth. What today seems perfection, tomorrow will be imperfection, for we know that perfection is not yet realized even in the Torch Bearer. Thoth says that even now [as] he goes to Amenti yet will live [he] with them in the truth he has thought, almost the same as the sayings of Jesus. He gives the injunctions for them to turn all effort toward becoming one with the Light. Thoth concludes the tablet with the command to lift their eyes to the Sun and break free from darkness. Credits to Nuno Barbieri for giving us all this information.

  • Cópia do diário do Almirante Richard B. Byrd (PT)

    O voo à TERRA ALÉM DO POLO NORTE Embora eu não possa assegurar a veracidade deste documento, como fonte de pesquisa acho interessante. O leitor da documentação que se segue achará um exemplo notável de séria devoção, especialmente se for considerado que este diário de voo foi escrito no ano de 1947, nos meses de fevereiro e março, sob circunstâncias que, evidentemente, desafiavam a imaginação e a credibilidade dos daquele tempo. Aqui é tratada com respostas, a origem dos chamados OVNIS, bem como a teoria da Terra Oca ou, como o Almirante a descreveu: "A Terra Além dos Pólos". O leitor reviverá aquele período quando ler este documento. Dizer que é fascinante é pouco, mas, ao lê-lo, sei que concluirá, usando as próprias palavras do Almirante, "No momento que acaba a longa noite do Ártico, o sol brilhante da verdade nascerá outra vez, e aqueles que forem da Obscuridade encontrarão a Luz". VOO EXPLORATÓRIO SOBRE O POLO NORTE Devo escrever este diário em segredo e na obscuridade. Ele diz respeito ao meu voo sobre o Ártico, no dia dezanove de fevereiro, no ano de Mil Novecentos e Quarenta e Sete. Está chegando um tempo em que o racionalismo dos homens deve desaparecer na sua insignificância e deverá ser aceita a inevitabilidade da Verdade! Não tenho liberdade para revelar a documentação que estou escrevendo... talvez ela nunca venha à luz da apreciação pública, mas eu devo cumprir meu dever de escrever para que todos leiam, um dia... Num mundo de ganância e exploração, a humanidade não pode ignorar a verdade. DIARIO SECRETO DO ALMIRANTE BYRD BASE CAMPO ÁRTICO, 19/2/1947 06:00 hs - Completamos os preparativos para. nosso voo para o norte e estamos voando com os tanques cheios, às 06:10 hs. 06:20 hs - A mistura no motor de estibordo parecia estar muito rica, foram feitos os ajustes e os Pratt Whittneys estão funcionando suavemente. 07:00 hs - Radio check com o campo da base. Tudo está bem e a recepção via rádio é normal. 07:40 hs. - Observado um pequeno vazamento de óleo no motor de estibordo, mas o indicador da pressão parece normal. 08:00 hs. - Pequena turbulência vinda de leste numa altitude de 2321 pés; corrigido para 1700 pés; a turbulência acabou, mas aumenta o vento de popa; feito pequeno ajuste nos controles do acelerador e o avião está com desempenho muito bom. 08:15 hs - Radio check com o campo da base, situação normal. 08:30 hs - Nova turbulência; altitude aumentada para 2900 pés; voo tranquilo novamente. 09:10 hs - Vastidão de gelo e neve abaixo, notando uma coloração amarelada; exame desse padrão de cor abaixo; notando também coloração avermelhada ou púrpura. Circulando esta área com duas voltas completas e voltando ao curso traçado. Checagem de posição novamente com a base do campo e transmitindo informação sobre as colorações no gelo e na neve abaixo. 09:10 lis - Bússola e giroscópio começando a girar e oscilar; estamos incapazes de manter nosso rumo pelos instrumentos. Orientando-nos pelo Sol, mas tudo ainda parece bem. Os controles parecem lentos em responder, mas não há indicação de congelamento. 09:15 hs - Parece haver montanhas à distância. 09:49 hs - Já se passaram 29 minutos da primeira visão das montanhas; não é uma ilusão. São montanhas consistindo de uma pequena cadeia que nunca vi antes! 09:55 tis - Mudança de altitude para 2950 pés, encontrando forte turbulência outra vez. 10:00 hs - Estamos atravessando a pequena cadeia de montanhas e ainda indo para o norte da melhor maneira possível. Além da cadeia de montanhas está o que parece ser um vale com um pequeno rio correndo pelo meio. Não deveria haver um vale verde abaixo! Definitivamente, alguma coisa está errada e anormal aqui! Deveríamos estar sobre gelo e neve! Há grandes florestas nas encostas das montanhas. Nossos instrumentos de navegação ainda estão girando e o giroscópio está oscilando para trás e para a frente. 10:05 hs - Altero a altitude para 1400 pés e executo urna volta fechada para a esquerda, para examinar melhor o vale abaixo. É verde com musgo ou uma espécie de relva muito fechada. A luz aqui parece diferente. Já não vejo o Sol. Fizemos outra curva para a esquerda e vemos o que parece ser um grande animal abaixo de nós. Parece um elefante! Não! Parece mais um mamute! É inacreditável! Ainda assim, lá está ele! Diminuindo a altitude para 1000 pés e pegando binóculos para examinar melhor o animal. Confirmado - definitivamente é um animal semelhante a um mamute! Relatamos isso para a base. 10:30 hs - Encontrando mais colinas verdes ondulantes. O indicador de temperatura externa marca 74 graus Fahrenheit [23,3 C]. Continuando agora o nosso curso. Os instrumentos de navegação agora parecem normais. Estou intrigado com seu desempenho. Tentativa de contatar a base. O rádio não está funcionando! 11:30 hs - O campo abaixo está mais plano e normal (se é que posso usar essa palavra). Adiante vemos o que parece ser uma cidade!! Isso é impossível! O avião parece leve ou estranhamente flutuante. Os controles se recusam a responder!! Meu DEUS!!! Ao lado de nossa asas, direita e esquerda, estão aeronaves de um tipo estranho. Estão se aproximando rapidamente! São em forma de discos e irradiam luz. Estão agora suficientemente perto para ver suas insígnias. São uma espécie de Swastika! Isso é fantástico. Onde estamos? O que aconteceu? Puxo os controles outra vez. Não respondem!!! Fomos apanhados por urna garra de algum tipo. 11:35 lis - Nosso rádio estala e uma voz fala em Inglês com o que talvez seja um ligeiro sotaque nórdico ou alemão! A mensagem é: Bem-vindo, Almirante, está em boas mãos. Reparo que os motores de nosso avião pararam. O aparelho está sob algum controle estranho e está virando. Os controles são inúteis. 11:40 hs - Recebida outra mensagem pelo rádio. Começamos a aterrissagem agora e, em momentos o avião treme ligeiramente, e começa a descer, como se houvesse sido apanhado num enorme elevador invisível! O movimento para baixo é mínimo e tocamos o chão apenas com leve salto! 11:45 hs - Estou fazendo uma última anotação apressada no diário de voo. Uma porção de homens se aproxima a pé de nossa aeronave. São altos com cabelo louro. À distância, pode-se ver urna grande cidade, reluzente, pulsando com matizes do arco-íris. Não sei o que nos acontecerá agora, mas não vejo sinais de armas nos que se aproximam. Ouço agora uma voz ordenando-me para abrir a porta. Eu obedeço. FIM DO DIÁRIO Deste ponto em diante, narro todos os acontecimentos seguintes, de memória. Desafia a imaginação e pareceria loucura, se não houvesse acontecido. O radiotelegrafista e eu fomos tirados do aparelho e recebidos de modo muito cordial. Fomos depois embarcados num transporte em forma de plataforma, sem rodas! Levou-nos à cidade resplandecente com grande rapidez. Quando nos aproximamos, a cidade pareceu-nos feita de um material cristalino. Logo chegamos a um grande edifício, de um estilo que eu nunca havia visto. Parecia ter saído da prancheta de Frank Lloyd Wright, ou talvez, mais corretamente, de um cenário de Buck Rogers!! Deram-nos uma espécie de bebida quente, cujo gosto não se parecia com qualquer coisa que eu já tenha experimentado. Era deliciosa. Cerca de dez minutos depois, dois de nossos anfitriões vieram aos nossos aposentos, dizendo que eu os devia acompanhar. Não tive escolha e obedeci. Deixei o radiotelegrafista e nós andamos uma distância curta, entrando no que parecia um elevador. Descemos por alguns momentos, a máquina parou e as portas se levantaram silenciosamente! Andamos, então por um longo corredor iluminado por luz rósea que pareciam emanar das próprias paredes Um dos seres acenou para que parássemos em frente a uma grande porta. Acima dela havia uma. inscrição que eu não soube ler. A porta deslizou silenciosamente e eu fui convidado a entrar. Um dos meus anfitriões falou. Não tenha receio, Almirante, o senhor terá uma entrevista com o Mestre... Eu entrei e meus olhos se acomodaram á bela coloração que parecia estar enchendo completamente o aposento. Então comecei a ver o lugar onde estava. O que acolheu meus olhos foi a visão mais bonita que já tive em minha vida. Era realmente bela e maravilhosa demais para ser descrita. Era exótica e delicada. Não acho que exista urna palavra humana que possa descrever qualquer detalhe com justiça. Meus pensamentos foram interrompidos de um modo cordial por uma voz quente e rica, de timbre melodioso, 'Eu lhe dou as boas vindas ao nosso território, Almirante.' Vi um homem de feições delicadas, com as marcas dos anos no rosto. Estava sentado em uma longa mesa. Convidou-me a sentar numa das cadeiras. Depois que me sentei, ele juntou as pontas dos dedos e sorriu, jovialmente falou com suavidade e disse o seguinte. 'Nós o deixamos entrar porque tem um nobre caráter e é famoso na Superfície da Terra, Almirante,' Superfície da Terra, eu disse a mim mesmo! "Sim' o Mestre responde, ' o senhor está no território dos Arianni, o Mundo Interior da Terra. Não prolongaremos sua Missão, e o senhor será escoltado com segurança para a superfície a até uma distância além. Mas agora, Almirante, eu lhe direi porque foi trazido aqui. Nosso interesse começou justamente depois que sua raça explodiu as primeiras bombas atómicas sobre Hiroshima e Nagasaki, Japão. Foi nesse tempo de alarmante que mandámos nossas máquinas voadoras, os "Flugelrads", ao seu mundo na superfície para investigar o que sua raça havia feito. É claro que isso agora é passado, meu caro Almirante, mas eu devo continuar. Como vê, nunca interferimos antes em suas guerras e com seu barbarismo, mas agora somos obrigados, pois seu mundo aprendeu a forçar o uso de certos poderes que não são para os homens, principalmente o da energia atómica. Nossos emissários já entregaram mensagens aos governos de seu mundo e até agora eles não atenderam. Agora, o senhor foi escolhido para testemunhar que nosso mundo existe. Como vê, nossa Ciência e Cultura estão muitos milhares de anos à frente de sua raça, Almirante.' Eu interrompi, 'Mas o que isto tem a ver comigo, Senhor?' Os olhos do Mestre pareceram penetrar profundamente na minha mente, e, depois de me estudar por alguns momentos, ele respondeu, 'Sua raça alcançou o ponto sem volta, pois há aqueles dentre vós que prefeririam destruir o próprio mundo a abdicar de seus poderes, tal como os conhecem...' Eu concordei com a cabeça e o Mestre continuou, 'Em 1945 e depois, tentamos contatar sua raça, mas nossos esforços foram recebidos com hostilidade, nossos Flugelrads foram alvejados. Sim, até perseguidos com maldade e animosidade pelos aviões de combate. Portanto agora eu lhe digo, meu filho, há uma grande tempestade se formando em seu mundo, uma fúria negra que não será extinta por muitos anos. Não haverá resposta em seus exércitos nem segurança em sua ciência. Ela poderá rugir até que cada flor de sua cultura esteja esmagada, e todas as coisas humanas niveladas num vasto caos. A última guerra foi apenas um prelúdio do que ainda está para vir para sua raça. Aqui nós vemos isso mais claramente a cada hora que passa... pode dizer que eu estou errado?' 'Não', respondi, 'já aconteceu antes, em que a idade negra chegou e durou mais de quinhentos anos. 'Sim, meu filho,' o Mestre respondeu, 'a idade negra que virá para sua raça cobrirá a Terra como uma mortalha, mas eu acredito que alguns da sua raça viverão através da tempestade, e além disso, nada mais posso dizer. Vemos, a grande distância, um NOVO mundo saindo das ruínas de sua raça, procurando seus tesouros legendários e perdidos, e eles ficarão aqui, meu filho, a salvo sob nossa proteção. Quando o tempo chegar, iremos novamente para ajudar a reviver sua cultura e sua raça. Talvez, então, vocês tenham aprendido a futilidade da guerra e de sua disputa. e depois desse tempo, alguma parte de sua cultura e ciência lhes será devolvida, para recomeçar. Você, meu filho, deve voltar á Face da Terra com essa mensagem... Com essas palavras finais, nosso encontro terminou. Fiquei por um momento como num sonho..., mas ainda assim eu sabia que era realidade, e, por alguma estranha razão, inclinei-me ligeiramente, por respeito ou por humildade, não sei qual. De repente, fiquei novamente consciente de que os dois belos anfitriões que me haviam trazido aqui estavam ao meu lado. Por aqui, Almirante, disse um. Virei-me mais uma vez antes de sair e olhei para trás, para o Mestre. Um sorriso gentil esboçou-se em seu rosto delicado e idoso. Adeus, meu filho, ele falou, e acenou um gesto de paz com a delgada mão, e nosso encontro verdadeiramente terminou. Rapidamente passamos pela grande porta dos aposentos do Mestre e, mais uma vez, entramos no elevador. A porta, silenciosamente, abaixou e tornamos a subir. Um dos meus acompanhantes falou. " Agora precisamos apressar-nos, pois o Mestre não deseja mais atrasos em seu horário programado e o senhor deve retornar com sua mensagem para sua raça". Eu nada disse. Tudo isso era quase inacreditável, e mais uma vez, meus pensamentos foram interrompidos quando paramos. Entrei no quarto e estava outra vez com meu radiotelegrafista. 'Está tudo bem, Howie, está tudo bem.' Os dois seres nos levaram até o transporte que esperava, subimos, e logo chegamos ao avião. Os motores estavam ligados e embarcamos imediatamente. Toda a atmosfera parecia agora carregada com um certo ar de urgência. Depois que a porta foi fechada, o aparelho foi imediatamente levantado por aquela força invisível até atingirmos uma altitude de 2700 pés. Duas das aeronaves foram ao nosso lado, guiando-nos de volta à nossa rota. Devo declarar aqui que o indicador de velocidade nada registava, mas estávamos voando a uma grande velocidade. 02:15 hs - Veio urna mensagem pelo rádio. "Nós o estamos deixando agora, Almirante, seus controles estão livres. Adeus! Olhámos por um momento, enquanto os Flugelrads desapareciam no céu azul. O avião, de repente, caiu como se houvesse sido apanhado num vácuo. Rapidamente recuperamos o controle. Não falamos por algum tempo. Cada um tinha seus pensamentos... O DIÁRIO DE VOÔ CONTINUA 02:20 hs - Estamos novamente sobre vastas áreas de gelo e neve, a aproximadamente 27 minutos da base. Falamos com eles pelo rádio e eles respondem. Declaramos todas as condições normais... normais... A base expressa alívio com o restabelecimento de nosso contato. 03:00 hs - Aterrissamos suavemente na base. Eu tenho uma missão... FIM DO DIÁRIO 1 de março de 1947. Acabo de participar de urna reunião no Pentágono. Relatei integralmente o que descobri e a mensagem do Mestre. Tudo foi devidamente gravado. O Presidente foi avisado. Fui detido por várias horas (seis horas e trinta e nove minutos, para ser exato). Fui exaustivamente interrogado pelas Forças de Segurança Máxima e por uma equipe médica. Foi uma grande provação!!! Fui colocado sob estrita vigilância pelo Serviço de Segurança dos Estados Unidos da América. E ORDENARAM-ME QUE PERMANECESSE EM SILÊNCIO QUANTO A TUDO QUE DESCOBRI, PELO BEM DA HUMANIDADE!!! Inacreditável, e me lembraram de que sou um militar e de que devo obedecer ordens. 30/2/56: ÚLTIMA ANOTAÇÃO Os últimos anos que passaram desde 1947 não foram bons.... Faço agora minha última anotação neste diário singular. Terminando, devo declarar que, fielmente, mantive este assunto em segredo, conforme ordenado, por todos estes anos. Foi completamente contra meus princípios morais. Agora, parece-me pressentir a chegada da longa noite e esse segredo não morrerá comigo, mas, como deve ser com tudo que é verdade, deverá triunfar. Ele pode ser a única esperança para a espécie humana. Eu vi a verdade e ela vivificou meu espírito e me libertou. Cumpri com meu dever para com o monstruoso complexo militar. Agora, a longa noite começa a aparecer, mas não haverá fim. Quando a longa noite do Ártico terminar, o Sol brilhante da Verdade voltará... e os que forem da escuridão cairão com a sua Luz... POIS EU Vi AQUELA TERRA ALÉM DO POLO, AQUELE CENTRO DO GRANDE DESCONHECIDO. Quem era o Almirante Richard Byrd (segundo a Wikipedia) Rear Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd Jr. (October 25, 1888 – March 11, 1957) was an American naval officer and explorer. He was a recipient of the Medal of Honor, the highest honor for valor given by the United States, and was a pioneering American aviator, polar explorer, and organizer of polar logistics. Aircraft flights in which he served as a navigator and expedition leader crossed the Atlantic Ocean, a segment of the Arctic Ocean, and a segment of the Antarctic Plateau. Byrd claimed that his expeditions had been the first to reach both the North Pole and the South Pole by air. His claim to have reached the North Pole is disputed. He is also known for discovering Mount Sidley, the largest dormant volcano in Antarctica, in 1934. First World War Shortly after the entry of the United States into the First World War in April 1917, Byrd oversaw the mobilization of the Rhode Island Naval Militia. He was then recalled to active duty and was assigned to the Office of Naval Operations and served in a desk job as secretary and organizer of the Navy Department Commission on Training Camps. In the autumn of 1917, he was sent to naval aviation school at Pensacola, Florida. He qualified as a Naval Aviator (number 608) in June 1918. He then commanded naval air forces at Naval Air Station Halifax in Nova Scotia, Canada from July 1918 until the armistice in November. In that assignment he was promoted to the permanent rank of lieutenant and the temporary rank of lieutenant commander. For his services during the war, he received a letter of commendation from Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels, which was after World War II converted to a Navy Commendation Medal. Post war After the war, Byrd volunteered to be a crewmember in the U.S. Navy's 1919 aerial transatlantic crossing. This mission was historic as it was the first time the Atlantic Ocean would by crossed by an aircraft. It was decided that only men who had not served overseas would be allowed on the mission. Unfortunately for Byrd, his tour of duty in Newfoundland was considered overseas service. Byrd was, however, able to make a valuable contribution as his expertise in aerial navigation resulted in his appointment to plan the flight path of the mission. Of the three flying boats (NC-1, NC-3 and NC-4) that started from Newfoundland, only Lieutenant Commander Albert Read's NC-4 completed the trip on May 18, 1919, achieving the first ever transatlantic flight. In 1921 Byrd volunteered to attempt a solo non-stop crossing of the Atlantic Ocean - prefiguring Charles Lindbergh's historic flight by six years. Byrd's ambition was dashed by then acting Secretary of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., who felt the risks outweighed the potential rewards. Byrd was then assigned to the ill-fated dirigible ZR-2 (formerly known by the British designation of R-38). As fate would have it, Byrd missed his train to take him to the airship on August 24, 1921. The airship broke apart in midair, killing 44 of 49 crewmembers on board. Byrd lost several friends in the accident and was involved in the subsequent recovery operations and investigation. The accident affected him deeply and inspired him to make safety a top priority in all of his future expeditions. Due to reductions in the Navy after the First World War, Byrd reverted to the rank of lieutenant at the end of 1921. During the summer of 1923 then Lieutenant Byrd and a group of volunteer Navy veterans of the First World War helped found the Naval Reserve Air Station (NRAS) at Squantum Point near Boston, using an unused First World War seaplane hangar which had remained more-or-less intact after the Victory Destroyer Plant shipyard was built on the site. NRAS Squantum was commissioned on August 15, 1923 and is considered to have been the first air base in the Naval Reserve program. Byrd commanded the aviation unit of the arctic expedition to North Greenland led by Donald B. MacMillan from June to October 1925. It was during this expedition that Byrd made the acquaintance of Navy Chief Aviation Pilot Floyd Bennett and Norwegian pilot Bernt Balchen. Bennett would serve as his pilot in his flight to the North Pole the next year. Balchen, whose knowledge of arctic flight operations proved invaluable, would be the primary pilot on Byrd's flight to the South Pole in 1929. 1926 North Pole flight On May 9, 1926, Byrd and Navy Chief Aviation Pilot Floyd Bennett attempted a flight over the North Pole in a Fokker F.VIIa/3m Tri-motor monoplane named Josephine Ford after the daughter of Ford Motor Company president Edsel Ford, who helped finance the expedition. The flight left from Spitsbergen (Svalbard) and returned to its take-off airfield, lasting fifteen hours and fifty-seven minutes, including 13 minutes spent circling at their Farthest North. Byrd and Bennett claimed to have reached the North Pole, a distance of 1,535 miles (1,335 nautical miles). When he returned to the United States from the Arctic, Byrd became a national hero. Congress passed a special act on December 21, 1926, promoting him to the rank of commander and awarding both him and Floyd Bennett the Medal of Honor. Bennett was promoted to the warrant officer rank of Machinist. Byrd and Bennett were presented with Tiffany Cross versions of the Medal of Honor on March 5, 1927 at the White House by President Calvin Coolidge. Controversy Since 1926, there have been doubts raised, defenses made, and heated controversy over whether or not Byrd actually reached the North Pole. In 1958, Norwegian-American aviator and explorer Bernt Balchen cast doubt on Byrd's claim on the basis of his knowledge of the airplane's speed. Balchen claimed that Bennett had confessed to him months after the flight that he and Byrd had not reached the pole. Bennett died on April 25, 1928, during a flight to rescue downed aviators in Greenland. However, Bennett had started a memoir, given numerous interviews, and wrote an article for an aviation magazine about the flight before his death that all confirmed Byrd's version of the flight. The 1996 release of Byrd's diary of the May 9, 1926 flight revealed erased (but still legible) sextant sights that sharply differ with Byrd's later June 22 typewritten official report to the National Geographic Society. Byrd took a sextant reading of the Sun at 7:07:10 GCT. His erased diary record shows the apparent (observed) solar altitude to have been 19°25'30", while his later official typescript reports the same 7:07:10 apparent solar altitude to have been 18°18'18". On the basis of this and other data in the diary, Dennis Rawlins concluded that Byrd steered accurately, and flew about eighty percent of the distance to the Pole before turning back because of an engine oil leak, but later falsified his official report to support his claim of reaching the pole. Accepting that the conflicting data in the typed report's flight times indeed require both northward and southward ground speeds greater than the flight's eighty-five mph airspeed, a Byrd defender posits a westerly-moving anticyclone that tailwind-boosted Byrd's ground speed on both outward and inward legs, allowing the distance claimed to be covered in the time claimed (the theory is based on rejecting handwritten sextant data in favor of typewritten alleged dead-reckoning data). This suggestion has been challenged by Dennis Rawlins who adds that the sextant data in the long unavailable original official typewritten report are all expressed to 1", a precision not possible on Navy sextants of 1926 and not the precision of the sextant data in Byrd's diary for 1925 or the 1926 flight, which was normal (half or quarter of a minute of arc). If Byrd and Bennett did not reach the North Pole, then the first flight over the Pole occurred a few days later, on May 12, 1926, with the flight of the airship Norge that flew from Spitsbergen (Svalbard) to Alaska nonstop with a crew including Roald Amundsen, Umberto Nobile, Oscar Wisting, and Lincoln Ellsworth. 1927 Trans-Atlantic flight In 1927, Byrd announced he had the backing of the American Trans-Oceanic Company, which had been established in 1914 by department-store magnate Rodman Wanamaker for the purpose of building aircraft to complete non-stop flights across the Atlantic Ocean. Byrd was one of several aviators who attempted to win the Orteig Prize in 1927 for making the first nonstop flight between the United States and France. Once again Byrd named Floyd Bennett as his chief pilot, with Norwegian Bernt Balchen, Bert Acosta, and Lieutenant George Noville as other crewmembers. During a practice takeoff with Tony Fokker at the controls and Bennett in the co-pilot seat, the Fokker Trimotor airplane, America, crashed, severely injuring Bennett and slightly injuring Byrd. As the plane was being repaired, Charles Lindbergh won the prize by completing his historic flight on May 21, 1927. (Coincidentally, in 1925, then Army Air Service Reserve Corps Lieutenant Charles Lindbergh had applied to serve as a pilot on Byrd's North Pole expedition, but, apparently, his bid came too late.) Byrd continued with his quest to cross the Atlantic non-stop, naming Balchen to replace Bennett, who had not yet fully recovered from his injuries, as chief pilot. Byrd, Balchen, Acosta, and Noville flew from Roosevelt Field East Garden City, New York in the America on June 29, 1927. On board was mail from the US Postal Service to demonstrate the practicality of aircraft. Arriving over France the next day, they were prevented from landing in Paris by cloud cover; they returned to the coast of Normandy and crash-landed near the beach at Ver-sur-Mer (known as Gold Beach during the Normandy Invasion on June 6, 1944) without fatalities on July 1, 1927. In France, Byrd and his crew were received as heroes and Byrd was invested as an Officer of the French Legion of Honor by Prime Minister Raymond Poincaré on July 6. After their return to the United States, an elaborate dinner in their honor was held in New York City on July 19. Byrd and Noville were awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross by Secretary of the Navy Curtis D. Wilbur at the dinner. Acosta and Balchen did not receive the Distinguished Flying Cross because, at that time, it could only be awarded to members of the armed services and not to civilians. Byrd wrote an article for the August 1927 edition of Popular Science Monthly in which he accurately predicted that while specially modified aircraft with one to three crewmen would fly the Atlantic non-stop, it would be another 20 years before it would be realized on a commercial scale. Early Antarctic expeditions First Antarctic expedition (1928–1930) In 1928, Byrd began his first expedition to the Antarctic involving two ships and three airplanes: Byrd's Flagship was the City of New York (a Norwegian sealing ship previously named Samson that had come into fame as a ship some claimed was in the vicinity of the RMS Titanic when the latter was sinking) and the Eleanor Bolling (named after Byrd's mother); a Ford Trimotor airplane called the Floyd Bennett (named after the recently deceased pilot of Byrd's previous expeditions) flown by Dean Smith; a Fairchild FC-2W2, NX8006, built 1928, named "Stars And Stripes" (now displayed at the Virginia Aviation Museum, on loan from the National Air and Space Museum); and a Fokker Universal monoplane called the Virginia (Byrd's birth state). A base camp named "Little America" was constructed on the Ross Ice Shelf and scientific expeditions by snowshoe, dogsled, snowmobile, and airplane began. In order to increase the interest of youth in arctic exploration, a 19-year-old American Boy Scout, Paul Allman Siple, was chosen to accompany the expedition. Siple would go on to earn a doctorate degree and was probably the only person, other than Byrd himself, to participate in all five of Byrd's Antarctic expeditions. Photographic expeditions and geological surveys were undertaken for the duration of that summer, and constant radio communications were maintained with the outside world. After their first winter, their expeditions were resumed, and on November 28, 1929, the first flight to the South Pole and back was launched. Byrd, along with pilot Bernt Balchen, co-pilot/radioman Harold June, and photographer Ashley McKinley, flew the Floyd Bennett to the South Pole and back in 18 hours, 41 minutes. They had difficulty gaining enough altitude, and they had to dump empty gas tanks, as well as their emergency supplies, in order to achieve the altitude of the Polar Plateau, but they were ultimately successful. As a result of his achievement, Byrd was promoted to the rank of rear admiral by a special act of Congress on December 21, 1929. As he was only 41 years old at the time, this promotion made Byrd the youngest admiral in the history of the United States Navy. By way of comparison, none of his Annapolis classmates would become admirals until 1942, after 30 years of commissioned service. He is one of only three persons, one being Admiral David Dixon Porter and the other being arctic explorer Donald Baxter MacMillan, to have been promoted to the rank of rear admiral in the United States Navy without having first held the rank of captain. After a further summer of exploration, the expedition returned to North America on June 18, 1930. Unlike the 1926 flight, this expedition was honored with the gold medal of the American Geographical Society. This was also seen in the film With Byrd at the South Pole (1930) which covered his trip there. Byrd, by then an internationally recognized, pioneering American polar explorer and aviator, served for a time as Honorary National President (1931–1935) of Pi Gamma Mu, the international honor society in the social sciences. He carried the Society's flag during his first Antarctic expedition to dramatize the spirit of adventure into the unknown, characterizing both the natural and social sciences. In order to finance and gain both political and public support for his expeditions, Byrd actively cultivated relationships with many powerful individuals. These individuals included, but were not limited to, President Franklin Roosevelt, Henry Ford, Edsel Ford, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. and Vincent Astor. As a token of his gratitude, Byrd named geographic features in the Antarctic after his supporters. Second Antarctic expedition On his second expedition in 1934, Byrd spent five winter months alone operating a meteorological station, Advance Base, from which he narrowly escaped with his life after suffering carbon monoxide poisoning from a poorly ventilated stove. Unusual radio transmissions from Byrd finally began to alarm the men at the base camp, who then attempted to go to Advance Base. The first two trips were failures due to darkness, snow, and mechanical troubles. Finally, Thomas Poulter, E.J. Demas, and Amory Waite arrived at Advance Base, where they found Byrd in poor physical health. The men remained at Advance Base until October 12 when an airplane from the base camp picked up Dr. Poulter and Byrd. The rest of the men returned to base camp with the tractor. This expedition is described by Byrd in his autobiography Alone. It is also commemorated in a U.S. postage stamp issued at the time, and a considerable amount of mail using it was sent from Byrd's base at Little America. A CBS radio station, KFZ, was set up on the base camp ship, the Bear of Oakland and The Adventures of Admiral Byrd were short waved to Buenos Aires then relayed to New York. In late 1938 Byrd visited Hamburg and was invited to participate in the 1938/1939 German "Neuschwabenland" Antarctic Expedition but declined. (Although Germany was not at war with the United States at this time, Adolf Hitler had been serving as Führer of the German Reich since 1934 and invaded Poland the next year.) Antarctic Service Expedition (1939–1940) Byrd's third expedition was the first one financed and conducted by the United States Government. The project included extensive studies of geology, biology, meteorology and exploration. The innovative Antarctic Snow Cruiser was brought with the expedition but broke down shortly after arriving. Within a few months, in March 1940, Byrd was recalled to active duty in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. The expedition continued in Antarctica without him until the lasts of its participants left Antarctica on March 22, 1941. World War II As a senior officer in the United States Navy, Byrd served on active duty during World War II. He was recalled on active duty on March 26, 1942 and served as the confidential advisor to the Commander in Chief, United States Fleet and Chief of Naval Operations (i.e. Admiral Ernest J. King). From 1942 to 1945 he joined the South Pacific Island Base Inspection Board, which had important missions to the Pacific, including surveys of remote islands for airfields. On one assignment he visited the fighting front in Europe. On February 10, 1945, Byrd received the Order of Christopher Columbus from the government of the Dominican Republic. Byrd was present at the Japanese surrender in Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945. He was released from active duty on October 1, 1945. In recognition of his service during World War II, Byrd was twice awarded the Legion of Merit. Later Antarctic expeditions Operation Highjump (1946–1947) In 1946, Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal appointed Byrd as officer in charge of Antarctic Developments Project. Byrd's fourth Antarctic expedition was codenamed Operation Highjump. It was the largest Antarctic expedition to date and was expected to last six to eight months. The expedition was supported by a large naval force (designated Task Force 68), commanded by Rear Admiral Richard H. Cruzen. There were thirteen US Navy support ships (besides the flagship USS Mount Olympus and the aircraft carrier USS Philippine Sea), six helicopters, six flying boats, two seaplane tenders, and fifteen other aircraft. The total number of personnel involved was over 4,000. The armada arrived in the Ross Sea on December 31, 1946 and made aerial explorations of an area half the size of the United States, recording ten new mountain ranges. The major area covered was the eastern coastline of Antarctica from 150 degrees east to the Greenwich meridian. Admiral Byrd was interviewed by Lee van Atta of International News Service aboard the expedition's command ship USS Mount Olympus, in which he discussed the lessons learned from the operation. The interview appeared in the Wednesday, March 5, 1947 edition of the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio, and read in part as follows: Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the polar regions. The admiral explained that he was not trying to scare anyone, but the cruel reality is that in case of a new war, the United States could be attacked by planes flying over one or both poles. This statement was made as part of a recapitulation of his own polar experience, in an exclusive interview with International News Service. Talking about the recently completed expedition, Byrd said that the most important result of his observations and discoveries is the potential effect that they have in relation to the security of the United States. The fantastic speed with which the world is shrinking – recalled the admiral – is one of the most important lessons learned during his recent Antarctic exploration. I have to warn my compatriots that the time has ended when we were able to take refuge in our isolation and rely on the certainty that the distances, the oceans, and the poles were a guarantee of safety. In 1948 the U.S. Navy produced a documentary about Operation Highjump named The Secret Land. The film shows live action footage of the operation along with a few re-enacted scenes. It won the Academy Award for Best Documentary. On December 8, 1954, Byrd appeared on the television show Longines Chronoscope. He was interviewed by Larry LeSueur and Kenneth Crawford about his Antarctic voyages, and claimed that Antarctica, in the future, would become the most important place in the world for science. Operation Deep Freeze I (1955–1956) As part of the multinational collaboration for the International Geophysical Year (IGY) 1957–58, Byrd commanded the U.S. Navy Operation Deep Freeze I in 1955–56 which established permanent Antarctic bases at McMurdo Sound, the Bay of Whales, and the South Pole. This was Byrd's last trip to Antarctica and marked the beginning of a permanent U.S. military presence in Antarctica. Byrd spent only one week in the Antarctic and started his return to the United States on February 3, 1956.

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