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The VI To XI Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean Tablet VI

The Key of Magic

Hark you, O man, to the wisdom of magic.

Hark the knowledge of powers forgotten.

Long, ago in the days of the first man,

warfare began between darkness and light.

Man, then as now,

were filled with both darkness and light;

and while in some darkness hell sway,

in other light filled the soul.

Yes, age old in this warfare,

the eternal struggle between darkness and light.

Fiercely is it fought all through the ages,

using strange powers hidden to man.

Adepts has there been filled with the blackness,

struggling always against the light;

but others there are who, filled with brightness,

have ever conquered the darkness of night.

Where ever you may be in all ages and planes,

surely, you shall know of the battle with night.

Long ages ago, the SUNS of the Morning[1]

descending, found the world filled with night,

there in that past, begun the struggle,

the age old battle of darkness and Light.

Many in the time were so filled with darkness

that only feebly flamed the light from the night.

Some they were, masters of darkness,

who sought to fill all with their darkness:

Sought to draw others into their night.

Fiercely withstood they, the masters of brightness;

fiercely fought they from the darkness of night

Sought ever to tighten the fetters,

the chains that bind men to the darkness of night.

Used they always the dark magic,

brought into men by the power of darkness.

magic that enshrouded man's soul with darkness.

Banded together as in order,


they through the ages,

antagonist they to the children of men.

Walked they always secret and hidden,

found, yet not found by the children of man.

Forever, they walked and worked in darkness,

hiding from the light in the darkness of night.

Silently, secretly use they their power,

enslaving and binding the soul of men.

Unseen they come, and unseen they go.

Man, in his ignorance calls THEM from below.

Dark is the way of the DARK BROTHERS travel,

dark of the darkness not of the night,

traveling over Earth

they walk through man's dreams.

Power they have gained

from the darkness around them

to call other dwellers from out of their plane,

in ways that are dark and unseen by man.

Into man's mind-space reach the DARK BROTHERS.

Around it, they close the veil of their night.

There through its lifetime

that soul dwells in bondage,

bound by the fetters of the VEIL of the night.

Mighty are they in the forbidden knowledge

forbidden because it is one with the night.

Hark you O man and list to my warning:

Hark you O man and list to my warning:

be you free from the bondage of night.

Surrender not your soul


Keep your face ever turned towards the Light.

Know you not, O man, that your sorrow,

only has come through the Veil of the night.

Yes, man, heed you my warning:

strive ever upward,

turn your soul toward the LIGHT.

The BROTHERS OF DARKNESS seek for their brothers

those who traveled the pathway of LIGHT.

For well know they that those who have traveled

far towards the Sun in their pathway of LIGHT

have great and yet greater power

to bind with darkness the children of LIGHT.

List you, O man, to he who comes to you.

But weigh in the balance if his words be of LIGHT.

For many there are who walk in DARK BRIGHTNESS

and yet are not the children of LIGHT.

Easy it is to follow their pathway,

easy to follow the path that they lead.

But yet O man, heed you my warning:

Light comes only to him who strives.

Hard is the pathway that leads to the WISDOM,

hard is the pathway that leads to the LIGHT.

Many shall you find, the stones in your pathway;

many the mountains to climb toward the LIGHT.

Yet know you, O man, to him that overcomes,

free will he be of the pathway of Light.

For you know, O man,

in the end light must conquer

and darkness and night be banished from Light.

Listen, O man, and heed you this wisdom;

even as darkness, so is the LIGHT.

When darkness is banished and all Veils are rendered,

out there shall flash from the darkness, the LIGHT.

Even as exist among men the DARK BROTHERS[1],

so there exists the BROTHERS OF LIGHT.

Antagonists they of the BROTHERS OF DARKNESS,

seeking to free men from the night.

Powers have they, mighty and potent.

Knowing the LAW, the planets obey.

Work they ever in harmony and order,

freeing the man-soul from its bondage of night.

Secret and hidden, walk they also.

Known not are they to the children of men.

Yet know that ever they walk with you,

Showing the WAY to the children of men.

Ever have THEY fought the DARK BROTHERS,

conquered and conquering time without end.

Yet always LIGHT shall in the end be master,

driving away the darkness of night.

Yes, man, know you this knowing:

always beside you walk the Children of Light.

Masters they of the SUN power,

ever unseen yet the guardians of men.

Open to all is their pathway,

open to he who will walk in the LIGHT.


free of the HALLS, where LIFE reigns supreme.

SUNS are they and LORDS of the morning,

Children of Light to shine among men.

Like man are they and yet are unlike,

Never divided were they in the past.

ONE have they been in ONENESS eternal,

throughout all space since the beginning of time.

Up did they come in Oneness with the ALL ONE,

up from the first-space, formed and unformed.

Given to man have they secrets

that shall guard and protect him from all harm.

He who would travel the path of the master,

free must he be from the bondage of night.

Conquer must he the formless and shapeless,

conquer must he the phantom of fear.

Knowing, must he gain of all of the secrets,

travel the pathway that leads through the darkness,

yet ever before him keep the light of his goal.

Obstacles great shall he meet in the pathway,

yet press on to the LIGHT of the SUN.

Hear you, O Man, the SUN is the symbol

of the LIGHT that shines at the end of thy road.

Now to you give I the secrets:

now to meet the dark power,

meet and conquer the fear from the night.

Only by knowing can you conquer,

Only be knowing can you have LIGHT.

Now I give unto you the knowledge,

known to the MASTERS,

the knowing that conquers all the dark fears.

Use this, the wisdom I give you.


When unto you comes a feeling,

drawing you nearer to the darker gate,

examine thine heart and find if the feeling

you have has come from within.

If you shalt find the darkness your own thoughts,

banish them forth from the place in your mind.

Send through your body a wave of vibration,

irregular first and regular second,

repeating time after time until free.

Start the WAVE FORCE in your BRAIN CENTER.

Direct it in waves from your head to your foot.

But if you find your heart is not darkened,

be sure that a force is directed to you.

Only by knowing can you overcome it.

Only be wisdom can you hope to be free.

Knowledge brings wisdom and wisdom is power.

Attain and you shall have power over all.

Seek you first a place bound by darkness.

Place you a circle around about you.

Stand erect in the midst of the circle.

Use you this formula, and you shalt be free.

Raise you your hands to the dark space above you.

Close you your eyes and draw in the LIGHT.

Call to the SPIRIT OF LIGHT through the Space-Time,

using these words and you shalt be free:

"Fill you my body, O SPIRIT OF LIFE,

fill you my body with SPIRIT OF LIGHT.

Come from the FLOWER

that shines through the darkness.

Come from the HALLS where the Seven Lords rule.

Name them by name, I, the Seven:


and SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT- Nine.

By their names I call them to aid me,

free me and save me from the darkness of night:



By their names I implore you,

free me from darkness[1]

and fill me with LIGHT.”

Know you, O man, that when you have done this,

you shall be free from the fetters that bind you,

cast off the bondage of the brothers of night.

See you not that the names have the power

to free by vibration the fetters that bind?

Use them at need to free you your brother

so that he, too, may come forth from the night.

Thou, O man, are thy brother's helper.

Let him not lie in the bondage of night.

Now unto thee, give I my magic.

Take it and dwell on the pathway of LIGHT.

LIGHT unto you, LIFE unto you,

SUN may you be on the cycle above.

[1] Everything has its own Inertia. Darkness must be here understood as the force that tends to keep a determinate state of insufficient Light or a state of corresponding degree of matter. To change it all is needed is more Light, or more spirit power. Light/Spirit is the power of Healing, the Creative Power.

[1] In accordance with the unity of the All, the Dark Brothers must be understood as the Brothers of Light not yet sufficiently enlightened, closed to the Light by their own separateness; in order to operate their transformation what is needed is for them to just let down their mental differentiations in order to acquire and receive more transforming Light.

[1] The Suns of the Morning or The Suns of Light are the Children of Light that came to Earth in far past. They were Star People with a great knowledge and spiritual power. Were they the Anunnaki and were their language the Anak which has affinities with Phoenician, Sumerian, Egyptian and some Semitic languages like some words of Hebrew and Arabic? Can we say that Atlantis was an Anunnaki colony?

In this tablet, Thoth speaks of magic, using the term to denote the usage of developed power in the warfare between forces of Order and disorder. This warfare has continued since the fall of man in the first cycle and will continue until the cosmic consciousness is ready to pass through Suntal (not translated).

There are adepts who use the great powers of the cosmos for destruction instead of construction, for Law operates either for good or evil, positive or negative. Those adepts who used cosmic force for destruction were the dark brothers, black magicians who fought against the Children of Light. They attempted to hold and pull back those whom the Children of Light were trying to bring into Light.

The Black Brotherhood is the antithesis of the White Brotherhood. One destroys, the other builds. The Black Brotherhood has an organization known today as the Black Dugpas, the adepts having their chelas as the White Adepts have. They pattern their organization after that of the White Lodge and often deceive men into thinking they are of the White Lodge. They help men to gain certain things and powers until they have them in their toils. Then when there is no escape, they clamp down. They have certain specific powers developed such as opening the seven dimension and calling in elementals to fulfill their purposes. They have the power of mind control through thought transference and hypnosis. Through this, they gain control of the mind and lead it into disorder. If one surrenders to the Black Brotherhood and signs his name in their book, he is bound to them during that incarnation.

Man’s soul must not be bound if it desires to advance in Light. Surrender to the dark forces entails the shutting off of Light. Only through darkness and disorder is man bound to the flesh. Therefore, he should become Light and ordered.

The Black Brotherhood always tries to pull down the person who has gained development along the path of Light, for they have already developed powers. It is for this reason that the person who is highly developed has to withstand more than the person of little or no development. The more one has learned of Light, paradoxically, the more he knows about manipulation of disorder and the more valuable he is to the Black Brotherhood.

The development of reason and balance is necessary so that we can separate darkness from Light. Order from disorder, in the words of those who come to us. Only through overcoming obstacles and continual striving will the goal be attained.

In opposition to the Black Brotherhood stands the White Lodge striving constantly to free men from disorder and warding off the powers of the Black Brotherhood. If the seeker has his real desire on Light and not power, the White Lodge will stand between him and the Black Brotherhood for they have greater power than the Black Brotherhood. Yet the Blacks are allowed to exist, for they form part of the darkness which man must overcome and rise above.

The warfare between the forces of the Black Brotherhood and the White Lodge has continued since the beginning.

The Masters and Great Adepts of the White Lodge use the power of the awakened Sun in man to guard and protect. The Children of Light – they who never lost their original oneness are also guardians of man who is their brother. They are custodians of secrets that push back the darkness, and these are given to the ones who travel the way toward mastership.

The one who desires to be a master must learn mastery of the Laws which regulate manifestation. He must conquer fear and walk unafraid on the path of Light.

The secrets of Thoth regarding the operation of the Law of protection are offered. Only by knowing, can you conquer.

You must use the knowledge given, otherwise it is useless. Many of the vibrations which seem negative are really from within our own self, not from outside conditions.

Lack of mind-balance often results in the arousing of such negative thoughts that we really feel as if outside entities or forces were at work on us.

Apply the Light of reason to the disturbance and find if it is from within or without. If from within, start a vibration in the pineal and sent it in irregular waves through the body. That is, send the first wave through, count one, send another wave, count three, another wave, then two and so on. After doing this for a while, send it through in regular waves in this manner: send wave, count two, wave, two, and so on.

If upon examination, you find that it is an outside force, you should go into a dark room or cave and draw a circle around yourself, not closing the circle until you are within it and follow the formula as given.

The formula given is serviceable for others as well as yourself. The power given may be used.

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean Tablet VII

The Seven Lords

Hark you O man, and list to my Voice.

Open your mind-space and drink of my wisdom.

Dark is the pathway of LIFE that you travel.

Many the pitfalls that lie in your way.

Seek you ever to gain greater wisdom.

Attain and it shall be light on your way.

Open your SOUL, O man, to the Cosmic

and let it flow in as one with your SOUL.

LIGHT is eternal and darkness is fleeting.

Seek you ever, O man, for the LIGHT.

Know you that ever as Light fills your being,

darkness for you shall soon disappear.

Open thy souls to the BROTHERS OF BRIGHTNESS.

Let them enter and fill you with LIGHT.

Lift up your eyes to the LIGHT of the Cosmos.

Keep you ever your face to the goal.

Only by gaining the light of all wisdom,

art you one with the Infinite goal.

Seek you ever the Oneness eternal.

Seek ever the Light of the goal.

Light is infinite and Light is finite,

Separate only by darkness in man.

Seek you to rend the Veil of the Darkness.

Bring you together the Light into One.

Hear you, O man, list to my Voice

singing the song of Light and of Life.

throughout all space, Light is prevalent,

encompassing ALL with its banners if flames.

Seek you forever in the veil of the darkness,

somewhere you shall surely find Light.

Hidden and buried, lost to man's knowledge,

deep in the finite the Infinite exists.

Lost, but existing,

flowing through all things,

living in ALL is the INFINITE BRAIN.

In all space, there is only ONE wisdom.

Through seeming decided, it is ONE in the ONE.

All that exists comes forth from the LIGHT,

and the LIGHT comes forth from the ALL.

Everything created is based upon ORDER:

LAW rules the space where the INFINITE dwells.

Forth from equilibrium came the great cycles,

moving in harmony toward Infinity's end.

Know you, O man, that far in the space-time,

INFINITY itself shall pass into change.

Hear you and list to the Voice of Wisdom:

Know that ALL is of ALL evermore.

Know that through time you may pursue wisdom

and find ever more light on the way.

Yes, you shall find that ever receding,

your goal shall elude you from day unto day.

Long time ago, in the HALLS OF AMENTI,

I, Thoth, stood before the LORDS of the cycles.

Mighty, THEY in their aspects of power;

mighty, THEY in the wisdom unveiled.

Led by the Dweller, first did I see them.

But afterwards free was I of their presence,

free to enter their conclave at will.

Often did I journey down the dark pathway

unto the HALL where the LIGHT ever glows.

Learned I of the Masters of cycles,

wisdom brought from the cycles above us,

knowledge brought from INFINTY’S All.

Many the questions I asked

Of the Lords of the Cycles.

Great was the wisdom they gave unto me.

Now unto you I give of this wisdom,

Drawn from the flame of Infinity’s fire.

Deep in the DARK HALLS sit the Seven,

Units of consciousness from cycles above.

Manifest THEY in this cycle

as guides of man to the knowledge of ALL.

Seven are they, mighty in power,

speaking these words through me to men.

Time after time, stood I before them

listening to words that came not with sound.

Once said THEY unto me:

“O man, wouldst you gain wisdom?

Seek for it in the heart of the flame.

Wouldst you gain knowledge of power?

Seek you it in the heart of the flame.

Wouldst be one with the heart of the flame?

Seek then within you own hidden flame.”

Many the times spoke THEY to me,

teaching me wisdom not of the world;

showing me ever new paths to brightness;

teaching me wisdom brought from above.

Giving knowledge of operation,

learning of LAW, the order of ALL.

Spoke to me again, the Seven, saying:

“From far beyond time are WE, come, O man,

Traveled WE from beyond SPACE-TIME,

yes, from the place of Infinity's end.

When you and all of your brethren were formless,

formed forth were WE from the order of ALL.

Not as men are WE,

though once WE, too, were as men.

Out of the Great Void were WE formed forth

in order by LAW.

For know you that which is formed

truly is formless, having form only to your eyes.”

And again, unto me spoke the Seven, saying:

“Child of the LIGHT, O THOTH, are you,

free to travel the bright path upward

until at last ALL ONES become ONE.”

Forth were WE formed after our order:


Know you that these are the numbers of cycles

that WE descend from unto man.

Each having here a duty to fulfill;

each having here a force to control.

Yet are we ONE with the SOUL of our cycle.

Yet are WE, too, seeking a goal.

Far beyond man's conception,

Infinity extends into a greater than ALL.

There, in a time that is yet not a time,

we shall ALL become ONE

with a greater than ALL.

Time and space are moving in circles.

Know you their law, and you too, shall be free.

Yes, free shall you be to move through the cycles --

pass the guardians that dwell at the door.”

Then to me spoke HE of NINE saying:

“Aeons and aeons have I existed,

knowing not LIFE and tasting not death.

For know you, O man, that far in the future,

life and death shall be one with the ALL.

Each so perfected by balancing the other

that neither exists in the Oneness of ALL.

In men of this cycle, the life force is rampant,

but life in its growth becomes one with them ALL.

Here, I manifest in this your cycle,

but yet am I there in your future of time.

Yet to me, time exists not,

for in my world time exists not,

for formless are WE.

Life have WE not but yet have existence,

fuller and greater and freer than you.

Man is a flame bound to a mountain,

but WE in our cycle shall ever be free.

Know you, O man, that when you have progressed

into the cycle that lengthen above,

life itself will pass to the darkness

and only the essence of Soul shall remain.

Then to me spoke the LORD of the EIGHT saying:

“All that you know is but part of little.

Not as yet have you touched on the Great.

Far out in space where LIGHT beings supreme,

came I into the LIGHT.

Formed was I also but not as you are.

Body of Light was my formless form formed.

Know I not LIFE and know I not DEATH,

yet master am I of all that exists.

Seek you to find the path through the barriers[1].

Travel the road that leads to the LIGHT.”

Spoke again to me the NINE saying:

“Seek you to find the path to beyond.

Not impossible is it to grow

to a consciousness above.

For when TWO have become ONE

and ONE has become the ALL,

know you the barrier has lifted,

and you are made free of the road.

Grow you from form to the formless.

Free may you be of the road.”

Thus, through ages I listened,

learning the way to the ALL.

Now Lift I my thoughts to the ALL-THING.

List you and hear when it calls.

“O LIGHT, all pervading,

One with ALL and ALL with ONE,

flow you to me through the channel.

Enter you so that I may be free.

Make me One with the ALL-SOUL,

shining from the blackness of night.

Free let me be of all space-time,

free from the Veil of the night.

I, a child of LIGHT, command:

Free from the darkness to be.”

Formless am I to the Light-Soul,

formless yet shining with light.

Know I the bonds of the darkness

must shatter and fall before light.

Now give I this wisdom.

Free may you be, O man,

living in light and in brightness.

Turn not your face from the Light.

Your soul dwells in realms of brightness.

Ye are a child of the Light.

Turn your thoughts inward not outward.

Find you the Light-Soul within[1].

Know that you are the MASTER.

All else is brought from within.

Grow you to realms of brightness.

Hold you your thought on the Light.

Know you are one with the Cosmos,

a flame and a Child of the Light.

Now to you gave I warning:

Let not the thought turn away.

Know that the brightness

flows through your body for yes.

Turn not to the DARK-BROTHERS

that come from the BROTHERS OF BLACK.

But keep thine eyes ever lifted,

your soul in tune with the Light.

Take you this wisdom and heed it.

List to my Voice and obey.

Follow the pathway to brightness,

and you shall be ONE with the way.

[1] The living center of matter is Light-Consciousness. It is this residing power center that builds the outside matter where it leaves apparently hidden from the outside.

[1] The illusory and relative bound walls of different vibrational states of existence.

Emerald Tablet VII (Dr. Doréal interpretation)

This tablet opens with a command to open your mind to the wisdom of Thoth. He says that life is filled with obstacles that must be conquered. The Light of the Cosmic must be allowed to flow into and through the manifestation. The goal of all seeking must be oneness with the Cosmic Consciousness, otherwise there is limitation.

Light is both finite and infinite, because God, the Cosmic Consciousness, is Light and all things manifest and unmanifest are a part of God. Therefore, there can be no real separation. Even in the veil of darkness, which we call negative, the essence of Light is hidden ready to spring forth when the veil is sundered.

The infinite brain is lost to the comprehension of men who do not realize that everything is only separate manifestations of the one cosmic brain.

All aspects of wisdom either in God or man are parts of the one wisdom manifesting through diversified channels.

Law and Order are the fundamental rules of all creation, either in God or man. For only in Order is balance or equilibrium found.

Thoth is again speaking of the far past time before Atlantis sank. His first introduction was through the Dweller, but afterward he knew the key and was able to enter himself. How different he was from most seekers today – when given a key, he used it.

The Lords of The Cycles taught Thoth of cycles beyond so that he had a knowledge of them and their workings even though he could not penetrate through Suntal to the higher cycles.

Thoth promises to give of the wisdom he had learned.

We are told that the Lords are Guides to man – and this they are – for they teach him of those things which are beyond the scope of this Cosmic Consciousness, and he thereby gains knowledge of extensions of the I. Yod.

According to the ancient symbolism, wisdom was found in the flame. Fire – coming from the unmanifest and then disappearing into the unmanifest – became the symbol for consciousness, which comes from the unmanifest, exists for a time in the physical body and then disappears back into the unmanifest. Thus, man is literally told to seek wisdom within his consciousness.

The Seven had come from beyond cycle time which is limited, depending as it does upon radiation from the original infinite atom. The Seven were part of the Cosmic Consciousness which came forth from the I. Yod before we did and were therefore formed while we were still part of the disorder.

They had developed past the man stage, though when they occupied this cosmic cycle, they were like men. Consciousness in the ultimate is formless and flexible, assuming any form of which it has conception.

Thoth is told that now he is free to travel the path until the final cycle is completed and that which was once One again becomes One. The Cosmic Consciousness which occupy the cosmic cycles beyond us were formed in ordered sequence, not all at once. There are Seven of these beyond us, that is farther out in space from the I. Yod.

These Lords – through manifesting here – are still connected with their own Cosmic Consciousness.

Infinity is but part of the greater space which we call transcendental. When the I. Yods have completed their extension into infinite space, they will join the Torch Bearer in transcendental space.

The spirals of time-space must be consciously known to one before he can move in them. When space and time are known, one has developed the power to move backward and forward in space and time. Life and Death exist only as comparative terms. Everything has its opposite; remove one pole and the other ceases to exist. In the plane of consciousness in which the higher Cosmic Consciousness of Nine manifests, death is not known; therefore, life is not known. There is only existence, immortal and eternal without change of focal point of manifestation or loss of conscious consciousness.

When man conquers death, he also has mastered life and to him both cease to exist. The Lord of Nine in his own plane is timeless, for time is a result of the existence of materiality, and the ninth Cosmic Consciousness does not manifest a materiality.

The soul of man is the flame which is bound to the mountain flesh. When we have become One with the I. Yod in the final completion of the infinite cycle, materiality and life which is one with death will cease to exist.

In the eighth cycle also, life and death are one and only eternal existence manifests. The eight cosmic cycle is the cycle of Light, for here the infinite Light is concentrated upon the disorder sent from the ninth cycle, breaking it into divisions of kind which are transmitted to lower cosmic cycles. As disorder changed to Order is the basis of everything. Light is master to all that exists.

When the two parts of a unit of consciousness have become one and the other parts have become one with the One thus becoming All, it is possible to go forward into the higher cosmic cycle.

Thoth states clearly that all parts of his unit are one when he says that his goal is the all-thing. Thoth uses a prayer to Light but as always ends with a command.

To the Light, what we call form is formless. For only in the Light does true reality exist. Thoth gives feely of his wisdom so that others may tread the same path.

He commands his followers to ever keep their faces toward the Light, turning their thoughts toward the master within. Thus, shall they avoid the glittering promises of material power promised by the Dark Brothers.

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean Tablet VIII

The Key of Mysteries

Unto you, O man,

have I given my knowledge.

Unto you have I given of Light.

Hear you now and receive my wisdom

brought from space planes above and beyond.

Not as man am I

for free have I become of dimensions and planes.

In each, take I on a new body.

In each, I change in my form.

Know I now that the formless is all there is of form.

Great is the wisdom of the Seven.

Mighty are THEY from beyond.

Manifest THEY through their power,

filled by force from beyond.

Hear you these words of wisdom.

Hear you and make them your own.

Find in them the formless.

Mystery is but hidden knowledge.

Know and you shall unveil.

Find the deep buried wisdom

and be master of darkness and Light.

Deep are the mysteries around you,

hidden the secrets of Old.

Search through the KEYS of my WISDOM.

Surely shall you find the way.

The gateway to power is secret,

but he who attains shall receive.

Look to the LIGHT![1] O my brother.

Open and you shall receive.

Press on through the valley of darkness.

Overcome the dweller of night.

Keep ever your eyes of the LIGHT-PLANE,

and you shalt be One with the LIGHT.

Man is in process of changing

to forms that are not of this world.

Grows he is time to the formless,

a plane on the cycle above.

Know you, you must become formless

before you are with the LIGHT.

List you, O man, to my voice,

telling of pathways to Light,

showing the way of attainment

when you shall be One with the Light.

Search you the mysteries of Earth's heart.

Learn of the LAW that exists,

holding the stars in their balance

by the force of the primordial mist.

Seek you the flame of the EARTH'S LIFE.

Bathe in the glare of its flame.

Follow the three-cornered pathway

until you, too, are a flame.

Speak you in words without voice

to those who dwell down below.

Enter the blue-litten temple

and bathe in the fire of all life.

Know, O man, you are complex,

a being of earth and of fire.

Let your flame shine out brightly.

Be you only the fire.

Wisdom is hidden in darkness.

When lit by the flame of the Soul,

find you the wisdom and be LIGHT-BORN,

a Sun of the Light without form.

Seek you ever more wisdom.

Find it in the heart of the flame.

Know that only by striving

and Light pour into your brain.

Now have I spoken with wisdom.

List to my Voice and obey.

Tear open the Veils of the darkness.

Shine a LIGHT on the WAY.

Speak I of Ancient Atlantis,

speak of the days

of the Kingdom of Shadows,

speak of the coming

of the children of shadows.

Out of the great deep were they called

by the wisdom of earth-men,

called for the purpose of gaining great power.

Far in the past before Atlantis existed,

men there were who delved into darkness,

using dark magic, calling up beings

from the great deep below us.

Forth came they into this cycle.

Formless were they of another vibration,

existing unseen by the children of earth-men.

Only through blood could they have formed being.

Only through man could they live in the world.

In ages past were they conquered by Masters,

driven below to the place whence they came.

But some there were who remained,

hidden in spaces and planes unknown to man.

Lived they in Atlantis as shadows,

but at times they appeared among men.

Yes, when the blood was offered,

for they came they to dwell among men.

In the form of man, they amongst us,

but only to sight were they as are men.

Serpent-headed[1] when the glamour was lifted

but appearing to man as men among men.

Crept they into the Councils,

taking forms that were like unto men.

Slaying by their arts

the chiefs of the kingdoms,

taking their form and ruling over man.

Only by magic could they be discovered.

Only by sound could their faces be seen.

Sought they from the Kingdom of shadows

to destroy man and rule in his place.

But know you, the Masters were mighty in magic,

able to lift the Veil from the face of the serpent,

able to send him back to his place.

Came they to man and taught him the secret,

the WORD that only a man can pronounce.

Swift then they lifted the Veil from the serpent

and cast him forth from the place among men.

Yet, beware, the serpent still lived

in a place that is open at times to the world.

Unseen they walk among you

in places where the rites have been said.

Again, as time passes onward

shall they take the semblance of men.

Called may they be by the master

who knows the white or the black,

but only the white master may control

and bind them while in the flesh.

Seek not the kingdom of shadows,

for evil will surely appear.

For only the master of brightness

shall conquer the shadow of fear.

Know you, O my brother,

that fear is an obstacle great.

Be master of all in the brightness,

the shadow will soon disappear.

Hear you and heed my wisdom,

the voice of LIGHT is clear.

Seek not the valley of shadow,

and LIGHT will only appear.

List you, O man,

to the depth of my wisdom.

Speak I of knowledge hidden from man.

Far have I been

on my journey through SPACE-TIME,

even to the end of space of this cycle.

Yes, glimpsed the HOUNDS of the Barrier,

lying in wait for he who would pass them.

In that space where time exists not,

faintly I sensed the guardians of cycles.

Move they only through angles.

Free are they not of the curved dimensions[1].

Strange and terrible

are the HOUNDS of the Barrier.

Follow they consciousness to the limits of space.

Think not to escape by entering your body,

for follow they fast the Soul through angles.

Only the circle will give you protection,

save from the claws


Once, in a time past,

I approached the great Barrier,

and saw on the shores where time exists not,

the formless forms

of the HOUNDS of the barrier.

Yes, hiding in the midst beyond time I found them;

and THEY, scenting me afar off,

raised themselves and gave the great bell cry

that could be heard from cycle to cycle

and moved through space toward my soul.

Fled I then fast before them,

back from time's unthinkable end.

But ever after me pursued they,

moving in strange angles not known to man.

Yes, on the gray shores of TIME-SPACE'S end

found I the HOUNDS of the Barrier,

ravening for the Soul

who attempts the beyond.

Fled I through circles back to my body.

Fled, and fast after me they followed.

Yes, after me the devourers followed,

seeking through angles to devour my Soul.

Yes, know you man,

that the Soul who dares the Barrier

may be held in bondage

by the HOUNDS from beyond time,

held till this cycle is completed

and left behind

when the consciousness leaves.

Entered I my body.

Created the circles that know not angles,

created the form

that from my form was formed.

Made my body into a circle

and lost the pursuers in the circles of time.

But, even yet, when free from my body,

cautious ever must I be

not to move through angles,

else my soul may never be free.

Know you, the HOUNDS of the Barrier

move only through angles

and never through curves of space.

Only by moving through curves

can you escape them,

for in angles, they will pursue you.

O man, heed you my warning;

Seek not to break open

the gate to beyond.

Few there are

who have succeeded in passing the Barrier

to the greater LIGHT that shines beyond.

For know you, ever the dwellers,

seek such Souls to hold in their thrall.

Listen, O man, and heed you my warning;

seek you to move not in angles but curves,

And if while free from your body,

though hear the sound like the bay of a hound

ringing clear and bell-like through your being,

flee back to your body through circles,

penetrate not the midst mist before.

When you have entered the form you have dwelt in,

use you the cross and the circle combined.

Open your mouth and use you your Voice.

Utter the WORD and you shalt be free.

Only the one who of LIGHT has the fullest

can hope to pass by the guards of the way.

And then must he move

through strange curves and angles

that are formed in direction not known to man.

List you, O man, and heed you my warning:

attempt not to pass the guards on the way.

Rather should you seek to gain of your own Light

and make yourself ready to pass on the way.

LIGHT is your ultimate end, O my brother.

Seek and find ever the Light on the way.

[1] There is no rational explanation for this. In geometry the sphere is a more perfect form than anyone of the platonic solids, but this hardly could be an adequate reason.

[1] In Egypt the four female counterparts Nunet, Keket, Heket and Amunet, of the male tetrad of the Memphite theology were represented with a human body and with a head of serpent. They figured the female aspect of the Pre-Order, commonly understood as Chaos.

[1] “You will be what your eyes come to see.” – Jesus. You always get a link to what you concentrate on your attention. This is the secret of mediation and yoga’s techniques of focusing attention. Focus on Light and Truth and you will be it.

Emerald Tablet VIII (Dr. Doréal interpretation)

Thot had attained the power of mastership and with it the ability to enter any interlocking world and there take on form and also the ability to enter the inner spaces of the fourth dimension.

In symbols, the keys of wisdom are found. Only those who search for the hidden meanings find the way. There is constant change and evolution in man both as material and spiritual. As he develops in consciousness which is formless in the ultimate. Finally, he attains to the cosmic cycle wherein nothing material manifests in form.

Thoth commands them to search out the mysteries of the inner Earth and learn of the balance of Earth, the pyramid of force which is composed of the essence of that force which atoms to cast off particles of themselves. Man must find the pyramid and stand either in body or projection before it receiving universal force.

He commands them to enter the blue-lighted Temple, which is the greater Hall of Amenti, where the Seven sit. Man is both body and consciousness, but the consciousness, the flame, must absorb the body, earth.

Only trough striving can wisdom be found, hidden as it is within darkness. And yet, in that darkness, the essence of flame exists and in this is the true wisdom found.

The Kingdom of Shadows was that octave of vibration in which were placed those brought from a lower cosmic cycle when the gateway was opened by man. This was in the Third or Polarian Cycle and the delvers in darkness were men who loved material power rather than to devote their lives to spiritual things. The beings called up were formless, as only the consciousness was brought up and bodies must be formed here.

They, like the elementals, being separated from their own cosmic consciousness and its creative powers, were not able to combine with this cycle because they had not developed its primal curves. Only by the will of man and the extracting of spirit from blood could they take form.

The masters drove most of them back through the lower gateway, but there were some who remained in the place built for them, coming forth only when the name was called, and the blood sacrifice was offered. They took on the apparent form of man, but their actual appearance was the body of man and woman with a serpent head.

They were able to cast a hypnotic glamour around them and appear to assume the features of men. It is this which forms the basis for the belief in the hypnotic powers of the serpent. They assume the forms of leaders who were secretly slain. And gradually, they and the men who called them took over the control of the nations. They had all the appearance of men, but there was one word they were unable to pronounce. This was taught by the masters to man. And it became a law that every man who had office must pronounce this word before the people once each lunar month. If he failed, he was killed. This forced them from place among men and gradually they were forgotten, but some still exist in their own place, unable to enter because man has forgotten the rites which summon them. The word was Kininigen.

The master of either white or black magic may summon them, but only a white master may have the power to control them. They rule trough fear. Conquer fear, and you have gained Light.

Thoth states that he has been to Suntal and even looked within the sixth Dimension. They moved only through angles and never through curves. The projected consciousness which tries to penetrate the sixth dimension will infallibly be attacked by the Hounds of the Barrier. Only by moving through space in circles can you evade the hounds. Only in the circle is protection. Return to the body is of no avail. However, one does not stumble upon them accidently.

Thoth had this experience in the past and it taught him caution. He attempted to pass the gateway, Suntal, and the guardians came at him. He knew the Law of circles and angles and evaded them, returning to his body and completing the protection. The Hounds of the Barrier do not literally devour or destroy the soul but bind it from further manifestation until this cosmic cycle is completed. Then it may combine with the next cosmic consciousness. Even after completing his protection, he must be careful not to approach the sixth dimension in angular movement.

Thoth repeats again and again his warning about movement through curves. He also tells them not to attempt to pass Suntal before the time, for few have succeeded. He also tells how to recognize the Guardians.

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean Tablet IX

The Key of Freedom of Space

List you, O man, hear you my voice,

teaching of Wisdom and Light in this cycle;

teaching you how to banish the darkness,

teaching you how to bring Light in thy life.

Seek you, O man, to find the great pathway

that leads to eternal LIFE as a SUN.

Draw you away from the veil of the darkness.

Seek to become a Light in the world.

Make of yourself a vessel for Light,

a focus for the Sun of this space.

Lift you your eyes to the Cosmos.

Lift you your eyes to the Light.

Speak in the words of the Dweller,

the chant that calls down the Light.

Sing you the song of freedom.

Sing you the song of the Soul.

Create the high vibration

that will make you One with the Whole.

Blend all yourself with the Cosmos.

Grow into ONE with the Light.

Be you a channel of order,

a pathway of LAW to the world.

Your LIGHT, O man, is the great LIGHT,

shining through the shadow of flesh.

Free must you rise from the darkness

before you are One with the LIGHT.

Shadows of darkness surround you.

Life fills you with its flow.

But know, O man, you must arise

and forth your body go

far to the planes that surround you

and yet are One with you, too.

Look all around you, O man.

See your own light reflected.

Yes, even in the darkness around you,

your own Light pours forth through the veil.

Seek you for wisdom always.

Let not your body betray.

Keep in the path of the Light wave.

Shun you the darkened way.

Know you that wisdom is lasting.

Existing since the ALL-SOUL began,

creating harmony from chaos

by the Law that exists in the WAY.

List you, o man, to the teachings of wisdom.

List to the voice that speaks of the past-time.

Yes, I shall tell you knowledge forgotten,

tell you of wisdom hidden in past-time,

lost in the midst of darkness around me.

Know you, man,

you are the ultimate of all things.

Only the knowledge of this is forgotten[1],

lost when man was cast into bondage,

bound and fettered

by the chains of the darkness.

Long, long ago, I cast off my body.

Wandered I free

through the vastness of ether,

circled the angles

that hold man in bondage.

Know you, O man, you are only a spirit.

The body is nothing.

The Soul is ALL.

Let not your body be a fetter.

Cast off the darkness and travel in Light.

Cast off your body, O man, and be free,

truly a Light that is ONE with the Light.

When you are free from the fetters of darkness

and travel in space as the SUN of the LIGHT,

then you shall know that space in not boundless

but truly bounded by angles and curves.

Know you, O man, that all that exists

is only an aspect of greater things yet to come.

Matter is fluid and flows like a stream,

constantly changing from one thing to another.

When you are free from the fetters of darkness

and travel in space as the SUN of the LIGHT,

then you shall know that space is not boundless

but truly bounded by angles and curves.

Know you, O man, that all that exists

is only an aspect of greater things yet to come.

Matter is fluid and flows like a stream,

constantly changing from one thing to another.

All through the ages has knowledge existed;

never been changed, though buried in darkness;

never been lost, though forgotten by man.

Know you that throughout the space

that you dwell in

are others as great as your own,

interlaced through the heart of your matter

yet separate in space of their own.

Once in a time long forgotten,

I THOTH, opened the doorway,

penetrated into other spaces

and learned of the secrets concealed.

Deep in the essence of matter

are many mysteries concealed.

Nine are the interlocked dimensions,

and Nine are the cycles of space.

Nine are the diffusions of consciousness,

and Nine are the worlds within worlds.

Yes, Nine are the Lords of the cycles

that come from above and below.

Space is filled with concealed ones,

for space is divided by time.

Seek you the key to the time-space,

and you shall unlock the gate.

Know you that throughout the time-space

consciousness surely exist.

Though from our knowledge it is hidden,

yet still forever exists.

The key to worlds within you

are found only within.

For man is the gateway of mystery

and the key that is One with the One.

Seek you within the circle.

Use the WORD I shall give.

Open the gateway within you,

and surely you, too, shall live.

Man, you think that you lived,

but know it is life within death.

For as sure as you are bound to your body,

for you no life exists.

Only the Soul is space-free,

has life that is really a life.

All else is only a bondage,

a fetter from which to be free.

Think not that man is earth-born,

though come from the earth he may be.

Man is light-born spirit.

But, without knowing, he can never be free.

Darkness surrounds the light-born.

Darkness fetters the Soul.

Only the one who is seeking

may ever hope to be free.

Shadows around you are falling.

Darkness fills all the space

Shine forth, O LIGHT of the man-soul.

Fill you the darkness of space.

Ye are son of the GREAT LIGHT

Remember and you shall be free.

Stay not you in the shadows.

Spring forth from the darkness of night

Light, let your Soul be, O SUN-BORN,

fill with glory of Light,

Freed from the bonds of the darkness,

a Soul that is One with the Light.

You are the key to all wisdom.

Within you is all time and space.

Live not in bondage to darkness.

Free you, your Light-form from night.

“Great Light that fills all the Cosmos,

flow you fully to man.

Make of his body a light-torch

that shall never be quenched among men.”

Long in the past, sought I wisdom,

knowledge not known to man.

Far to the past, I traveled

into the space where time began.

Sought I ever knew knowledge

to add to the wisdom, I knew.

Yet only, I found, did the future

hold the key to the wisdom I sought.

Down, to the HOLES of AMENTI I journeyed,

the greater knowledge to seek.

Ask of thee, LORDS of the CYCLES,

they way to the wisdom I sought.

Asked the LORDS this question:

“Where is the source of ALL?

Answered, in tones that were mighty,

the voice of the LORD of the NINE:

Free you your soul from your body

and come forth with me to the LIGHT.”

Forth I came from my body,

a glittering flame in the night.

Stood I before the LORD,

bathed in the fire of LIFE.

Seized was I then by a force,

great beyond knowledge of man.

Cast was I to you Abyss

through spaces unknown to man.

Saw I the moldings of Order

from the chaos and angles of night.

Saw I the LIGHT, spring from Order

and heard the voice of the Light.

Saw I the flame of the Abyss,

casting forth Order and Light.

Saw Order spring out of chaos.

Saw Light giving forth Life.

Then heard I the voice.

“Hear you and understand.

The flame is the source of all things[1],

containing all things in potentiality.

The Order that sent forth light is the WORD

and from the WORD COME LIFE

and the existence of all.”

And again, spoke the voice saying:

“THE LIFE in you is the WORD.

Find you the LIFE within you

and have powers to use of the WORD.”

Long I watched the Light-flame,

pouring forth from the Essence of Fire,

realizing that LIFE but Order

and that man is one with the fire.

Back I came to my body

stood again with the Nine,

listened to the voice of the Cycles,

vibrate with powers they spoke:

“Know you, O Thoth,

that LIFE is but the WORD of the FIRE.

The LIFE force you seek before you

is but the WORD in the World as a fire.

Seek you the path to the WORD

and Powers shall surely be yours.”

Then asked I of the Nine:

“O Lord, show me the path.

Give the path to the wisdom.

Show me the way to the WORD.”

Answered, me then, the LORD OF THE NINE:

“Through ORDER, you shall find the way.

Saw you that the WORD came from Chaos?

Saw you not that LIGHT came from FIRE?

Look in your life for this order.

Balance and order your life.

Quell all the Chaos of the emotions

and you shall have order in LIFE.

ORDER brought forth from Chaos

will bring you the WORD of the SOURCE,

will you the power of CYCLES,

and make of your Soul a force that

freewill extend through the ages,

a perfect SUN from the Source.”

Listened I to the voice

and deep thanked the words in my heart.

For ever have I sought for order

that I might draw on the WORD.

Know you that he who attains it

must ever in ORDER be for use

of the WORD though this order

has never and can never be.

Take you these words, O man.

As part of your life, let them be.

Seek you to conquer this order

and One with the WORD you shalt be.

Put forth your effort in gaining LIGHT

on the pathway of Life.

Seek to be One with the SUN-state.

Seek to be solely the LIGHT.

Hold you your thought on the Oneness

of Light with the body of man.

Know that all is Order from Chaos

born into light.

[1] The Flame is the source of Light and the Light is also the source of Flame because they are different aspects of only One Thing.

[1] Thoth is the Recorder, the memory keeper. Memory is life; death is the loss of memory continuity. See note 1.

Emerald Tablet IX (Dr. Doréal interpretation)

The first page consists of commands to seek the Light rather than darkness so that you may realize the Oneness of all things. The command is given to seek for wisdom and not allow the material to hold you back for only wisdom creates harmony.

Even in the time in which Thoth wrote, the wisdom of the ancient races was forgotten among the people who were descendants of the barbarian tribes Thoth found after he left Atlantis.

Man is part of the essence of consciousness, but that knowledge is forgotten by the mass of mankind.

Thoth, through projection of consciousness, realized that consciousness is the ultimate reality and that the body was the fetter which binds man to the physical world. Through experience gained in projection, he learned of curves and angles of space.

Thoth begins to state some of the Laws which were as mysterious to the people of his time as they are today.

That which seems to be the totality of all things is only one facet, one aspect of the jewel of truth.

Matter is fluid insomuch as it is constantly disintegrating to be formed into new combinations. Other spaces spoken of are interlocking worlds, the inner spaces of the fourth dimension and the other dimensions.

The frequency of the number Nine is spoken of as including Nine Lords of Cycles, though we are told only of the Seven. The Nine include the Lords of this cosmic cycle and the one below.

Time-space is spoken of as being full of concealed ones; the concealment being behind the curves of the space-spiral. As consciousness in some form is present in everything, it follows that it must also be in diffusions of past-time-matter.

In and though man alone can the path to other planes be opened.

The circle represents completion of the opening of the channel of force passing through the centers of the body. The Word[1] is the vibration which loosens the power. Only through this can life really be realized.

Man is not material though seeming to be. He id Light, springing from the eternal source and only appearing as a material being. And even materiality is only so in seeming, for in the ultimate the material becomes Light.

Thoth seeks constantly for more wisdom to add to that which he already has.

Thoth journeys to the Halls of Amenti to ask the Lords the question “Where is the source?” He is commanded by the Lord of Nine to free himself from the body, for only in the spirit can this be truly answered. Thoth frees himself from the body and is cast into the abyss literally the great deep – and is there shown the molding of Order from disorder. The Lord of Nine has temporarily harmonized him with the full flow of the Yarkima, and he can see into the I. Yod in the Arech (not translated) and see the creation and forming of a Cosmic Consciousness.

We are shown that the true Word is Order, which changes all disorder into its own likeness. The life in man is a manifestation of Order and therefore a key to The Word. If you can realize the full meaning of the passage, you have the key to the Lost Word.

Life is an expression of the Order which proceeds forth from the absolute fire of the Torch Bearer. We are thus again shown that The Word is Order and Harmony. The path to The Word lies in ordering your life so that chaos is eliminated from it. Man is lost from The Word because he has allowed disorder and chaos to rule his life. Every effort put forth, every conquest of disorder, brings us closer to The Word.

[1] See note 11.

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean Tablet X

The Key of Time

List you, O Man. Take of my wisdom.

Learn of his deep hidden mysteries of space.

Learn of the THOUGHT that grew in the abyss,

bringing Order and Harmony in space.

Know you, O man, that all exists

has being only because of the LAW[1].

Know you the LAW and you shall be free,

never be bound by the fetters of night.

Far, through strange spaces, have I journeyed

into the depth of the abyss of time,

until in the end all was revealed.

Know you that mystery is only mystery

when it is knowledge unknown to man.

When you have plumbed the heart of all mystery,

knowledge and wisdom will surely be yours.

Seek you and learn that TIME is the secret

whereby you may be free of this space.

Long have I, WISDOM, sought wisdom;

yes, and shall seek of eternity's end

for know that ever before me receding

shall move the goal I seek to attain.

Even the LORDS of the CYCLES

know that not yet have THEY reached the goal,

For with all of their wisdom,

they know that TRUTH ever grows.

Once, in a past time, I spoke to the Dweller.

Asked of the mystery of time and space.

Asked him the question that surged in my being, saying:

“O Master, what is time?”

Then to me spoke HE, the Master:

“Know you, O Thoth, in the beginning

there and VOID and nothingness,

a timeless, spaceless, nothingness.

And into the nothingness came a thought,

purposeful, all-pervading,

and It filled the VOID.

There existed no matter, only force,

a movement, a vortex, or vibration

of the purposeful thought

that filled the VOID.”

And I questioned the Master, saying:

“Was this thought eternal?”

And answered me the DWELLER, Saying:

“In the beginning, there was eternal thought,

and for thought to be eternal, time must exist.

So, into the all-pervading thought

grew the LAW of TIME.

Yes, time which exists through all space,

floating in a smooth, rhythmic movement

that is eternally in a state of fixation.

Time changes not,

but all things change in time.

For time is the force

that holds events separate,

each in its own proper place.

Time is not in motion,

but you move through time

as your consciousness

moves from one event to another.

Yes, by time yet exist, all in all,

an eternal ONE existence.

Know you that even though in the time you are separate,

yet still are ONE, in all times existent.”

Ceased then the voice of the DWELLER,

and departed I to ponder on time.

For knew I that in these words lay wisdom

and a way to explore the mysteries of time.

Often did I ponder the words of the DWELLER.

Then sought I to solve the mystery of time.

Found I that time moves through strange angles.

Yet only by curves could I hope to attain the key

that would give me access to the time-space.

Found I that only by moving upward

and yet again by moving to right-ward

could I be free from the time of the movement.

Forth I came from out of my body,

moved in the movements that changed me in time.

Strange were the sights I saw in my journeys,

many the mysteries that opened to view.

Yes, saw I man's beginning,

learned from the past that nothing is new.

Seek you, O man, to learn the pathway

that leads through the spaces

that are formed forth in time.

Forget not, O man, with all of your seeking

that Light is the goal you shall seek to attain.

Search you for the Light on your pathway

and ever for you the goal shall endure.

Let not your heart turn ever to darkness.

light let shine Soul be, a Sun on the way.

Know you that eternal brightness,

you shall ever find your Soul hid in Light,

never fettered by bondage or darkness,

ever it shines forth a Sun of the Light.

Yes, know, though hidden in darkness,

your Soul, a spark of the true flame, exists.

Be you One with the greatest of all Lights.

Find at the SOURCE, the END of your goal.

Light is life, for without the great Light

nothing can ever exist.

Know you, that in all formed matter,

the heart of Light always exists.

Aye, even though bound in the darkness,

inherent Light always exists.

Once I stood in the HALLS OF AMENTI

and heard the voice of the LORDS of AMENTI,

saying in tones that rang through the silence,

words of power, mighty and potent.

Chanted they the song of the cycles,

the words that open the path to beyond.

Yes, I saw the great path opened

and looked for the instant into the beyond.

Saw I the movements of the cycles,

vast as the thought of the SOURCE could convey.

Knew I then even Infinity

is moving on to some unthinkable end.

Saw I that the Cosmos is Order

and part of a movement that extends to all space,

a party of an Order of Orders,

constantly moving in a harmony of space.

Saw I the wheeling of cycles

like vast circles across the sky.

Knew I then that all that has being

is growing to meet yet another being

in a far-off grouping of space and of time.

Knew I then that in Words are power

to open the planes that are hidden from man.

Yes, that even in Words lies hidden the key

that will open above and below.

Hark you, now man, this word I leave with you.

Use it and you shall find power in its sound.

Say you the word: "ZIN-URU"[1]

and power you shall find.

Yet must you understand that man is of Light

and Light is of man.

List you, O man, and hear a mystery

stranger than all that lies beneath the Sun.

Know you, O man, that all space

is filled by worlds within worlds;

yes, one within the other yet separate by Law.

Once in my search for deep buried wisdom,

I opened the door that bars THEM from man.

Called I from the other planes of being,

one who was fairer than the daughters of men.

Yes, I called her from out of the spaces,

to shine as a Light in the world of men.

Used I the drum of the Serpent.

Wore I the robe of the purple and gold.

Placed on my head, I, the crown of Silver.

Around me the circle of cinnabar shone.

Raised I my arms and cried the invocation

that opens the path to the planes beyond,

cried to the LORDS of the SIGNS in their houses:

“Lords of the two horizons,

watchers of the treble gates,

stand you One at the right and One at the left

as the STAR rises to his throne

and rules over his sign.

Yes, you dark prince of ARULU,

open the gates of the dim, hidden land

and release her whom you keep imprisoned.

Hear you, hear you, hear you,

dark Lords and Shining Ones,

and by their secret names,

names which I know and can pronounce,

year you and obey my will.”

Lit I then with flame my circle

and called HER

in the space-planes beyond.

Daughter of Light return from ARULU.

Seven times and seven times

have I passed through the fire.

Food have I not eaten.

Water have I not drunk.

I call you from ARULU,

from the realms of EKERSHEGAL[1].

I summon you, lady of Light.

Then before me rose the dark figures;

yes, the figures of the Lords of Arulu.

Parted they before me

and forth came the Lady of Light[1].

Free was she now from the LORDS of the night,

free to live in the Light of the earth Sun,

free to live as a child of the Light.

Hear you and listen, O my children.

Magic is knowledge and only is Law.

Be not afraid of the power within you

for it follows Law as the stars in the sky.

Know you that to be without knowledge,

wisdom is magic and not of the Law.

But know you that ever you by your knowledge

can approach closer to a place in the Sun.

List you, my children, follow my teaching.

Be you ever seeker of Light.

Shine in the world of men all around you,

a Light on the path that shall shine among men.

Follow you and learn of my magic.

Know that all force is your if you wilt.

Fear not the path that leads you to knowledge,

but rather shun you the dark road.

Light is thine, O man, for the taking.

Cast off the fetters and you shalt be free.

Know you that they Soul is living in bondage

fettered by fears that hold you in thrall.

Open thy eyes and see the great SUN-LIGHT.

Be not afraid for all is your own.

Fear[1] is the LORD of the dark ARULU

to he who never faced the dark fear.

Yes, know that fear has existence

created by those who are bound by their fears.

Shake off your bondage, O children,

and walk in the Light of the glorious day.

Never turn they thoughts to the darkness

and surely you shall be One with the Light[1].

Man is only what he believes,

a brother of darkness or a child of the Light.

Come though into the Light my Children.

Walk in the pathway that lead to the Sun.

Hark you now, and list to the wisdom.

Use you the word I have given unto you.

Use it and surely though shalt find power and wisdom

and Light to walk in the way.

Seek you and find the key I have given

and ever shalt you be a Child of the Light.

[1] You are One with the Light, but you lost this understanding by experiencing the bondage of matter. Our thoughts based on sensing matter give us a wrong perception that builds out our imperfect beliefs.

[1] Fear is the forgetfulness of the unity of the One, is the lack of knowledge that been One we have power over everything.

[1] Could The Lady of Light been a designation of the goddess Inanna? Inanna was associated with the planet Venus and thereby probably with the Venusian cycle of humanity (see page 11).

[1] Ekershegal is here the Sumerian goddess Ereskhigal, goddess of the dark and deep underground land named the Kur, designated here by Arulu?

[1] Zin-Uru is a word of power. See notes 11 and 24.

[1] The Law is the hidden structure of the Cosmic Creation; this structure is the real framework of reality. The Egyptian concept of Maat stands for Order, Justice and Truth/Reality.

Emerald Tablet X (Dr. Doréal interpretation)

The thought which grew in the abyss was the first expression of activity and movement. Without Law, which is Order, nothing could exist in form.

Time, the great secret, is a key to freedom, for when man conquers time, he has also conquered death.

The infinite jewel of truth can never be fully read for truth brings forth extensions of itself; and as one truth is mastered, other truths appear.

Thoth questions the Dweller about time and space, and the Dweller tells him of the beginning of all things in the great void.

He tells him of thought which sprang into being and is questioned as to thought being eternal. The answer of the Dweller is so plain as to need little amplification to those who have studied the sixth and seventh grades of the Brotherhood College Work.

Thoth finds that time is angular in movement yet being within curved walls. And to penetrate into past time, the consciousness must be moved in curves starting in the pineal; the same exercise given earlier.

Thoth mastered time and was able to move backward and forward in time seeing strange sights and learning from sight man’s beginning.

Thot again exhorts man to seek for Light for only thus can they know their own soul. He also tells that in all matter Light or consciousness exists though not always conscious consciousness.

Thoth tells of his wonderful experience in Amenti when the Lords opened the path to their own cycles and allowed him to see with his own eyes that which exists beyond. From this, Thoth learned that progression and Order are the same in all cosmic cycles and that all are working in harmony toward the same end.

Thoth was able to see the purpose behind the pushing out into space of cosmic cycles and with the Lord of Nine could feel the drawing together of the extensions of the different I. Yods. He learned that in words, which are examples of vibration, lie the key to the opening of spaces and even cycles. He gives a vibration word which is the Key of Life.

He speaks of interlocking worlds and spaces set apart from the one in which we dwell, each of these filled with manifestations of consciousness. He then relates a wonderful experience of calling from within the sixth dimension one who had been imprisoned by the Lords of Arulu (not translated).

She was one who, when we occupied the past cosmic cycle, attempted to come into this cosmic cycle and failed and was imprisoned by the Lords of Arulu. Thoth, through his knowledge opens the gateway and calls forth this imprisoned consciousness.

He commands the Lords to release her and by their secret names forces obedience. She then again becomes a part of this consciousness of which she once before [was a part].

He states that knowledge is called magic by the ignorant and tells them not to be afraid for all is manifestation of Law. Everyone has the force if he knows how to use it, but few have the knowledge.

Those who fear the unknown make that fear a living thing. All fears of mankind have their source in the Dark Lords. Conquer fear and be free. Man makes himself, according to his thought, a being of Light or one of darkness.

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean Tablet XI

The Key to Above and Below

Hear you and list you,

O children of Khem,

to the words that I give

that shall bring you to the Light.

You know, O men,

that I knew your fathers,

yes, your fathers in a time long ago.

Deathless have I been through all the ages,

living among you

since your knowledge began.

Leading you upward

to the Light of the Great Soul

have I ever striven,

drawing you from out of the darkness of night.

Know you, O people amongst whom I walk,

that I, Thoth, have all of the knowledge

and all of the wisdom

known to man since the ancient days.

Keeper have I been

of the secrets of the great race,

holder of the key that leads into life.

Bringer up have I been to you, O my children,

even from the darkness of the Ancient of Days.

List you now to the words of my wisdom.

List you now to the message I bring.

Hear you now the words I give you, and

you shall be raised from the darkness to Light.

Far in the past, when first I came to you,

found I you in caves of rocks.

Lifted I you by my power and wisdom

until you did shine as men among men.

Yes, found I you without any knowing.

Only a little were you raised beyond beasts.

Fanned I ever the spark of your consciousness

until at last you flamed as men.

Now shall I speak to you knowledge ancient

beyond the thought of your race.

Know you that we of the Great Race[1]

had and have knowledge that is more than man's.

Wisdom we gained from the star-born races,

wisdom and knowledge far beyond man.

Down to us had descended the masters of wisdom

as far beyond us as I am from you.

List you now while I give you wisdom.

Use it and free you shalt be.

Know you that in the pyramid I builded

are the Keys that shall show you the Way into life.

Yes, draw you a line

from the great image I builded,

to the apex of the pyramid, built as a gateway.

Draw you another opposite

in the same angle and direction.

Dig you and find that which I have hidden.

There shall you find the underground entrance

to the secrets hidden before you were men.

Tell you I now of the mystery of cycles

that move in movements

that are strange to the finite,

for infinite are they beyond knowledge of man.

Know you that there are nine of the cycles;

yes, nine above and fourteen below,

moving in harmony to the place of joining

that shall exist in the future of time.

Know you that the Lords of the Cycles

are units of consciousness

sent from the others

to unify This with the All.

Highest are They

of the consciousness of all the Cycles,

working in harmony with the Law.

Know They that in time all will be perfected,

having none above and none below,

but all One in a perfected Infinity,

a harmony of all in the Oneness of All.

Deep beneath the Earth surface

in the Halls of Amenti

sit the Seven, the Lords of the Cycles,

yes, and another, the Lord from below.

Yet know you that in Infinity

there is neither above nor below.

But ever there is and ever shall be

Oneness of All when all is complete.

Often have I stood before the Lords of the All.

Often at the fount of their wisdom have drunken

and filled both my body and Soul with their Light.

Spoke they to me and told me of cycles

and the Law that gives them the means to exist.

Yes, spoke to me the Lord of the Nine saying:

“O, Thoth, great are you among Earth children,

but mysteries exist of which you know not.

You know that you came from a space-time below this

and know you shall travel to a space-time beyond[1].

But little you know of the mysteries within them,

little you know of the wisdom beyond.

Know you that you as a whole in this consciousness

are only a cell in the process of growth.

The consciousness below you is ever-expanding

in different ways from those known to you.

Yes, it, though in space-time below you,

is ever growing in ways that are different

from those that were part of the ways of your own.

For know that it grows as a result of your growth

but not in the same way that you did grow.

The growth that you had and have in the present

have brought into being a cause and effect.

No consciousness follows the path of those before it,

else all would be repetition and vain.

Each consciousness in the cycle it exists in

follows its own path to the ultimate goal.

Each plays its part in the Plan of the Cosmos.

Each plays its part in the ultimate end.

The farther the cycle, the greater its knowledge

and ability to blend the Law of the whole

Know you, that you in the cycles below us

are working the minor parts of the Law,

while we of the cycle that extends to Infinity

take of the striving and build greater Law.

Each has his own part to play in the cycles.

Each has his work to complete in his way.

The cycle below you is yet not below you

but only formed for a need that exists.

For know you that the fountain of wisdom

that sends forth the cycles

is eternally seeking new powers to gain.

You know that knowledge is gained only by practice,

and wisdom comes forth only from knowledge,

and thus are the cycles created by Law.

Means are they for the gaining of knowledge

for the Plane of Law that is the Source of the All.

The cycle below is not truly below

but only different in space and in time.

The consciousness there is working and testing

lesser things than those you are.

And know, just as you are working on greater,

so above you are those who are also working

as you are on yet other laws.

The difference that exists between the cycles

is only in ability to work with the Law.

We, who have being in cycles beyond you,

are those who first came forth from the Source

and have in the passage through time-space

gained ability to use Laws of the Greater

that are far beyond the conception of man.

Nothing there is that is really below you

but only a different operation of Law.

Look you above or look you below,

the same shall you find.

For all is but part of the Oneness

that is at the Source of the Law.

The consciousness below you is part your own

as we are a part of yours.

You, as a child had not the knowledge

that came to you when you became a man.

Compare you the cycles to man in his journey

from birth unto death,

and see in the cycle below you

the child with the knowledge he has;

and see you yourself as the child grown older,

advancing in knowledge as time passes on.

See you, We, also, the child grown to manhood

with the knowledge and wisdom

that came with the years.

So also, O Thoth, are the cycles of consciousness,

children in different stages of growth,

yet all from the one Source, the Wisdom,

and all to the Wisdom returning again.”

Ceased then He from speaking

and sat in the silence that comes to the Lords.

Then again spoke He unto me, saying:

“O Thoth, long have We sat in Amenti,

guarding the flame of life in the Halls.

Yet know, we are still part of our

Cycles with our Vision reaching unto them and beyond.

Yes, know we that of all, nothing else matters

excepting the growth, we can gain with our Soul.

Know we the flesh is fleeting.

The things men count great are nothing to us.

The things we seek are not of the body

but are only the perfected state of the Soul.

When you as men can learn that nothing

but progress of Soul can count in the end,

then truly you are free from all bondage,

free to work in a harmony of Law.

Know, O man, you should aim at perfection[1],

for only thus can you attain to the goal.

Though you should know that nothing is perfect,

yet it should be your aim and your goal.”

Ceased again the voice of the Nine,

and into my consciousness the words had sunk.

Now, seek I ever more wisdom

that I may be perfect in Law with the All.

Soon go I down to the Halls of Amenti

to live beneath the cold flower of life.

You whom I have taught shall nevermore see me.

Yet live I forever in the wisdom I taught.

All that man is, is because of his wisdom.

All that he shall be is the result of his cause.

List you, now to my voice and become

greater than common man.

Lift your eyes upward,

let Light fill your being,

be you ever Children of Light.

Only by effort shall you grow upward

to the plane where Light is the All of the All.

Be you the master of all that surrounds you.

Never be mastered by the effects of your life.

Create then ever more perfect causes

and in time shalt you be a Sun of the Light

Free, let your soul soar ever upward,

free from the bondage and fetters of night.

Lift your eyes to the Sun in the sky-space.

For you, let it be a symbol of life.

Know that you are the Greater Light,

perfect in your own sphere, when you are free.

Look not ever into the blackness.

Lift up your eyes to the space above.

Free let your Light flame upward

and shalt you be a Child of the Light.

[1] Perfection is the right adequation to the cosmic structure, the framework of Reality. Existence is always growing and so perfection is always in a state of eternal development and so cannot be attained unless you realized the unity with the All.

[1] The Nine Cycles below and the Nine above. In progressing “upward” trough cycles the ability to work with the Law is also improving, motivated by the continuous crescendo of consciousness and wisdom.

[1] The Great Race an allusion to the Children of Light the Star People of the Anunnaki?

Emerald Tablet XI (Dr. Doréal interpretation)

Thoth tells men of his time about the ages they and their ancestors have known him, and this alone should have been enough to make them realize his power. He reminds them that he has been the keeper of the mysteries of past ages and has brought them from savagery to Light. He tells them that he is now going to reveal some of the elder mysteries revealed to him and his ancestors by the Children of Light and the Lords of the Cycles.

Thoth tells them how a way may be formed to open the gateway to the Halls of Amenti. Drawing a line in a geometrical angle from the Sphinx, the key to opening the secret chamber beneath the pyramid may be found.

The cycles Thoth speaks of are the cosmic cycles from the positive side of this Arech and the negative side of the other Arech toward we are moving. The negative side of this and the positive side of the other each have fourteen cosmic cycles. The Lords of the Cycles are the central All of each Cosmic Consciousness. They know the eventual perfections of all.

For the first time, Thoth mentions the Lord from below, i.e., the lower cosmic cycle. Each Cosmic Consciousness thus has its representative in all cosmic cycles.

Thoth is told by the Lord of Nine that though he is great and on with the Cosmic Consciousness, there are mysteries of which he as yet does not know.

Thoth is told that though he knows much yet hidden within each Cosmic Consciousness are things he will not fully know until all become One.

The expansion of each consciousness is different for each is performing a different part in the infinite plan. Each supplements the other so that the growth of each one reacts upon the other. One is just as necessary as the other though some can perform greater tasks.

There is no real above or below for these are comparative terms. The Cosmic Consciousness are the means through which the Torch Bearer changes disorder and chaos to Order and Law. Each works in its own space fulfilling necessary functions. And the lower cosmic cycles is just as important in the great plan as the highest. The higher cosmic cycles are merely of greater ability. All Cosmic Consciousness are One in the final analysis, just as all units of soul are One in the Cosmic Consciousness.

The difference in ability of the higher and lower Cosmic Consciousness is compared with to the boy and man. Thoth is truly giving an example of the microcosm and Macrocosm: As Above, So Below.

The Lords, though manifesting in Amenti, are yet connected with and a part of their own cosmic cycle. Their purpose in manifesting in cosmic cycles other than their own is for the purpose of aiding certain growths in the soul of man and transmitting the results to their own Cosmic Consciousness, thus laying the foundation for the quality of the disorder allowed to flow to each cosmic cycle.

Perfection would be the goal, though we should always realize that perfection is receding in direct proportion to our own growth. What today seems perfection, tomorrow will be imperfection, for we know that perfection is not yet realized even in the Torch Bearer.

Thoth says that even now [as] he goes to Amenti yet will live [he] with them in the truth he has thought, almost the same as the sayings of Jesus. He gives the injunctions for them to turn all effort toward becoming one with the Light.

Thoth concludes the tablet with the command to lift their eyes to the Sun and break free from darkness.

Credits to Nuno Barbieri for giving us all this information.

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